
Scrape Me Off The Ceiling [Abraxas Fam]



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
05-22-2017, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2017, 08:05 PM by Pyralis.)

Night had barely brought relief to Pyralis as she panted and heaved in the cave she'd selected in the canyonn.  It was in a sheer spot, tucked out of sight by one of the canyons weaving turns, nestled right in the canyon's signature bend.  Her breathing was raspy and she growled and swore, particular at Ankaios but also at her stupid family and their stupid history and their stupid mission! There had to be better ways of raising an army than this!  Each wave of pain grew thicker and sharper.  It struck her again and again and again and she hated this!

The pain escalated rocketing through her spine crashing into her so hard she thought she was drowning until at last one of the pups slipped from her body.  Panting she stared at the creature for a moment before moving it to her side and cleaning him off.  Despite herself a grin spread across her face.  He was a bit pup, quite large and she knew he'd grow to formidable size.  He was built sturdy and strong.  Ha!  That'd show Amon.  She gazed at the boys ashen coat, marked with brilliant bands of white. "I think…you shall be… Ashiel."

The second pup took longer.  She fussed and fidgeted, growling violently as the waves of pain seemed to knot together again.  Pyralis had fought many battles, been injured in many ways and nothing compared to this.  If the ancient gods could have harnessed the pain of childbirth into a weapon they'd have brought the whole of mortaldom to its knees in no time at all.  Maybe… maybe this was some kind of curse but she knew that was silly.  Nothing was ever free in the world.  The price for bringing life into the world would have a tremendous cost and it was agony.

"Amoooooon!  Our father is a fucking moron! Bring him here immediately so I can knock him out with his own balls, tie him to some drift wood with his own dick and send him out to sea!"   She was burning, it felt as if she was being consumed by fire, burning alive until finally the second pup, the final pup, was born.  Pyralis blinked back sweat as she stared at the pup, unable to understand what she was looking at for a moment.  Carefully she nudged the girl to her side and began to lick frantically, peeling off the gunk of birth to reveal a brilliant coat, like fire was woven into the fabric of the girls being. "You... I will call Asharya."

Hugging her children close she let her head fall, spent as she lay flat on her side panting.  She was completely exhausted but not entirely out for the count.  Her moxie came bubbling up in her throat as she called out. "Ok!  Where's my treat?  I made it through this…. without killing anyone!  I could eat a whole bison by myself.  Ahhh fuck…  I'm tired."

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2017, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2017, 08:28 PM by Amon.)

Amon had been dead asleep. There were some things he took for granted, given his size and formidable stature, one of which being that he could get a good nights sleep without fear of disturbance, because who would dare? Another thing he took for granted was that if he ever assumed something, his sister would somehow prove him wrong. Her wail was enough to shake him awake right away.

He knew that her time was near, and he'd kept as close to her as he dared over the last few days. If Pyre was normally irritable, even for a fae, this pregnancy had turned her into a monster. Her nightmarish cravings and mood swings had nearly driven him to abandon all he'd ever held dear and run for the hills. Yet again, he battled the urge, but in the end surged to his feet and ran towards her at a dead sprint. Her following tirade was wince-worthy, and he cast a nervous glance around, having never truly grown out of the puplike impression of their father's omnipresence. "The Fallen God is feeling devious tonight, I think," he mused as he approached her. The smell of pain radiated from her body, making his pelt prickle. "What do you need?"

He saw a small, ashen grey-brown body nestled into her side, but she was obviously straining with another. How many children would their God grace her with, he wondered? He considered going to get her something to clamp down on, but before he could rise a final slimy form slid out onto the earth. He gave a slight gasp, barely audible, and he noticed his sister pause as well. Quickly she began to clean the young one off and her brilliant coat was revealed in full. While a bit dull yet, it was obvious that this was no natural wolf. He had taken his sister's story of bedding a fire spirit as pure myth, but... Well. It was not in his nature to admit fault, but damn if he was going to have a hard time explaining this away.

