
Can you stay here a minute long?



2 Years
03-24-2017, 01:32 AM

The sun had been far too hot in the east, so the girl actually wandered back up into the north. Now that she knew how to find her way out, she wasn't so scared. Plus! Now she was back to her normal self, all bulked up, happy and healthy. She still couldn't find her brother, but she had given up hope on that. He was going off and doing his own thing, leaving her to her own devices. She wasn't going to bother to struggle over him if he wasn't going to put in any effort to looking for her. Rolling her shoulders, the lava-legged girl splashing into the ocean below. The shock of the cold water made her freeze for a moment, but after it seeped into her fur it was almost calming. Paddling around, she kicked in the calm waves until the sight of an island came up. Her gray ears perked forward and she kicked towards it, but the closer she got the more and more it was looking like a huge block of ice. More curious now than anything else, she carefully made her way there.

Ashelynn picked her way up on the slippery rocks, nearly falling back into the water a few times. Shaking out her coat to rid the cool water, she glanced around with wide silver eyes. It was like it was stuck in it's own permanent winter, the trees covered in snow even though the main land had none. She looked between the two, a puff of air billowing into a cloud in front of her. It was like it was locked in one season and it was so cool! Her tail wagged a few times behind her as she skipped off into the center of the island, a look of wonderment on her face. This was so cool!



04-10-2017, 07:22 PM

This island was something different, that was certain. He picked his way across the frozen ground, snow coating his back as he walked. Darrow wasn't here either...he sighed, ear flattening to his skull. Would he ever find his brother? It had been so long now, he was doubting that he'd find him again, and it was really quite disappointing. They had always been together, but now that he was by himself he didn't know what to do with himself. Flicking his tail, he continued to wander the island, and since he hadn't really explored the rest of it, he figured he should just in case his brothers trail was somewhere around here.

It felt like he was searching for a while, probably a couple of hours at best, but still no sign of his twin brother. Frowning, he felt defeated in a way. He was getting to the point of giving up, and his heart began to slowly drop at the thought of never finding Darrow again. As the snow crunched lightly beneath his large paws, he stared at the ground as he tried to distract himself from his thoughts. It wasn't long, however, when he heard crunching snow sounding elsewhere, and when he stopped to make sure it wasn't him, his head bolted up. Maybe...maybe his brother was here after all? He charged forward, looking for the source of the sound as excitement and hope rose in his chest. When he leaped over a snow covered log, "Darrow!?" he came to an abrupt halt right when he landed, the smile and excitement fading away when bi-colored eyes fell on someone that was...definitely not his brother. "Oh..." much for that.
