
Like a stone we're colder, harder [G]



5 Years
Extra large
04-10-2017, 08:45 PM
OOC:Gathering Valerian Root

Having moved on from her previous exploring, Razi was more than ready to get down to business and begin the task of orienting herself in this place. Finding a nice green spot in an area ripe with dry ground was thrilling and she descended on it almost immediately. Surprisingly lush grass could be found here, surrounding what she assumed would likely be water somewhere. It was the only way she could understand the sudden greenery.

She'd immediately begin taking deep breaths, testing the air to see if she could identify any herbs she might smell on the occasional slight breeze. Something strong stood out to her among the other mixed smells. She'd pass over some dandelion growing in a small patch in favor of seeking out whatever it was she was catching on the wind, eyes narrowing while she moved off in search of this herb she was still failing to place in her mind.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
04-19-2017, 10:12 PM

Despite the fact that Amon seemed intent on exploring Auster and establishing roots, Ana wasn't quite done exploring Boreas. She'd only glimpsed certain areas and had yet to fully explore anything, but one thing she knew for certain was there was more pack wolves on the northern continent. It was suggested that they leave the southern pack alone for now, but no one had said anything about the northern ones. For now she'd settled on the idea of checking them out, maybe step on a few toes, and perhaps cause a bit of mischief when she went. It would be some time before the family would fully settle into Auster so she came to the conclusion she had time to do as she pleased.

The west was probably one of the worst places she could have chosen to visit, but it happened to be closer to the land bridge that connected the two continents. At first it'd been green, bright, and luscious territory before it turned into hot desert where the sun bit past her pelt and into her sensitive skin. Her eyes didn't fare any better so it was all she could do to keep her nose from touching the ground as she traveled with her head down pointed towards the ground. A growl rumbled in her chest as she grumbled irritably to herself. Out of all the places she could have gone it had to be in a fucking desert - so far she wasn't impressed at all.

Needless to say, at the first sign of grass she readily headed towards it. There were no trees to provide shade, but the green coloring of the local shrubbery provided hope that there'd be water nearby. She sniffed around, her head still low to the ground, as she ventured deeper into the basin. She easily picked up the scent of quite a few herbs, but she wasn't interested in them. The only thing that had ever interested her about plants was their toxic properties, if they had any, and past that she didn't give a damn. After sniffing about for a few minutes she was surprised to come across the scent of one of her younger siblings. Razi? What surprising luck - she certainly hadn't expected anyone else of their family to be here of all places.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
Extra large
04-20-2017, 09:48 PM

The smell she was chasing after was particularly pungent; the closer she wandered to it's source, the more it became clear it was something strong smelling, easily rising above the other herb smells present in this little paradise. Nose buried in the grass, Razi was quite intent on her search. She'd sniff for signs of where the plant might be hiding, occasionally peeking above the vegetation to get her bearings. Slowly she became more sure of what it was she was after, the stronger the scent got the more sure she became. It was only when the name of the herb in question was on the tip of her tongue that the wind changed direction briefly and another smell broke her concentration - that of another wolf. Straightening, Razi peered about, nose working back and forth to process who this was.

A small laugh escaped her lips, a response to her realization of her own silliness for not recognizing the approaching company sooner. Perhaps finding her pale sibling in the midst of all this blazing sun made it hard to believe that really was her. Whatever the reason, Razi turned her attention to bounding back in the direction of her sister, letting the quest for herbs wait a moment longer. She took great bounding strides, searching for the much lighter woman in the sea of green. Once Razi managed to lay eyes on her, she picked up the pace. "Now, what are you doing way out here?" she called, with a smile. It really was unusual to see Ana out in such warm weather. And in a desert. The hilarity of it all left her greatly amused, though she tried to reign it in lest her sibling become irritated. Best to have a pleasant reunion with family members after being apart for some time.

Coming to stand in front of Ana, Razi found herself excited to see a familiar face. It'd been some time since she got to be around anyone she knew. "Are there any others nearby?" she wondered aloud, both her own out-loud musings and at the same time a question for her older sibling. Brightening a bit, Razi added, "If you wanna get away from the bright day you can come with me towards the water, I'm looking for herbs that way." she figured Ana wouldn't want to stay out and risk getting burnt, or too burnt if she was already feeling the effects of the sunlight on her pale skin. Razi couldn't imagine having to worry about that all the time, but it sounded annoying.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
04-23-2017, 03:23 PM

Ana headed towards the scent, but it was Razi who found her first. Rosy eyes rested on the darker woman as she came towards her with long strides. She studied the dark pelt mixed with tans and golds - Razi certainly hadn't changed much. She certainly didn't envy the other female either - surely her dark pelt wasn't faring much better in the desert heat, but at least she didn't have to worry about sunburn either. She offered Razi a playful smirk as she greeted her. "Had I known it'd all be this blasted desert I wouldn't have come this way at all." She rumbled irritably. She could see Razi found it absolutely amusing, but for now Ana didn't mind it, even if it was at her own expense.

