
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 04:21 PM

After the busy day, Naam found herself moving through her maze-like home, but she found she didn't wish to linger in the trees. Instead, she headed north, to the coast. There was a secret on the shore that Naamah had loved since she was a child. There was no rush to reach her destination, only an excitement that made her seem to float across the terrain. She needed the sun to be down anyway if she was to truly enjoy the beach. Even though it was cold, Naamah didn't mind, she was that eager to see the lights.

When she finally arrived on the coast, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, and Naamah found her black tail waving excitedly as she suddenly took flight down the last sand dune and toward the waiting surf. She was careful to keep out of the water, knowing just how cruel the ocean could truly be. Dancing sideways as the waves came for her, and stamping in the damp, illuminating sand as she chased the ocean away. It was as though they were old friends, but also bitter rivals who couldn't get along. It did not subtract from the beauty of seeing the dark woman play, her every step illuminated by the lights of the ocean. There was laughter as she kicked out a paw, waiting for the surf to approach her before she smacked her paw down to send a spray of shining, lit-up green water. To anyone who was unfamiliar with the beach, it would seem like she had some sort of power to make light. Unless the wolf who happened upon her got their paws wet, they wouldn't know.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think / "You." Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 04:53 PM

Amon had spent the majority of his day wading along the shallows of the coast. Auster had proven to be bountiful beyond his initial assumptions, and learning the intricacies of the regions he traversed had been rewarding, and after treating himself to a hearty lunch of fish (and one rather unfortunate crab) he was content to seek out his children. As the sun sank, he paused to enjoy the magnificent display of color that leached out both in the sky and across the surface of the waves.

Of course, it was nothing compared to when the sun had set.

As the waves rolled against the shore, the motion seemed to stir something within them. Where the water crashed with the sand brilliant blooms of light began to blossom. Struck, and somewhat confused, Amon would wade into their depths. He found his own path through the waves could produce even greater intensity, and he was surprised to find himself humbled by the mystic display. What on earth was this? To further his surprise, in the distance he caught site of a familiar form. He watched for a time, undetected, as the shadowy woman lost herself in play on the beach.

Amon was uncertain what to make of this frivolous display. He had not been moved to the same pup-like action, but he had a hard time imagining a younger wolf would you not be intrigued by the phenomena. He strode forward, powerful paces leaving swaths of blue-green illumination in his wake. "This realm is full of surprises," he called out once he believed he was close enough to be heard. He wondered if she would be embarrassed to be caught at play. He imagined she thought she was alone. His tone remained level, the only trace of amusement in him emerging in the form of a subtle glittering in his deep turquoise eyes.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-18-2017, 05:44 PM

Deep, rolling tones like thunder washed over her ears as if he had been right beside her, shocking her to her core. She hadn't realized anyone else had been around, and perhaps that was her fault for not looking. Her antics stilled and she whirled around to face Amon, his signature baritone having found a place within her memory. There was no guilt, only a mild embarrassment that she did her best to conceal. Lilith was rolling with laughter inside her mind, delighted beyond reason that the shadowy male had caught them at their most innocent.  She cleared her throat and righted her surprised body language, morphing once more to a woman of refinement and poise. "This one is favorite for me, I play here since I was child." She could see the amusement in his brilliantly blue gaze, and she thanked him silently for not making her embarrassment grow by pointing out how foolish playing with water was. "How is you keep finding me?" She asks, her voice light but suspicious even as she gives him a smile and a playful narrowing of her mismatched ruby eyes.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think / "You." Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-19-2017, 12:21 PM

His presence clearly surprised the woman, but she had the grace the mask in. Amon could not keep a bemused grin from curling onto his lips. He could not imagine being in her place (as he would never act in such a frivolous manner nor risk being caught if the impulse ever did strike him) but he would allow her to save face and not comment on it further. She claimed this was a favorite place of hers since she was a pup. Amon wondered what his children would have done if he'd brought them here at a young age. He could see the appeal of returning to relive those memories. "Perhaps I will bring my own children here. I know several would be especially fascinated by whatever is causing this strange phenomena." He looked down at where the water met and swirled around his legs, and the glow that blossomed there. Lilith in particular came to mind.

