



4 Years
04-20-2017, 03:55 PM
ooc: set after Greener Pastures as Phenex just missed this meeting

A squat frame of mottled browns settled himself on the white sand. Phenex’s sharp green eyes raked the area, narrowed and bright in the moonlight. Paw prints riddled the sand, though they would soon be wiped clean by wind or water, whatever kissed the surface first. The footfalls were nearly all large, befitting of his own, some even larger. There was one gate that showed weakness, a sway and drag that didn’t belong in this group. They had gathered in a formal circle and lingered in that position for some time. The weight and depth of these stationary prints all subtly pointed towards a defined point of the circle, the ring leader.

The scents were more telling then the chaos of prints. They mingled and intertwined. Some of them he knew, yet he recognized them all one way or another. Some where older half siblings, all sharing the hot blood of their Godly father, but each litter held by a separate bitch. Their father kept his brood females alive only so long as she held milk within her teats. Every breeding season he would strike out and find another female, so every litter had slightly different genes but a consistent musky scent.

Some of the scents deviated even further, more mortal than God. Some of his siblings had propagated.

Phenex walked through the scents slowly before settling on the form that all had pointed towards.


Phenex had missed this meeting by a less than a day. The sand below his feet was still warm from the sun, even as the moon now glittered upon it. There was a good chance that Amon was still around. A good chance that all of them were close.

Phenex settled back on his haunches, letting his paws sink deeply under his weight. His head dipped back at a precise angle as he took in a great breath of air before he howled. His song wasn’t going to win any awards by any sane wolf’s standards, but it got the message across in a finite matter.

Amon, brother, I am have come.

Now he will wait. Amon may not hear him, or may choose to not answer. These were not things Phenex could control. He watched the stars trace their nightly progression with only the slightest of sways to shoulders, pulling his head with them.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-02-2017, 11:47 AM

Amon was not surprised that more and more members of his family seemed to be gravitating to this place. He wondered if it were the Fallen God guiding their steps or if word was beginning to travel, but his ego told him it was this and more. His brother's howl, unique as it was, was clearly audible to him. He grumbled a bit under his breath that Phenex had missed Amon's gathering by hardly any time at all, but it would not be difficult to catch him up. The shadowy behemoth swerved off the path he had been walking before, heading instead towards where his younger sibling waited.

He found the mottled brown male not far from where the entire family had gathered not long ago. At least it would not be difficult for him to catch up with the others. "Phenex," he mused by way of greeting. His younger sibling had always been a bit odd, and Amon would admit that he was surprised to see him. "I had not thought you were in the area. You've just missed the others." His voice was low, a collection rich, rumbling tones. He did not know why his half-brother had appeared. If it so happened that Phenex had come as a messenger for his father, well, he'd want to present a good picture. Regardless, he waited to be told more.

Amon had been focused on his own children once Phenex reached maturity, and he had not spent as much time with him as he might have liked. In truth, he felt as though he didn't know him terribly well. If he had come to join with them, as Ana and Adra had, Amon would obviously need to refresh himself. "You've come a long way," he spoke up again. "News from home, I wonder?" On the inside, Amon grumbled. He might as well be asking about the weather for all he cared. His father's business was none of his own, and frankly he'd found himself with plenty to deal with on his own. He just wanted to know what on earth Phenex was doing here, and if there were others.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
05-15-2017, 09:19 PM
ooc: ack so sorry, rl got insane. i hope this is ok? took some liberties but it has dramatic effect? haha

Phenex didn’t  need to wait long for his brother to show his dark hide. He didn’t smell the beast first for the wind was not in his favor, blowing in from the ocean over the land and sweeping both his own scent and anything inland away. He didn’t spot the dark wolf at first either, his grays and blacks camouflaging into the night dim.

No, it wasn’t any of his more tangible senses but rather something beyond. The Abraxas line all held this aura of power, of barely contained fury wrapped up in a muscular body and smothered with a mottled pelt. Phenex felt his brother coming, for Amon had the strongest of souls. The world bent around the blue-eyed wolf, rent sideways under the weight of his power.

Phenex bowed his head respectfully when Amon greeted him, showing him the respect he duly deserved. Head still bent he murmured, ”I have only just arrived after traveling day and night for many moons. I apologize for missing your call, I only just heard it on the farthest reaches of my ears.”

The younger male finally looked up as Amon continued, asking of home. Which really meant he was asking of Father, they both knew. Both of their mothers were dead, not that either had been terribly attached to the bitches who whelped them. Their home was and always had been just beyond their reach - the immortal realm. So it was curious to Phenex to hear Amon asking of ‘home’ - did he know of the dreams? Of Phenex’s premonitions?