"The rest of the family is in the southern continent exploring, though I imagine there a few still scattered around this one."

She imagined Amon would be happy to see her, as well as most, if not all, of the family. The added bonus of having more bodies in Auster was promising as well - she could see that the locals would have a fun time as soon as the hellions were given free reign to terrorize anyone they saw fit. She was still interested in checking out the solitary pack that lived in Auster, but she'd refrained for the time being - it wasn't yet time for it.

The offer to get way from the sun was one she couldn't pass up so she nodded softly. At the mention of herbs her ears pricked forward curiously. She was familiar with only a few poisonous plants and past that she hadn't cared to learn of any others.

"What herbs are you looking for?" She wasn't opposed to helping in return for leading her to some shade or water.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
Extra large
04-29-2017, 08:51 PM

She really was glad for the company. Herb hunting was as tedious as it was necessary unfortunately. "Hmm, perhaps I'll have to find you some things to help prevent sunburn. At the very least you can keep your nose protected, though for the rest of you it would depend on how clean you like your fur," she chuckled, trying to figure out how she'd ever get Ana to completely cover herself in coconut oil or something of that nature. She couldn't imagine that happening, but the image was entertaining to say the least. "I see. I've yet to go there, but I'll try to make my way there in due time," she promised. There was surely plenty to do here before she left. It would be a shame to walk away before having a good look around.

The dark woman let her mind wander to questions of what it was Amon had planned for the near future. Of course they all knew the end goal by heart, but in the meantime Razi was terribly curious about what her older sibling had planned for the family. Concentrating everyone in one area was likely step one of something bigger; a something Razi had every intention of witnessing. She would not lag too far behind, if only so she could be there to watch all the pieces of whatever plan there was fall into place.

Breaking into a wide grin Razi answered, "I'm glad you asked, I'm on the hunt for Valerian Root. Shouldn't be too hard to find, the plants are quite large and have a very... recognizable scent. We might have some luck down by wherever the water is." Perking up a bit now that she was redirecting towards her previous task, Razi turned to set off in search of the plant in question. She'd sniff here and there, nosing through the lengthy vegetation and moving deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless sea of grass. One could feel lost in here if they weren't very good at finding their way around. As she progressed, the plant life seemed to become deeper shades of green, signaling the approach of life's most precious resource. As the water grew closer, the scent grew stronger. Gold eyes widened in excitement. Herb hunting was nearly as exciting as hunting prey - the thrill of finding what you were tracking the whole way was just as great.

Jerking to a halt, Razi's tail fanned the air in triumphant delight, "Well, here's the water. Now then..." she trailed off, already busy trotting along the shore, taking a whiff of a bush here, moving a few feet, looking around, and proceeding with the search until she stood beneath a patch of plants that were a good five feet tall, topped with white blooms, and declared, "Here it is!"

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
06-19-2017, 01:17 AM

"Hmm, perhaps I'll have to find you some things to help prevent sunburn. At the very least you can keep your nose protected, though for the rest of you it would depend on how clean you like your fur,"

Her nose wrinkled at the idea of her fur being dirty and the more she thought about it the more she couldn't shake the feeling that she absolutely hated the idea. She wasn't sure what concoction Razi had thought up to coat her fur in but she was sure she'd hate it. If it meant staining her pelt she decided that she'd pass up the idea. Her nose was something she'd settle for but nothing more.

"I might have to take you up on the idea of coating my nose, but nothing more." She finally said, still feeling slightly apprehensive. Avoiding the sun still seemed like an easier idea. She had no problem with her nocturnal schedule. It provided opportunities for all kinds of mischief and it didn't mean messing around with herbs and the like.

"Well I wouldn't dally too long. I imagine Amon had exciting things planned and I'd hate for you to miss them." She replied with a smirk. She certainly planned to return shortly. It meant she'd get out of the desert as well as participate in what she hoped would be a fun time. How could she pass up the opportunity for some fun?

Ana still wasn't sure about being the helpful sort, but family was family and water was something she couldn't pass up. So she padded silently after her sibling as grass tickled her feet. Eventually the greenery changed to something more vibrant and the scent of nostrils filtered to her nose. Finally! As they reached the water Razi stopped and Ana halted behind her and sniffed around for a moment. She still wasn't sure what they were looking for, but it was obvious Razi did. It wasn't long before Razi was off again and Ana did her best to keep up while sniffing around. It wasn't until they reached the plant that Ana finally got to get a good idea of what they were supposed to be looking for.

"Ah yes, I've seen this plant before." She said while looking it over. "What does it do? Anything fun and exciting?" She asked curiously, slightly hopeful that it was something deadly or at least somewhat toxic.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]