Naamah broke him away from his thoughts, asking how he kept finding her. "I might ask you the same thing," he rumbled, baritone voice playing around the words, just the slightest tinge of insinuation that in fact she was the one keeping close... Even if it had been him who initiated this meeting. True enough, he did not have to greet her. He could have turned away and disappeared into the night and she would have been none the wiser. Instead he shrugged his massive shoulders and dismissed the notion entirely. "I have no control over the winds of chance. They blow us where they will." He would chalk it up to nothing more than a string of luck. Whether it was good luck or bad luck had yet to be determined.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-21-2017, 09:17 PM

The way his face seemed to lighten just a little with his grin, would have had her blushing if she wasn't already so...vulnerable. One ear twisted back, but returned as soon as he spoke. Unsurprisingly, the male had children and wanted to bring them here. How old were they? Her mind danced with shadows as flashes of the grey and white female he had called Astaroth, and she wondered how many other so-called children he possessed. "How many is your family? I have knowing of your daughter, and now sister. What of others?" A smile finally curled her lips and she watched him as he responded to the second half of her earlier questions.

He wasn't following her, and he blamed chance. Lilith purred out a laugh in the back of Naamah's head, Quid ergo faciant? The dark entity gave an echoing, mocking bout of laughter, Est autem differentia inter casus et fortuna. Fortuna temere ante fato est semita quasi spolium. Hoc non est casu. Hoc posset esse sors. Naamah happened to agree with the woman. She would say as much, though she didn't want Amon to think less of her. It was a dilemma she hadn't faced before. How did one manage this kind of thing?

"Fate is better to call it. Chance implies too much freedom. Perhaps, there is none for us. I always fight this, but if it led to such a "friend" as you, who am I to question, eh?" She was rather proud of herself, her common tongue seemed to be improving daily. Maybe if she hung around the common wolves she could learn it better, but that would be tedious and would eventually feel like she was doing missionary work. A smile broke her jaw, and one could see the mischievous glint in her eyes. What was she going to do?

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-23-2017, 11:03 AM

Naamah seemed oddly affect by him today, and while it did not escape the shadowy brute's notice, he did not feel and strong need to comment on this either. Just as her play in the water interested him, he was more the sort to sit back and gather information before making a judgement. What had her in such an unusually light mood? She asked about his family, as he might have expected. His daughter and sister were prone to making impressions, and personally he was just glad to see that none of their 'impressions' so far had led to bloodshed, as was so often the case. He laughed under his breath and his eyes tilted skyward as he tried to recall. Well, he had his five children and three litter mates still in the world of the living. Older siblings and younger siblings he could not count, as his father had been a virile man more concerned with producing Abraxas than ensuring they operated as a family unit. "Many," he said at last. "Five children and three littermates of my own, and then many others."

His thoughts wandered to Adramalech and Anamalech, and his sister's pup. He knew that bit of family was in Boreas, or at least had been the last he'd seen of them, though they had not been in contact since his ill-fated meeting with the little brat a few weeks back. As for the others? Who knew. She drew him out of these thoughts with a mention of fate, and the idea that this concept might have led to their friendship. Friendship. The word rankled him, as he had no need or use for friends, but Naamah voice it with such an inflection that made him wonder if perhaps she did not view the concept in a similar way. "I prefer to think that we choose our own path," he said in a low, thoughtful voice. He could not reconcile his path being laid before him, he with no choice but to walk. Who would control it? The gods who damned him here? He envisioned himself being led in endless circles. He chuckled again, though this was dry and bore a malicious edge. "Or rather, I am determined to forge my own. I, nor any of my kin, will be led about like slaves."

