
I hate this..



4 Years
05-06-2017, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2017, 07:44 PM by Chasm.)
It was in the middle of the night and the orange harvest moon was high in the sky. The moonlight was much duller with the harvest moon, but it still lit things up giving a better view in the darkness. It was the perfect night to move with ease, the boy and his companion took advantage of it. They had been traveling for a couple of hours now and it was time to take a break. Pink nose nudged the smaller creatures flank and it growled his eyes shooting back to the pup.

"I need a break" he simply said and the creature nodded stopping short from the abandoned farm.

The boy flopped back onto his rump and looked around. This was a strange place, with several strange structures. The boy didn't feel comfortable in this place, but he needed to take a break from their travels. He was still hopeful in finding his mother, in fact he yearned for it, but he was unsure when it would happen. Huffing the boy focused on the big large metal thing in the distance.

"Bones, what is this place," the boy asked looking to the devil sitting on his left side.

The black devil shook his head before saying, "No idea, but it looks pretty darn cool."

The boy sighed before flopping down onto his stomach he relaxed.

Marina I


7 Years
05-14-2017, 07:42 PM
Things couldn’t have gone more wrong, the woman realized. She was hurt… beaten… broken and bloodied… but she was alive. Gods above why was she still alive? Did Celeste and Nox mock her existence so much that they wanted to see her endlessly suffer? Or was it that she was forever damned to repeat her mistakes, to get into trouble, and hurt herself?

Her legs hurt… both the broken one and the one that had been chewed up by that little pet of the devil’s. It was hard going, and Marina knew, by the change of her scent, that things were only going to get harder. She was sure that the mud and muck covering the wounds weren’t good either… and she worried about infection. It was likely she had a fever… and worst of all…

She had to be pregnant.

What was Regulus going to think? She was doing nothing but bringing trouble to his pack… but where else could she turn? Tears streamed down the femme’s face as she staggered on. Slow going… but she was determined to make it back to Celestial’s borders even if it killed her. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was heading the right way either… all she was aware of was pain…

As Marina neared the metal structure she collapsed, seeing it just a little further from her. She had wanted to get under it, to be sheltered for the evening… but right now she was too tired to keep moving. All she wanted to do was curl up and sleep for all eternity. She hated everything… she missed her babies… hell a part of her missed Liar… She closed her eyes, taking a shuddering breath.

That man had been right… she was going to come to know Hell thoroughly at this point.

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
05-14-2017, 08:01 PM
The two were staring off into the distance enjoying the cool grass. Chasm decided to close his eyes and let himself fully relax as the Devil shifted his position to lean against the boy a bit. He didn't know how much time went by and part of him thought that he had even fallen asleep for a bit. What snapped him up was a low growl coming from Bones. It alerted the boy and snapped him from his relaxation. For a few moments he was disoriented and it took him a little to gain his focus and fallow where Bones was staring. Off in the distance was a larger form, to him it looked like an adult wolf.

Mud was caked over most of it's form and the boy didn't at all recognize the form. He watched the women stumble and limp before completely collapsing in the grass. Standing he tried to get a better look at the women in the distance. Being young still his curiosity naturally overtook him and he slowly made his way forward, despite the growls from Bones. The closer he came the more the smell of old blood flooded his nose making him wrinkle his nose. It overtook her scent, still not giving him any clues as to who she was.

Though the closer he got the more details of her pelt he could see under the caked mud. When he saw the familiar rainbow markings that were hidden under the mud he froze, his eyes widening in pure horror as reality slapped him in the face. This battered form was that of his mothers.

Suddenly he burst forward and ran to her side, making Bones burst from his own spot and run to Chasm's side. When he reached her a long drawn out whine was released from his mouth and a light pant from his anxious emotions also escaped him. He couldn't really tell where she was hurt, but he began to nudge her cheek gently whining and yapping to try and wake her back up. Was she gonna die? Was she gonna be okay? the boy was filled with worry.

Marina I


7 Years
05-14-2017, 08:15 PM
Marina heard something in the grasses, rushing towards her, but she was too worn out to fight. She didn’t know if it was an enemy, another predator, or what… but thank the Gods, by some stroke of luck, that it didn’t seem to be that. No… when she heard the familiar whines and yaps of her son Marina forced her eyes open. Tears formed in her eyes, though not of pain this time. No, this time the femme cried because she was happy, relieved to see her young son before her again. She gave a whine of her own, reaching out to nuzzle the boy with a heavy feeling in her heart.

She thought she’d lost him forever. She had thought he was gone with Liar, off to a new life… but here he was. Her baby… oh Gods her poor baby seeing her like this…

“My little Chasm…” The female lay her head back down on the grass, cracking a weak smile. She still wanted to rest… but right now maternal instinct fought that. Her more important job was to make sure her little one was okay… that he was safe. Gods… how long had he been without another wolf? She couldn’t smell anyone on his coat… save for another creature whom she spied close to her son.

“Shh baby, shh… It’s alright… We’re together again…” Marina cooed, not wanting her little one to think she’d be lost. No… she couldn’t die. She couldn’t die now. She let out a weak-hearted chuckle and shifted a little, her tail giving a couple small thumps in the grass. “Mama missed you so much…” She whispered. “Are you here to stay? Or did your daddy send you back to see if I’d come with him this time?”

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
05-15-2017, 07:28 PM
When her eyes opened instant relief hit the boy and his scrawny tail whipped back and fourth in happiness. She was weak that was easy to tell, but she was alive. Thank the gods that she was alive. She spoke, how long had it been since he heard her comforting voice. He pushed his face into her cheek a small sigh of relief leaving him as he settled down.

His bi colored eyes looked back to Bones and grinned at him, silently telling his companion that they had finally found his mother. The creature had enough sense to disappear into the grass going on the hunt for some food for the weakened women. He knew she would need fed and need shelter. Chasm's attention turned back to Marina as he nuzzled her again before sitting down beside her, his tail gently thumping the ground. Her words perked his ears, then they flattened again as he pulled back.

"I don't think dad ever planned for me to go," he started. "It was only by chance that I woke up a saw them leaving. I tried to fallow them, but I lost them and then got stuck in the middle of a storm."

"I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to leave you, but it took me a while to find my way back," he said with a slight sigh before settling down beside her. He looked her over more closely looking for where her wounds were. He didn't know the first thing about healing, maybe he needed to find her a lone healer.

Marina I


7 Years
06-08-2017, 08:40 PM
Marina arched a brow as her little one explained. Something… just didn’t sound right about all of this and it left a sour feeling in her stomach. Why hadn’t Liar…? She let out a sigh and shook her head. “It just… doesn’t make sense. Why he didn’t tell you… tell me.” Had he even tried? Was that why he seemed to be acting weird before his disappearance with Apathy? Marina could hardly remember those days. Everything seemed so foggy… all she knew was that Liar was gone, Apathy was gone, and her poor little Chasm had followed them only to get lost.

“Chasm… please don’t apologize for that.” The woman’s words were tender as she closed her eyes. “I don’t know why your father and brother left… but you’re going to stick with me, right?” Those red orbs opened again as she shifted a little, nuzzling her young one. “I… I’m part of a pack now. I know you’ve never been in one… but I’d love it if you came home with me when I’m rested enough to go.” She was trying to downplay her injuries, though she wasn’t sure if Chasm was still naive enough to believe that when she’d already collapsed.

“For now though… I just want to be with you and start gaining back some strength.” The femme twitched her ears. “…does that sound okay?”

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]