He took a deep breath and looked away again, respectful but not sacrificing any of his dignity. His eyes were distant, carefully sewing his words together before speaking them. When he finally opened his maw his voice was low and measured, ”Father is stagnant,” he stated boldly, green eyes flicking to connect to Amon’s before looking out at the ocean. He let the comment sink in before continuing, knowing that he could very well be killed for blasphemy but feeling that at worst he would be punished. At best his words would be taken seriously.

The memory of his dreams/nightmares would never fade. Their father was growing old. He would not accomplish what he had set out to do. Phenex knew this, had dreamed of his death many times. From the ashes of his burned body rose Amon, powerful and daunting.

”He continues to produce more offspring but does little more to get us closer to that which was promised to us. I intend to assist us on our way,” again he looked towards Amon, this time keeping the contact as he stated, ”You will be the one who gets us there. I am here to serve you, to serve the Abraxas line.”

“How best can I serve you, brother-mine?”

[Image: Phenex%20Signature_zpsk0crjhcu.png][Image: LSGOOdZ.png]
pixel Phenex was made by the amazing Shrapnel
icon art was made by the lovely Monster



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-07-2017, 09:25 AM

Amon had done his best in his youth to know his siblings, feeling it was his duty to do so given his aspirations in life. Unfortunately, once his own children were born and their mother... removed, he had had quite a lot on his hands. One pup was plenty, and he had had five. Subsequently, he really didn't know Phenex as well as he would like. He had only the vaguest memories of the woman who had sired him, having not paid much attention at the time. The boy was only somewhat more familiar to him. But still, he was family.

Amon cut a fine figure against the sand and waves. His fur was a shadow against the growing evening, quite a bit larger than his younger brother, but trying not to look too... imposing. He remembered Phenex as a somewhat... flighty pup. "I'm glad to see you made it safely," he rumbled, giving his brother a shallow nod. "It is not an easy journey." The news that their activities had been spreading was... pleasing. Amon allowed himself a small smile, dipping his head while he did so as if to hide it. Asking of home seemed to upset Phenex in such a way as to open a cold void somewhere in Amon's chest. "Father is stagnant," came the bitter words, boldly said. Amon met his brother's eyes as his fur bristled.

He had been raised to see Gaios as a god, and thinking of him as any less felt a bit like heresy. Having never truly abandoned the pup-like impression of his father's omnipresence, for half a breath he expected his father to materialize... But he did not. The wave of anger passed, and he forced himself to settle down. His father was a long way away, and in many ways he had to admit the truth in Phenex's proclamation. He let out a long breath. "Well, don't ever let him hear you say it. Although, your pelt would look rather nice lining the floor of his den." It was a dry statement, laced with humor, but perhaps a bit of truth as well. "Luckily for both of us, I'm not him." Amon's deep voice rumbled as he glanced out over the ocean, frustration evident in the lines of his face.

Yes, he'd heard of his Father's antics. He'd given into the pleasure of women, focusing all of his efforts on production, with little or no mind for consequence or responsibility as he once had. It was not necessarily news. "I saw it coming, though I wouldn't admit it to myself. You're not wrong, Phenex. It's why I took my children out of his reach. Two boys, I did not want them following in his pawsteps." His lip curled at the thought of Archon or Uvall behaving in such a way. Luckily his boys had seemed nothing of the sort... thus far.

Phenex offered his services. In fact, his praise was more flattering than Amon might have expected, but he was more than pleased. Ever a vain individual, the words seemed to swell inside him, make him grow. "I have lofty aspirations, and I've never been shy about proclaiming them. I tire of this mortal toil. I mean to take this entire realm for the name Abraxas, and soon the lands beyond. I ask nothing but your allegiance, and dedication to that cause." He paused, and looked in the direction the family had scattered. "I'm sure the others are still very close by. They would be glad to see you." He said, jerking his head along.

For all the he was courteous, one did not frequently call Amon kind. He simply was too concerned with the task ahead of them, there was much for him to see to and it would require his fullest attention. The thought that there was yet another Abraxas in the land did bolster his spirits some. There were many others, more yet that he knew had been born since his absence. Would his father grow irate if his activities continue to drain from his own brood? Well, the old goat could come face him over it if he feels the need. "Thank you for coming Phenex. We are nothing so put together as a pack, so feel free to settle wherever you like. Let me know if you need any assistance."

He was tempted to turn and walk away, but he didn't want to scorn the younger male. He had come a long way, and truly appreciated Phenex's efforts. Small talk simply was not his forté. He didn't want to suffer a litany of questions about his kids, or the others. He would do as courtesy demanded, and waited with a pleasantly neutral expression to see what else his brother might require of him.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!