



7 Years
03-29-2017, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2017, 04:38 PM by Quintus.)
Quintus faltered near the edge of Abaven's borders, wondering just how long it had been since he'd been here last. It was hard to recall exactly how old he'd been when he'd left these lands. At least a few years, three maybe, but it was hard to tell. He was older now, and though in some ways he looked the same it was obvious he had aged considerably since he'd been here last -- living as a rogue had transformed his form slightly, and though he was not the smallest for his size he was considerably leaner than the plump boy he'd been back then. Time had changed him in other ways, too. He'd half-expected to feel apprehensive when heading to the borders, worried that perhaps Abaven no longer existed at all or that it had changed completely, but as he searched the outskirts of their lands he felt eerily calm.

The scent that marked their borders was not totally different than the one he remembered. Some of the members of the pack hadn't changed, though many of the scents were new. One, in particular, had caught his attention. His heart felt infinitely lighter at knowing his friend still lived here, and a faint smile pulled at his lips, brightening his dual-hued face. His sea-green eyes peered into the lands he remembered from his youth, wondering what had changed here. The next step was to seek out his family and see who was still around, and what they were all doing. The last sibling he'd seen was Leo, when he'd been informed of his father's infidelity and some vague family drama that he hadn't gotten many details about. Surely much had changed over the years, and though he felt somewhat guilty for not being around -- he'd had his reasons and he wasn't going to dwell for too long on the past.

After awhile he settled on his haunches, peering into the plains. He couldn't see anyone immediately, and though Harmony's scent certainly was evident here, it wasn't fresh enough to tell if she was nearby or not. Abaven had enough lands to make something like that quite difficult to discern. Finally he tipped his head to the sky, letting loose a call for her, knowing he'd been gone too long to consider himself welcome with an express invitation.



10 Years
04-04-2017, 02:35 PM
Goodness, her herb stores were in dire need of assistance.

It had been so long since she'd actually felt well enough to go herb hunting that she was running low on many of her stores, though mostly from the herbs growing old and musty rather than seeing a whole lot of use other than treating her own problems. She had not been particularly active when it came to contributing to the general health of the pack, as of lack, and she could only hope that Vali and Storm had been able to take up the slack without too much trouble.

Sighing, she continued to sort through what needed to be thrown out, but was drawn from her task by the sound of a distantly familiar howl. Calling for her, specifically. Who on earth would be calling for her? It took her a moment to puzzle out where she had heard that voice before, but when she did her thin face brightened. Quintus! Why, she hadn't seen him in... years. Many years, she realized. Not since before the long years of illness that left her a slim wraith of her old self, not since old age had snuck up and grabbed hold.

She made her way with that curiously slow and hesitant, yet still so graceful motion to the border.

And there was Quintus.

It was oddly surprising to see that he'd aged as well though it really shouldn't be. She smiled at the sight of him, a slow gentle smile that was rather different than the exuberantly bossy girl she'd been back then. Things had certainly changed.

"Hello, Quintus," she said simply.



7 Years
04-16-2017, 07:41 AM
It'd been awhile since he'd been here. He'd been young then, impulsive and indecisive all at the same time, and his lack of certainty about the future was what had pulled him away. His childhood dreams, when he was rather young, had been to rule Seracia after his parents. They'd lost interest in such things, presumably after having their second litter of children, and quickly his dreams had been shattered. Feeling aimless, he'd ended up here, but.. Harmony had been ready for far more than he was and he'd eventually slipped away, unsure how to proceed.

It'd only taken him nearly years to come back. Not too bad, right? He tried to refrain from grinning at the thought, but his expression barely faltered when Harmony came into view. From a distance she looked little different than the young woman he'd known back then, as slender and lovely as he remembered, but as she drew closer he became aware that time had etched its way across her features. She seemed gentler and slighter, though her presence was as vibrant to him as he remembered. His grin widened a bit, his sea-green eyes flashing with something like playfulness. He was more certain of himself now, in an easy sort of way, less arrogant and less of a jokester. Time seemed to smooth out his rough edges, as water would wear away at stone more and more each year.

"And hello to you too, Harmony," he offered slowly, his grin wilting just slightly to turn into an easy smile. "It's been.. a while." That was an understatement. Part of him worried how much had changed since he'd been gone, particularly in regards to his family, but that was a question best left discovered another day. "I'm happy to find Abaven, and you, still here." It was hard to say much more -- she seemed happy enough to see him, but he was ignorant to anything that had happened in the last five years and didn't know if he would be as welcomed as he hoped.