He paused to take a breath, but it struck him that Naamah might take it as a refusal of 'friendship,' and while he denied the concept in it's traditional sense, the calm familiarity the two of them now had was... pleasant. He looked at her again and in a calmer voice said, "I walked to you because I wanted to, and for no reason but that." He felt as though he had a good understanding of the woman now, or at least that he had sense enough of her that he could approve of her presence in his small circle of associates. Pyre seemed to approve of the woman as well, as much as his sister was capable of doing. As always, in the back of his mind, he thought of the future. She was strong and capable, and had shown intelligence thus far. Yes, this was not the sort of female he would oust from his life without a second thought. He would bide his time, and see where things went in the in-between.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-29-2017, 02:42 PM

OOC: Sorry it sucks D: v_v

Always the dark male seemed to be a supply of endless entertainment. His responses to her were smart and matter-of-fact, something that Naamah painted him in an authoritative position with. With her cheshire grin, the dark woman moved closer, to hear him better over the surf. He was honest with her, and there was certainly no pretending with him. His family was a large one, Naamah had no living family left, which was mostly Lilith's fault. A large family was good, provided everyone could work together and not let ego get in the way. It seemed the three she had met were ripe with egotistical machismo. She could only imagine the family discussions.

She listened to all he had to say, his words and dark chuckles bringing another smile to her face. "It is easy to see you do. What makes you walk to me, I have seen too many times of you for it to be random. You want to? Why?" Her mismatched rubies glimmered in the deepening twilight, curiosity shining in their depths. There was suspicion as well, but it was not strong. Naamah and Lilith both wanted to know why the male kept coming back around to her when most ran away. Her tone retained respect, and they were soft, lilting with her accent. She watched the reactions that might play across his face, her eyes meeting the glacial depths of his own. There was no smile, and her face was left carefully blank.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-29-2017, 08:11 PM

Naamah seemed accepting, if vaguely amused, by his short rant. It rankled the behemoth, but he forced the emotion down. Some reasonable portion of his mind insisted that the woman would be of use. To say that he had not considered her as a future broodmother would be a flat out lie, even if he had not given the notion serious consideration... yet. Naamah seemed fit to press the issue. "What makes you walk to me," she asked. He hummed, a habit which belied a convoluted train of thought. He had no great urge to make his public his machinations, but she was a quick witted woman and he knew he shouldn't be surprised that she had honed in on a present, if under developed, intent.

He cocked a brow. "To be frank, I find you tolerable. I do not make a habit of sullying myself with the company of most natives of these lands. Their presence is irritating at best, and enraging more often than not." He paused, unable to restrain a derisive sniff. The very idea... Amon forced himself back on track. Had the time come to begin pressing his case? He did not pay much heed to the line between honesty and honest manipulation. If sweet words would see him to his goal, well... "I admire your strength and wit, something sorely lacking in most. It is obvious you have a noble lineage, and why should I endure the company of lesser creatures when I could wile the days away with you instead?" It seemed obvious enough, and nothing he said was necessarily a lie. He simply voiced his thoughts, where instead they might have remained hidden away. Yes, he decided at last. She would bear healthy, strong pups. There is no harm in the attempt, he mused to himself, wondering how she might take the praise.

He maintained a regal, somewhat aloof bearing through it all. He did want want to place inflection on the words which might believe her to believe she was important to him. If she proved unsuitable he would simply find another. For now, Naamah seemed the best bet and he supposed he ought to pursue her as such... And he would begrudgingly admit she was pleasant company. At least, she had yet to irritate him. And after all, it would not be long before he set his children loose to seek their own pursuits, not long before they were looking to bear children of their own. It was time to begin looking to the distant future once again.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-04-2017, 09:00 PM

She listened to what he said, though there was one part that stuck in her mind more than the other points that he made. Naamah was not surprised by the admission, but she suspected that his motives went a bit deeper than what he had confessed. His words rang true, but the fact that he had seen fit to down grade it to finding her tolerable. She held her tongue for now, and she was rewarded with a deeper admission that what she had expected. Lilith purred with satisfaction in the dark woman's mind, curling around the edges of her consciousness as he confessed admiration. The entity soaked it up like a starving desert cactus and feasted upon his compliments, taking them for what they were. The dark shadow spoke, Naamah listening to the mental message. "Qui dicit exclamatio admirationis et vindicat solus ut insolescat nobis." There was a smokey chuckle from the back of Naamah's mind, and the woman spoke with her personal demon as she weighed Amon's words. Vos autem carissimi dextris meis. Her eyes came back to meet the turquoise of the male's gaze, and her dark paws brought her closer still to him until she was a paw-swipe away. She sat searching his face, the white around her eyes making her expression that much more readable. Naamah was on to him.