Caught between jealousy and astonishment, his chest swelled anyways. Two more strong, healthy pups for the Abraxas name. His sister named the girl Asharya. He realized he must have missed the naming of the first youngling, but he would ask her later... When she was not so strained. "Where is my treat?" She demanded, and Amon chuckled despite himself at her exhausted good humor. He tipped his head back and let loose a mighty and joyous howl, beckoning their family to come and meet the newest members of their clan. Once Pyre was supervised he would set out and find her a meal, but he felt uneasy leaving a weakened mother and two newborn pups unattended, even if he knew his sister would be as ferocious in protecting her young as a mother grizzly. "I will go find you whatever you like here in a moment." He was feeling uncharacteristically warm and cheerful, but could you blame him? Even though they were not his children he swelled with pride... And made a note to drag out more details of this 'spirit' at a later date.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
05-22-2017, 08:47 PM
Phenex twitched in his sleep. His paws moved, toes just scraping the ground even as he lay flat on his side, as if he could run away from the demons who cursed him.

His dreams rarely made cohesive sense. They didn’t react like reality, landscapes morphed seamlessly into new places. Characters shifted and changed, one became another and then became another. Tonight the world cracked open, a crevasse that dipped all the way into the Underworld.

Two demons escaped, clawing their way upwards into the mortal world. They were horned and scaly and all teeth and spite. Phenex watched as they burned everything they touched - the plants, the water and even the wolves who dared try to stop them.

Phenex woke with a start, throwing himself to his feet and gnashing his teeth at invisible foes. He took great deep breaths, the sound loud in his ears, before he heard his elder sister calling out.

Pyralis. She was crying out — no, wait. Shouting. There was pain there, yes, but she was not succumbing to it. He left his den, ears pinned and eyes dialated as he tried to identify the trouble. The dark form of Amon was way ahead of him and, out of instinct, Phenex took chase and followed.

Amon had stopped by their sister’s side, watching carefully. The wind shifted and blessed Phenex with scents and, like a puzzle piece falling into place, he suddenly understood. His footfalls slowed and he approached more cautiously - one should  never tempt a dam with her brood, after all.

Especially not this female.

Phenex was close by when Amon’s head tilted up and he let out a deep, bone rattling howl. It was both a calling and a celebration. Phenex could not resist the pull to raise his head as well and call alongside his brother, keeping his howl quieter than the dominate male’s but helping it rise in volume nonetheless.

He finally approached the pair of adults and looked down at the wiggling mass of puppies. Phenex had no wish for young of his own, though if he must breed to further their genes than he would do what needed to be done. They were still slimy and whimpering, even as their tiny muzzles clamped onto her teats.

”You have done well, Pyralis,” he said lowly, looking at her and nodding. ”What kind of meat do you wish to consume? Something larger than a lemmings and ptarmagins, hmm?” The last bit was with a bit of a smirk, recalling their last conversation.

[Image: Phenex%20Signature_zpsk0crjhcu.png][Image: LSGOOdZ.png]
pixel Phenex was made by the amazing Shrapnel
icon art was made by the lovely Monster


05-23-2017, 01:42 AM
She wasn't really asleep, no she had been on her island with Miach, doing a little seagulls nest raiding when she heard the call. The first thing she had thought of was that this really was late for Amon to be calling this shit, and second that perhaps they might like to meet Miach. She was quick with snatching two more eggs and heading up to find him. The eggs would be gifts. She knew Amon wouldn't of called had it not been for her aunt birthing. She found him easy enough and was quick with wirelessly inviting him. Hopefully he had the sense to be silent around the family. With her mouth gently clutching the eggs she made her way across the water. Her mother would be there and she knew an earful would be hers.

She could hear Miach behind her following like the good child he was. Well okay he wasn't so good, but she was helping him stay hidden. She didn't want to loose her friend. She made her speed as ground eating as possible, she didn't want to keep Amon waiting.

As they arrived she slowed and shook herself. She put on her tough face and moved forward into the den, watching her uncle with caution. A flash of her tail and turn of her head told Miach to wait in the entrance. Hopefully he listened. She made a quick deposit of the eggs to her aunt's paws and moved back. Her eyes touched the children and she couldn't help but feel jealous of them. They were now the youngest, which meant they would steal everything from her. She moved wordlessly away to sit by Miach. Her mother wasn't yet here which was good. She then looked back to Amon and dipped her head to him. "Uncle Amon, I will stand guard so you may find Auntie Pyralis something to eat. her tone was hushed, cautious and even held respect at the moment. She was already going to be in deep enough trouble when Ana got there. Though hopefully Ana would understand her need to be away from it all.

