



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-21-2017, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2017, 08:22 PM by Nyx.)
Ásvor wanted to get better at everything. Finding a suitable teacher to give her healing training was proving to be nearly impossible, and she truly was considering the plan she'd mentioned to Naudir about finding one to kidnap. It seemed the best way to get knowledge was here and there, through tiny bits and pieces she could scavenge from strangers, as messing around with unknown plants was super dangerous and the gods had been quiet thus far in her pleas for them to impart knowledge to her while she slept. Along with herb and healing knowledge, she wanted to get better at fighting, too. Knowing she could effectively protect herself, and her family, was important to her, especially now that she'd reunited with two of her sisters.

Her paws carried her to the vast plain toward the center of the continent, littered with blood and filth of battles far more serious than she was looking for. All she wanted was a practice fight, and she hoped a suitable opponent would arrive. Not someone who knew everything, but she didn't want to fight a helpless pup either. Coming to rest in a patch of thick grass, she lifted her head to the sky and let loose a call for a sparing partner. Her muscles were tense, ears flicking as she sat on high alert -- she wouldn't let anyone sneak up on her. She wanted a fair fight.



5 Years
03-22-2017, 07:58 PM

Today would be the start to a new mission in his life, a fire ignited within his soul. His older brother had decided it was time for him to get some spars under his pelt and in general expand his knowledge of fighting. Aside from what Faite had taught him he hadn't really gotten the chance to get into fighting much. So the young male was nervous, but he had been itching for something more then what he currently did for the pack and he was so ready to get to work. He walked beside Regulus towards the battlefield, the last time he had been here was to witness Regulus fight to defend a challenge to the pack. He wasn't sure he wanted to go back here, but he pushed himself, he had to learn more.

It wasn't long after reaching the edge of the field that a calling howl sounded through the territory. He gazed in the direction it came from before looking over to his larger brother. He grinned his tail wagging, he was ready to dive headfirst into a new experience. He then trotted towards where the call had come from, which hadn't been all that far. When he approached his eyes looked over his opponent, a female who was smaller, but she looked like she would be quick on her feet. He smiled at her and dipped his head to her.

"Laisren Adravendi answering your call for a spar," his deep vocals rumbled.

"Talk" & Think

[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



12 Years
Extra large
03-22-2017, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2017, 09:24 PM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus padded beside his younger brother, strides easy and only showing the slightest limp in his gait. He’d had quite enough of the lack of activity and motivation in Celestial, and had tracked his younger brother down, both to give him a reminder about leaving without some kind of notice of where he was going, and to jump start his progress in training as a warrior. Laisren was coming two years of age, and it was high time his training, brought to a stuttering halt as Faite had left to create Lirim, was set back on track.

He’d decided to take him out here to the Field in search of spars, so that he, Regulus, could observe and later correct any mistakes in a lesson later on. Often, the best lessons could only be gained in actual experience. As a howl rang out across the field, Regulus cast a glance at his silver and dark brother, tipping his head slightly to the call and following as Laisren led the way, taking a seat well to the side, making it clear he was only there to watch as he gave the female a nod, fathomless sapphire gaze neutral. “I’m Regulus Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial. I’m merely here to observe my brother and see where he’s at in his training. Don’t mind me.”

Settling more comfortably on his haunches, he waited for the spar to begin.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-25-2017, 03:17 PM
The first to arrive was a man a bit younger than herself. Though he was  fair bit larger, she wasn't entirely deterred. What she lacked in brute strength could surely be made up for in wit and agility. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, her tail flicking lightly behind her. Though she was a bit apprehensive, having so little experience with fighting, she had been taught the basics as a child and she was sure she could put up a decent enough fight. She believed in herself, enough to not let nervousness overtake her.

He seemed in a decent mood, no hint of malice in his step as he approached. Instead he grinned and wagged his tail, introducing himself as Laisren Adravendi. He was accompanied by another, an older and considerably larger male with a striking red pelt. It was.. strange, to say the least, and she narrowed her eyes at him skeptically. He introduced himself as well, stating he was simply here to observe his brother. She offered a faint nod to him. "Hard to not mind you with a coat like yours," Ásvor quipped, smiling still as she directed her stare back at Laisren. "I'm Ásvor Finnvi. Just looking for a practice fight, with no serious injuries. You start, if you agree." She wasn't quite sure what to expect, and figured if she could get him to go first she might be at an advantage -- not wanting to be caught by surprise, she leveled her weight on all four limbs, her muscles coiling beneath her as she readied herself in anticipation.