With a smirk, Naamah flicked her tail and covered her paws as she sat down in the sands of the oddly lit shore. Light surrounded her rump and there was a suggestive flash in her eyes. "I also be picking my contacts careful. I habet no use for the simple wolf. Only tolerate me? I am sure it is more, but there will be none of the pressing for me. Only tolerate...bah! You eyes show fire, shadow god. Voco estis de. If it is a day you wish, accipite illum." She smiled, her tone a tad flirtatious as she spoke, and a bit huskier than usual. Winter was nearing, and the male before her seemed to be just what she and Lilith wanted. Autumn was a time to play and build relationships and perhaps even partnerships eventually. Provided the male retained his strength and dominant aura, Naamah would be willing to consider him. She looked him over, as she had done before, though there was a slow smile that formed on her mischievous face. There was a softly spoken challenge, it was not so subtle, though he may not understand her words, there was enough in her tone to get the point across.

If he wanted her, he had only to take her as his own. She would not make it easy on him, and she would show her strength if he wanted. He interested her, and she was hoping there would be a strong male to help her further a dying family line around somewhere. Lilith growled her agreement and Naamah mentally laughed. Yes, Amon would do nicely.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-08-2017, 10:07 PM

Naamah seemed keen to press her point. Amon did not mind, finding as much interest in her strange, lilting accent as interesting as her words. He was patient as she expressed her view of things. She suspected there was more behind her words, and he did not begrudge her seeing through his thin facade. He was not particularly concerned with keeping her out of the loop, but he did not feel her had enough information to entirely press his case. He continued to evade, and she seemed fit to do the same. "Your eyes show fire, shadow god," she said, and he rumbled in approval. He was a vain, vain man and her words kindled his pride. She had a keen sense, indeed.

"A day, an evening, what's the difference?" he hummed. He pressed forward, striding just past her right flank, but did not pause. Around him the phosphorescence swirled and churned, casting a vibrant blue-green light on his underside and setting his teal eyes ablaze. He imaged there was indeed fire in their depths. "Care to walk a ways?" The moment was charged with an electric energy, as if thunder were fit to roll out in the space between their thoughts. His every sense had attuned to the woman, knowing a unique game of wits and poise had likely just begun.

Neither was anything remotely kin to subservient, and as such he doubted she was any more keen to relinquish even a hair of power or dignity. Well, he supposed time would tell. He cast a quick glance over his shoulder to see if the woman followed him. "I was wondering if you might like to hear a story about my family," he purred, voice as low as distant thunder of a summer storm. He would not conceal his true nature a moment longer. If they were to carry on in this manner, she ought to know the truth of the matter... and what he would expect of her.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-09-2017, 08:02 PM

His dark, rumbling purr reminded her of a jungle cat ready to spring. Her eyes came alight as he neared and brushed passed her, a sensation like no other sizzling over her and making her turn to watch as he lit up with the same blue that he held in his eyes. Those eyes now seemed to carry a true and dark flame within them as he spoke, his voice not unlike thunder on a warm day. She could imagine those tones clapping loudly and ringing the ears of whatever poor wretch decided to piss him off, and she found herself smiling at the thought of his anger. Naamah perked her black ears to listen over the incessant roar of the sea, his deep, humming tones repeating themselves over and over within her mind. 'A day, an evening, what's the difference?' He asked as he waltzed by her, causing a rather girlish giggle to erupt from her as she grew positively delighted by his ease with their banter. Her black flag flicks as she turns to follow his motions, his voice beckoning her for a walk, her head tilts a little and she dips the tip of her nose ever so slightly in acquiescence. "Et glorificatus am honored." Naamah moves to prepare for a walk, waiting for him to move with her as they started what could possibly end up as a dance of sorts.