She figured she could introduce Miach in a moment or two, when the others got there. It was best they all learned he was friend not foe. Especially since it had crossed her mind that he may be of use for her to breed when the time came, after all not many could be called her friend. The thought had also crossed her mind to perhaps pull Amon to the side and see what he thought about her adopting children as a way of testing the waters. She would have commented on her aunt's children if she honestly wasn't scared he would punish her for being out of line and addressing someone else first.



3 Years
Extra large
05-23-2017, 02:25 AM

Miach had been enjoying his secluded time on the island. Occasionally Aby and him did things with one another like hunt or they ventured off to explore the massive place, but other times he'd found himself alone. There'd been a few times where he'd forgotten he didn't have his siblings around so occasionally he found himself turning to go find Daelos or Kane to show them something before realizing they weren't there. Other than begrudgingly missing the presence of his siblings, he loved the place. There was an abundance of places for them to delve in to to satiate their ever growing curiosity and the lack of an actual adult figure on the island was amazing. He was allowed to run rampant and do as he pleased without any annoying rules whatsoever. It felt like the true definition of freedom.

He'd been climbing around on a pile of rocks searching for items in birds' nests when Aby found him. He'd learned quickly that crows and a few other bird types enjoyed collecting things, mostly shiny objects, and he was pleased to disturb their nests and steal from them. He nosed around in one for a minute longer, not finding anything of interest other than a few shiny rocks, before he hopped down and trailed after Aby. He wasn't sure where they were going but he had enough sense to keep his mouth shut for now. He didn't enjoy the idea of being ordered around but he wasn't stupid enough to get himself beaten up over something stupid either.

The swim wasn't as bad as the first time over. His muscles were slowly developing and the puppy fat was burning away quickly. Between the swimming he'd done in the strange rock pool that was there and all the running and climbing he was certainly filling out quite nicely. As soon as he hit the main land he shook himself off until he felt less wet than he had been and took off after his pale companion. Eventually they reached the entrance of a den and he paused to sniff. There were a few others there as well as the scent of blood. His nose wrinkled at the stench and he looked at Aby questioning and halfway opened his mouth to talk before he clamped it shut again after Aby shot him a look and flicked her tail. So he was just supposed to wait outside? That was no fun.

He sat at the entrance and let his tail flop out to the side as he did his best to listen to her. These wolves smelled sort of like her so he was assuming it was her family. It was easy for him to remember the warning she'd given him. These were the ones with the god complex with a temper to boot. Ears flicked forwards to catch the conversation going on inside and it was surprising to hear Aby suck up to her uncle. He couldn't help himself as he dared to peek inside and was surprised to see two adult males and a female with children. So that was where the smell was coming from. He could barely see the two pups as they clung to their mother's side and the other adults were partially hiding them from view, but he could easily pick out the ashen gray one and the other that reminded him of the color of a flower he'd seen once. Then his eyes trailed to the other massive wolves and his ears flicked back against his head. He'd never seen anyone as tall as that dark wolf, Amon before - not even his uncle was that gigantic.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-23-2017, 03:32 AM
ooc. powerplay permission was given by shrap <3

Astaroth swallowed down a laugh as Pyralis' howls hit her ears. Alright, her aunt was not having the... easiest of times with these children. It made her a bit uneasy, too - but she supposed that was the price to have children. Still, it made her wonder when her father would expect her to bear children like her aunt. Of course, her aunt was a lot older than her; perhaps Astaroth could postpone it a few years? It was only her first season in heat, after all, though she could definitely feel that burning desire deep inside of her, the one that made her rather twitchy and uncomfortable.

Buuuut no less amused at Pyralis, who cursed and raged on their father in such an amusing and entertaining way. When the cursing stopped, Astaroth let herself rise to her paws after several minutes to make sure her aunt was indeed done giving birth. She adored her aunt Pyralis, but she was not getting in the woman's way when she was in pain. She approached just as a familiar white form snuck into the den - the amusing twerp, Abyzou - and... who the fuck was that?