5 Years
04-08-2017, 07:34 PM

He was nervous because the memories from watching his brother's battle rushed into his mind, clouding his already faltering concentration. He wanted to get better and be able to protect his family, but his worries were if he failed them. The young male closed his eyes briefly and pushed his thoughts aside before the women directed her attention back to him. Eyes opened back up and listened to her taking in her name, which to him sounded rather exotic, and nodding in agreement to her terms of no serious injury. He did not give her the information that this was his first true spar and he could only hope that he would do a good job so that Regulus would be proud of him. He watched her prepare as his mind blasted him back to the training that Faite had given him. She was smaller and she was quicker so he would need to keep her close in order to do well here. Though he had long strides she would be quick on her feet, there was no doubt in that.

He started by getting his defenses, spreading his toes and evening his weight on all four limbs, lowering his head to cover his throat, pinning his ears and leveling his tail with his spine for balance. Rolling his shoulders to bunch up the skin on his neck, though this was just a spar he wanted Regulus to see what he knew so he went through the motions. Bending his legs slightly the male steadied himself before springing forward and quickly closing the distance between himself and Asvor. With his long strides it did not take the male long. Once he felt he was close enough he twisted the front half of his body into a sharp right, lowering his head and twisting his rump to the left to be in line with his spine. Spreading his legs and paws he balanced himself before attempting to shove his left shoulder into the female's right front shoulder in an attempt to knock her off balance and to only cause minor bruising if his strike hit it's mark.

LAISREN vs. ASVOR for SPAR (Skill points!)
Round: 1/3
Height: 38"
Build: Medium

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-16-2017, 10:24 AM
As she readied herself, she narrowed her eyes and studied him. He was just a bit younger than she was, though nearly a head taller. He was quite considerably bulkier than she was, so she'd have to use her agility to best him since it looked very much like he could dominate her strength-wise. Glad she had convinced him to start, hoping that by getting the defensive advantage she could find a way to ready herself enough to not be caught completely by surprise. As she waited, she spread her limbs and let her weight settle evenly across them. Instinctively she found her toes spread slightly, hoping to help her claws gain traction with the ground and keep her upright and her posture steady. Mirroring his own stance with a slight smirk, she lowered her head to protect her throat and let her tail stand behind her level with her back.

As soon as she saw him take off, her ears pinned down against her skull, lips peeling back to reveal a slight sneer without having meant to. His attack wasn't what she expected; he moved to her right side, though quickly twisted around so they were parallel and shoved his left shoulders into hers. The force was rough, but she'd been prepared for some kind of impact. His greater weight did make her shoulder ache quickly, though the pain subsided quickly as adrenaline flooded her - perhaps it might bruise slightly or be sore later. Lifting her front left paw, Ásvor aimed to pull the lower half of her body away from his toward the left, no more than forty-five degrees away. She lifted her muzzle, jaws parting as she reared up slightly and aimed to grab hold of the scruff on the back left side of his neck.

ASVOR vs. LAISREN for Spar
Round 1 of 3



5 Years
04-20-2017, 07:17 PM

He hit his mark, but it didn't throw her balance off like he had anticipated. Her defenses were proper and it did not take her long at all to recover. His legs were already spread from his attack so he bent his legs slightly again and dug his claws into the earth. His left eye watched her as he bunched up his neck skin, his face skin, and flattened his ears preparing himself for her attack. Watching as she twisted her lower half away from him, which he copied. Swinging his rump towards the right slightly, little less then she had done. He had merely moved 35 degrees doing his best to try and have himself prepared while her agility beat him in any move. He was attempting to compensate, making smaller moves and remaining prepared and also trying to think on the fly. He was bigger and he was heavier and he knew he could use his body like a battering ram. Instead of moving to far from her, he needed to keep her close.

His eyes narrowed with his defense spotting what her attack was aiming towards. She was going high and was more then likely looking for some sort of grip on him. Bending his back legs more as she reared he ducked his head low to the ground and swung his neck and head to the left attempting to get himself under her bite so she would miss her mark on his scruff. Instead he felt her jaws lock onto the lower right side of his neck, just above his right shoulder. Swinging his rump to the right allowing her grip to make his skin twist. He swung his butt enough that the two of them were almost face to face (If she wasn't gripping his skin) still keeping his head low to the ground. He then plowed forward quickly, looking to shove her back and off balance and also in hopes she would let go with the twisting and the moving forward.

LAISREN vs. ASVOR for SPAR (Skill points!)
Round: 2/3
Height: 38"
Build: Medium

ooc: Nyx if you need clarification just skype me, I'm hoping everything is making sense!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]