'I was wondering if you might like to hear a story about my family,' he asked in those wonderfully deep tones. "You family holds much interest to me, yes, tell you story." Her voice lilts more, this time she doesn't bother to hold back the light of excitement from her mismatched gaze. It was an odd feeling, to know she could open up to this male, but she felt he might do the same. Subconsciously she was holding her breath as she waited eagerly for his story, a stroke of fortune for the man that he had caught her in such an easy mood. She was rarely so open, but there was no other soul on the beach, stars were beginning to come out and the sky was darkening. Night was coming for them, and Naamah could only imagine what could happen when the sun sank fully beyond the horizon.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-10-2017, 07:10 PM

Amon appreciated the reactions he could elicit from the woman. Naamah was normally rather collected, but it seemed he had caught her in a good mood. She let loose a tinkering laugh and turned to face him, following just a step behind at his side. What he might find irritating in a more average fae, somehow the face that a woman as power as Naamah could exhibit such girlish mannerisms intrigued him. He was learning what buttons to press to elicit what reactions he wished. She claimed to be very interested in his family indeed, so Amon let out a long breath, smile curling at the edges of his mouth, and wondered where to begin.

"Not to bore you with religion," he started, "But it has rather a lot to do with the gods." He looked over to her to gauge her reaction in this, before pressing on. "Many eons ago, the heavens had many gods to oversee the world, but there sat one god above the others to rule them. He was mighty and fierce, and stern. In time his cold leadership distanced the lesser gods from him, and together they staged a coup." Anger colored his words, true emotion that showed he did genuinely believe every word that he said. "It was a long, bloody battle, the course of which unleashed all manner of demons and evil into the world. At long last, the traitors overthrew him, stripped him of his power, and cast him down to live as a mortal. He lived to his final days with one burning passion: That he would return. Well, unfortunately age was not something he had considered, and soon passed his purpose on to his son who passed it on to his. Ages of godly blood have been passed along with that purpose. My father passed it on to me, and I to my children. Our line is few, but strong. We do not tolerate weakness, nor those ill fit to stand in our presence. One day this land will tremble beneath us, our full power realized. The mortal scum who walk this land ought to tremble before us, and one day... they will. We will go back." His voice had grown misty, and distant, utterly entranced by the picture painted many a moon ago in his young mind. It was not the most thorough of telling, but it would have to do.

Amon refocused. He began to wrap the narrative back around, ensuring Naamah knew exactly why this made her so unique in his eyes. "I wondered if you might have some of his blood yourself, or mayhaps one of his demon generals, perhaps from another distant line. It is not so easy to find those with the bearing of noble blood, but I always know it when I do" he said matter-of-factually. There was something about this female that had entranced him, captivated his interest in a way that made the man wholly focused on her and her alone. Typically he would be courting several females at once but he had yet to find anything resembling competition for this shadowy goddess. He paused, graciously giving her time to reply, eager for whatever she might say.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-11-2017, 10:17 PM

There was a subtle dilation to her pupils as Amon drew his breath to tell her about his family, Lilith was making her presence known without alerting the other to the change in personality. They were really much the same, although Lilith was much more savage and fierce. Her claim had always been that she was a deity of death when she spoke in her smokey whispers to Naamah in the early days of their life, her full story told once Naamah realized it was not some inner conscience that talked to her inside her head. The darker entity listened intently as he told his version of her story, flashes like memories laying like thick blankets over Naamah's mind. The feel of falling, what her magnificent king looked like as he fought and fell. A deep rumbling purr of approval escapes the dark lady at his side, and she gives a knowing smile when he looks at her. She dared not interrupt, Lilith gave the warning to Naamah silently, and when he said his peace she gave a subtle growl and a larger grin.

