

Oleander I


4 Years
04-07-2017, 03:10 AM

Cause we're counting on stars

Now that the sun had calmed down a bit, the speckled wolf found it a lot easier to traverse the lands. It had been too hard to keep his crops well enough watered, he had lost a lot of his stock. Not wanting to lose anything more, he had been storing all the seeds that he could for now. But what he was really after was something that he had never tried to grow before. Mushrooms. He had been studying them for quite some time, and they could be grown all year round. Hearing whispers of a glowing fungi, he just had to check it out for himself. So with Cedar in tow, he headed towards the caves. Hopefully he was following the right lead, but regardless it wasn't that hard to find seeds anywhere. The west was a bit more barren, but that made it all more challenging. Keeping his teal eyes peeled, Oleander moved comfortably under the autumn sun. It was still warm on his back, but it wasn't the unbarring heat that last season had been. This made things a heck of a lot easier for both him and his brother, and for that he was grateful.

It wasn't hard to spot the cave in question, glowing blue 'shrooms sticking out of the gaping maw of rock. The jackal was the first to notice it, a high pitched bark turning Ollie's head towards it. A grin took over his features as she trotted over, sticking at his nose to stiff at the odd fungi. "How are we going to get it domum, home?" Came his soft voice, directing his question at the other canine. This is when he wished he had a satchel like Peregrine, it would have made it a lot more simple. Oleander didn't know enough about this species to feel comfortable carrying it in his maw, but neither did he want to walk away. Maybe there was something inside that could help them. Nodding Cedar forward, the two of them entered the cave.

Both jackal and wolf blinked rapidly to adjust to the darkness, but it didn't take as long as it would without the gentle glow of the mushrooms on the wall. It really was quite amazing, and Ollie would give anything to study them more. Letting out a soft whine, he shifted from paw to paw as he eyed a smaller one. It would be the perfect sample. "I could tentant, try. Just with one," he whispered, his odd habit of mixing Latin and the common tongue not even dropping for his kin. But Cedar sharply shook his head, growling before muttering that it wasn't safe. The gray man sighed and took a seat, he knew that much. But this was just so perfect, he didn't want to pass it up...


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
04-13-2017, 09:50 PM

Ankaios could not stop his ranging far and wide to ensure his den back in the heart of Talis lands was fully stocked. He had so much room, it only seemed fitting that he would fill it to it's fullest! That day he'd found himself amongst a stretch of caves, seeking fungus and root plants only grown in the dark, old soil. He had not expected to come across a faint glowing light, or the sound of other voices, in his ventures. Yet, sure enough Ankaios had been drawn in by a vague glowing ilght, and rounded the final bend into the cavern a moment before realizing he was not actually alone.

Startled, Kai stood upright, stiff as a board. He inhaled sharply, but did not make any other sounds. Ugh, what luck, he thought dismally to himself. Please don't be crazy bastards, he prayed to no one. It was a wolf and another small canine, not quite a coyote and not quite a fox. Kai had never seen one before. As for the wolf, he nodded, a jerky and uncomfortable bob. "Er, hello there." His gaze drifted between the male and the glowing, marvelous fungi. His inquisitive mind was unable to fully divide his attention. "Do you know what this place is?" he asked. He hoped the man was, A. Not crazy and B. Familiar enough with this place to tell him if these mushrooms were likely to kill him or not. There was no harm in hoping, right? He wondered if he could transplant them into his den as a source of light... It was pretty dim down there...

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
04-19-2017, 01:32 PM

Cause we're counting on stars

The mottled male stared at the glowing mushroom, poking his nose closer to it. Cedar bit down sharply on his tail, making him yelp and pull back. What was that for!? The stern look of his companion told him everything, he was worried that the fungus was poisonous. Sighing, he plopped his rump down at a respectable distance. Fine, he would just look. But a curiosity burned in him, he wanted to know what it did. Plus how amazing would it be to line his garden with glowing mushrooms? What made them glow? There were so many questions that filtered through his mind, ones that he would have no way of answering unless he actually grabbed one. Peeking over at the black backed jackal, he wondered if he would be okay if he cut it off with his claw? He could find a large leaf outside somewhere and wrap it up. It was too grand of a plant to pass up, he wanted the chance to study it more. Before Ollie could ask though, he heard the clicking of nails on the hard stone, turning around to see a fiery man walking into the cavern. Blinking his teal eyes, he inspected the strangers twisting eye markings. They were a looker for sure, if Oleander was interested in men. Realizing he was staring, he cleared his throat and rose to his paws. "Nos paenitet, sorry. I didn't mean to stare," he said sheepishly, dipping his head in a way of greeting. "Salvete, greetings!"

His tail flickered behind him as he fell silent, ears swiveling when he asked if he knew what this place was. "I have heard whispers of this locus, this place. They called it Glowshroom Cavern, for good reasons as well." He explained, looking over to Cedar who was silent thus far. Turning back to the stranger, a hesitant smile spread across his lips. "My name is Oleander, and this is Cedar," he explained, inclining his head towards his brother. A look of excitement cross his features as he peeked at the mushrooms, and then back to the flame coated one. "Do you know anything of these fungos, mushrooms? Cedar is worried that they are venenata, poisonous, but I would love to study them." If this stranger knew that they were safe, then he would have the go ahead to harvest a few. They would be a lovely addition to his gardens.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
04-20-2017, 11:48 AM

The male looked at Ankaios in the usual way of those seeing him for the first time. Shock, astonishment, loss for words. Yes, yes, he was unusual. It was old news to him, and he tried to pay it as little mind as possible. He politely waited for the man to come to his senses, and was not at all disappointed. "Ah!" He said, appreciatively. "Vos autem antiquiores lingua loquor," he mused. It was not his native tongue, but a close relative he had been taught since early puphood. It wasn't often he met another who spoke it. Still, more familiar with common, her reverted back to that language instead. "Glowshroom Caverns, huh?" He barked out a little laugh. "Fitting."

He gave the place a thorough inspection, at least on his side of the space. The mushrooms were fascinating, some a dull blue green and others ever so faintly pink or red. Their dull light brought life to the nebulas on his coat as he approached the fungi to give them a cautious sniff. "Amazing," he rumbled quite audibly, although he'd intended the comment for himself alone. Realizing his mistake too late, obvious having called attention to himself, he went on. "I have no idea whether they're toxic or not. Short of finding someone gullible enough to trick into eating one, I'm not sure how to find out." He flashed the man a wry grin, wondering whether his sense of humor was able to whether the concept. He was still the closest to the exit after all. "Gathering them may be possible though," he mused again, mind filling with ideas.

"Talk" "You" Think

Hover to translate Me!