Lilith spoke, her voice retaining the same smoke and whiskey quality it held within Naamah's head. It was not so different from her host's voice, only subtly deeper and a bit richer in accent. Her pupils had expanded to leave only narrow slivers of mismatched red around them to tell Amon that something had shifted. Her very aura seemed to change, radiating power and danger as she came shoulder to shoulder with the wolf who held claim over such a prestigious bloodline. "You feel it, like I do. All of you family holds this feeling. I am thinking I am special in mine. I kill my sister and brothers, they were not allowed near Mother. I smother them, when I was born third. Mother encouraged this, said only pure were allowed life. Our story was lost to us, but I am knowing of some story of falling and war," she eyes him for a moment, watching him and gauging his reactions to her. There was a war within her for that brief second when she paused, about how much to tell him. Could he guess on his own? Lilith cautioned against the admission, some would take their shared body as a sign of mental weakness. Both were of sound mind, there could be no question of that. But Naamah finally agreed that they should know more of him before letting him in on their secret. "The goddess, Lilith, she spawned my line. It was her to keep us through time, and there is beliefs in my family that she chooses the strongest and bonds with them. After her mortal life ended, Lilith stayed bound to earth, watching her family grow. She had enjoyed the mortal blood spill that started once they fell, so she come back to live again when her chosen is born. My mother think it was me she picked, I am unsure." She played the hint off with a shrug and a small smile.

It was her own family history, or rather, the pieces of it she actually knew. Lilith rarely checked her line unless there was something worth looking at, and Naamah had caught her attention upon her birth. They had been bonded ever since, but Naamah only became aware of the entity within her when she learned to talk and have thoughts beyond survival. A rare moment of shy giddy-ness fell over the dark woman and she gave a nervous laugh at herself. Her eyes regained the proper dilation as the sun fell and they were left only with the light of the stars and the shimmering surf that they walked through. Her voice would return to normal, but she would not speak until he responded or asked any questions. Lilith thought she was being sneaky by acting like Naamah, but the shadow witch was certain Amon would see right through the act. He sensed something, she knew in her soul that he did, perhaps he would figure it out.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-13-2017, 10:10 PM

Naamah seemed... affected, by his story. He could not pinpoint exactly what had changed, but he felt the tension in the air rise to yet another new level. Her pupils dilated, and when she spoke her voice had taken on a deeper, huskier quality. She accepted his story easily, and he did not know whether this was a relief, as most woman tended to resist, and thus needed... encouragement, to accept their ways, or suspicious. As she went on, however, his suspicions became curiosity instead.

Lilith... Well, he was vaguely familiar with the something in the old lore about a Demoness with that naming. Hell, he had given the name to his daughter, but his father had not seen much use in worshipping any but the Fallen God, and as such neither did Amon. "She is familiar to me," he purred. "My youngest daughter bears her name. However, and while I mean no offense, we worship the Fallen God alone. My knowledge is limited, at best." After all, the Fallen God was lord over them all. He would like to know more of Naamah's version of Lilith, but he doubted it would do much to alter his feelings on the matter. "This is passed down from parent to child?' He asked, intrigued. It did sound rather familiar...

He began to wonder if perhaps this woman was descended from one of his Lord's generals, who had fallen alongside him. "I would love to hear more about it... If you don't mind?" He had softened, making way for a somewhat chivalrous side that reared it's head only once he was engaged, target in sight. He could not have her running off now, not while he had so many questions that needed an answer.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-14-2017, 12:11 AM

The woman gave an audible purr of sorts as he announced the namesake of his daughter, and she let a soft bit of ironic laughter. He continued to say that his family worshiped only the Fallen One, and Naamah found herself nodding along with him. During his brief pause between sentences, Naamah felt the need to add a bit of information. "This is family, is not religion, shadow god. If your god is same as mine, I do not know. Lilith is...ancestor, not patron god. She was consort to him, some say she was favored and bore many for him before and even after they fall, until she disappear in mortal realm." In response to his question, she continued to give her information to him freely. Under normal circumstances, she would retain certain tidbits of herself from seeing the light of another's gaze. With this male, she felt as though she could confide in him. Still, some things she would keep close to her chest.  She noticed the shift in the male, his thoughtfulness and the slight change in demeanor when he spoke next.

The sound of the word love from his lips did its job, her heart practically leaped from her chest and she averted her gaze for a moment in a wolfish version of blushing. Naamah blamed the shifting seasons, and Lilith laughed darkly in her mind. Her tone was unexpectedly soft, and she realized it, but couldn't make her voice rise. Instead, she used the odd conundrum to move closer to Amon as they walked, so that he might hear her voice over the shimmering waves that crashed brightly against the shore. "It is not in the genes, no. More like..the gardener tending her flowers. Best looking are plucked and taken inside, only with Lilith it is bit more that the gardener is best flower. If I am chosen, I will have Lilith to walk with me all of my days." There was a pause for gauging his reaction, and then she continued, "It is possible that when I die, Lilith will move to another of my line later. Until then, she is like guardian angel. She keep me on the path made by the True High King." Her head raised proudly as she said the last parts of her educational speech. Chivalry or not, she would not tell him much more than what she already had. A smile raised the corners of her lips and she gave him a sidelong stare. Leaping forward, she jumped in his path and made sure to splash the iridescent water at his chest. After her playful attack, she darted forward and away from him. There was ghostly laughter as she ran, a taunt to the male to follow if he could. No doubt she would have to pay for ruining that magnificent coat.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-15-2017, 02:40 PM

Amon was not certain that her recounting of Lilith sounded a bit like his father's, but he had been especially hateful towards the other gods and less concerned with ever getting back, where Amon was very much the opposite. Oh sure, there was a general sense of disdain even for other godlike creatures, knowing his lineage came from the highest peak. But this god was known to him, he had heard of her name in his own myths. His curiosity only grew more fervent, and his interest in Naamah continued to evolve. A goddess living through a vessel... He had heard of such things. It explained the aura of power radiating in her mortal frame. It had given him pause when they first met, what seemed like moons and moons ago. She had been hunting him, and both ended being caught up short. He could not deny her presence. This is not to say he trusted her explicitly, but he was willing to wait for a bit of proof.

If the goddess would bless one of her children, surely she would be itching to lay her claim on his blood as well. "I see," he hummed. He was a bit unsure of what to say, with so much swirling in his head. "I recall bits of her legend, but you can remind me as the night goes on. I confess to being very interested." His words were weighted down with a second meaning, even if mistrust and a naturally guarded nature forced him to maintain walls of disbelief. Amon wanted to believe her. The idea that one of his father's kin lurked within this woman's soul ignited a fire in him. Could Naamah prove it? If so the goddess's power would be his. He must have her, and he resigned himself in an instant to do whatever necessary to achieve his chance at Lilith's alliance with his own cause, if she was indeed his father's consort, well... it was all too perfect.

His deep thinking was interrupted with a sudden, glimmering splash of water coming against his chest. He recoiled, taken aback at first, but the woman's haunting laugh called out to him in the growing darkness. A path of the strange, magical light bloomed in her wake. He let out a hearty chuckle and pursued her. Amon had no fear of the water, and his powerful body churned easily through the surf. He came alongside of her and with one last shove of his hind legs, leaped into an oncoming wave. The redirected water splashed upwards, soaking him but hopefully washing Naamah with water as well. The water exploded in a shower of light, catching him off guard and pulling his attention entirely away from his prey. This place was unlike any other he'd ever seen.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-19-2017, 11:42 PM

Naamah's smile was accompanied by a flirtatious curl and flick of her tail as she made her leap. Something about the place making it nearly impossible for her to maintain any sort of composure. Perhaps, it was a neat and easy way to check out of their conversation, this way she didn't have to divulge as much as he wanted. She could sidetrack him, distract him and move the topic easily with one move. Her spectral laughter rang out as he was washed with bright blue-lit water, his near immediate response thrilling her. Both women shared a moment of pride as the darker male pursued Naamah, their paths shown for brief moments by the luminescent waters of the shimmering shore. One garnet eye looks over her shoulder in time to see him catching up, and for a moment, she debated whether she should put on her true speed or allow him to catch her. In the end, Amon surprised her and threw himself into the surf. As the spray hit him, she stopped but it was too late to avoid a splashing. Her head and side became drenched, but she only laughed harder and shook the water from her coat. A few drops clung between her ears, shimmering and brightly turquoise against the dark grey of her pelt. There was a moment of stillness as she watched the shadowy male admire the surf before she gave a gentle yowl and dipped her front half in the receding wave, her tiara of water droplets shimmered and gathered more upon her head as she moved. There was a playful glint to her eyes, and an almost puppy-like youth, even with her usual air of power.

Once she got his attention back from the ocean, she leaps at him and dashes off down the beach, leading him further north until a towering structure of stone could be seen. She wondered if he had been fast enough to keep up with her, but she dared not doubt the male. He would have to learn her family's secrets another time, for now, she would prove herself in other ways. The land before them was owned by a pack, and while she had respect for the borders and definitely would never go near the place, the edges of the castle walls and the towers could be seen from their spot on the beach even if the actual structure was a far way off. Naamah waited to see if the wolf who pursued her would see the castle. Her mother called it Amron's castle, even though no one knew who Amron was. Lilith made a playful suggestion and Naamah giggled out loud without realizing it.  "If you see the pile of stones, this is called Amron's Castle, I am thinking someone mistook the name...We cannot be going any further, I am not enjoying pack-wide attack." With a derisive snort and a flick of her tail, Naamah flattens her ears and moves away, joke forgotten. She hadn't realized they were so close to another's territory, and the mistake led to a sudden shift in mood. Still, Naamah kept the mood swing relatively controlled. There was a smile and a happy hopping lope that saw her going back down the beach. "I can show you other places, but I am thinking it is your turn to choose what we do." A sly wave of her tail and a dancing stop was given as she waited to see what he would say.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-21-2017, 10:12 PM

His splash landing with crashing success, and Naamah found a fair portion of herself rather wet. He wondered if it might spur her into anger, but instead the woman laughed. She took to farther to the beach then, racing along it's edge, and he kept an easy pace with her. The night was young and fair, and he found himself enjoying the recently rekindled thrill of a hunt very different that those he was used to. While he burned with curiosity as well, he got a strong sense that Naamah was using this burst of activity to quell any further questions. He could... grudgingly respect that. After all, he had many secrets of his own he yet kept. Deep wells he had no intention of sharing, where only he and his God kept residence.

She slowed, and gestured. His attention was brought back to the physical world and he rumbled out his approval... and his interest. A crumbling mass of stones, yet a structure. He could see walls of what he presumed was stone, towers and outbuildings rising up above the forest. Amron's Castle, she called it. He laughed, and agreed. "Amon's Castle has a much nicer ring to it, I think," he mused. She did not want to provoke the pack, and he certainly didn't want to ruin their little date by getting either of them killed, but it was certainly somewhere to return to once... more adequately informed. He would have to reconvene with his children soon and find out what they had learned so far. Naamah asked what he might like to do with their evening and he laughed. "Oh, no, lead on. I'm rather keen to continue simply enjoying the view." It was said as innocently as possible, but all the more obvious as a bit of innuendo all the same. He gave her a wink, teal eyes set ever ablaze by the fiery water before them.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-23-2017, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2017, 05:57 PM by Naamah.)

OOC: So I was thinking that maybe we could bring this thread to a close and have them go elsewhere? Still all playful and junk, but maybe not out in the open. XDD

His responses to her made the corners of her lips tug up into a small smile, even if her mood had soured a little. There was something about the booming sound of his laughter that made the woman giddy, almost willing to do anything to make him keep creating such an enchanting sound. She was no foolish pup that fell head over tail for her first crush, but something in seeing him so carefree made her feel lighter. At his words, Naamah waved her black tail and gave a suggestive wiggle of her hips before smiling and turning to face him. To her, the beach had grown stale for the evening but there was still a want for more of the male who followed her. Looking behind her, mismatched eyes fell on another of her favored hang outs and she gave a wide grin. "I know of place to go, but there I habet something I is wanting you to be doing while we go...That is, if you is thinking you can." There is a mischief in her eyes that had been hidden only moments before. Lilith waits with bated breath, silently pacing the darkened corridors of Naamah's mind as she watched them.

Leaping toward him, Naamah aims a gentle yet firm nip at Amon's right cheek before she turns and dashes away. Laughing in her haunting tones, the wicked woman flees from certain retaliation, calling out over her shoulder as she did so, "Try to be keeping up!" With her challenge issued, the dark witch takes off, flying over the terrain towards Lazuli Falls. The waterfalls and huge cliffs made for a perfect playground, perhaps Amon would gather something of a fondness for the beautiful terrain, as she had such strong bonds to the land as well.

- exit -

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.