Suppressing a snarl, Astaroth froze, eyes flickering as she peered cautiously around the bend to spot an unknown male, completely distracted by the pups inside. Taking that instant to let her massive form dart from the shadows, she charged towards the unsuspecting Miach, rage glittering in her eyes as she immediately reared up and slammed down on his sitting form, using the advantage of her height and weight to slam down more on his upper body, to force him down on the ground and pin him there. She ignored his yelp, instead creeping her muzzle towards his ear. "You have 30 seconds to give me a reason why you're near my aunts newborn pups and why I shouldn't kill you," she snarled low and deep in her throat. Okay, maybe she was overreacting, but really - there were newborns, and this was a stranger.


art by DragonOfAkashi

Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
05-23-2017, 04:13 AM
Seth had laid there without movin, putting a great deal of thought into whether he wanted to be in the same cave with Pyralis while she had newborn pups at the teat, but he finally dragged himself to his paws and gathered the medical kit he had put together specifically for this. He was, after all, a healer, though one would hardly have recalled it with his usual circumstances within the family.

He had been staying out of the way of his aunt's uncertain temperaments, but still near enough to be there if his skills were needed, so it took but a matter of moments for him to reach the cave. He glanced disinterestedly over his cousin pinning a mostly grown strange male, then sighed irritable as he set down his bundle of herbs and eyed Astaroth. "And I suppose you have an explanation for why you would be disturbing a new mother with all this noise then? If you are going to murder someone for God's sake do it somewhere else."

He eyed the boy with even more disapproval. Who would think it a good idea it a good idea for a strange male to show up at a new mother's den site? Wolf mothers were notoriously overprotective of their offspring. Nostrils flared in his stunted muzzle, bringing the boy's scent to him, and at this close range it was no difficulty to catch the scent that mingled with his on his fur. Ah. Of course. Ana's brat would be involved with something like that, of course. He rolled spring green eyes to the girl and shook his head sharply. "You and I are going to have words if you live through what Pyralis and Amon to you over this," he tsked. Fool girl. Clearly she needed someone to put her head on straight if she was going to live long enough to even reproduce.

Carrying the herb bundle again he padded over to the cave entrance to scratch lightly at the stone to announce himself. "Aunt Pyralis, might I come in?" he called softly. A little caution went a long way toward keeping his head on his shoulders, and walking uninvited into a new mother's den was not high on his list of things he was comfortable doing - particularly when that new mother was Pyralis.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
05-25-2017, 09:12 AM

Pyralis panted lightly, her head swimming with exhaustion but she grinned as her brother Amon entered the scene asking her what she needed.  Awww… what a sweetie.  She really did love her brother even though she'd probably never admit it out loud and the pain of childbirth certainly wasn't enough to get her spewing confessions.  "Water," she demanded, " water and meat."  And probably rest to but she was awash with a mix of exhaustion and energy.  Excitement for the lives she'd just brought into the world was racing down her winds like a second wind despite the protesting of her body.

Soon the family would start to filter in.  She pondered Phenex's question.  Oh, everything sounded good!  Her grin grew wider and she laughed at his comment.  "There are not enough lemmigns and ptarmagins in the whole of Boreas to sate my hunger!  But a mountain goat will do. They've been mocking me I swear!  Laughing at the rotund woman waddling her way to drink from the canyon creek while they bounce and play on the sheerest rock.  I'd like to hear their mocking calls turn to screams when my kin rip them to pieces." Ahhh… that was a sound that would bring join to her ears.  The distressed bleating and the bloody smell of revenge.

Aby was the next to arrive and Pyralis eyes focused at first on the eggs the girl was carrying but then shifted immediately to the stranger.  This was a meeting for family.  Her hackles raised and she lifted herself on her front legs, snarling violently at Miach before a dark and cruel chuckle slipped from her maw. "I thank you for the eggs Aby, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this other snack you've brought.  I don't generally eat my own kind.  Please tell me he's the entertainment.  I would enjoy it greatly if we hoisted him up to the canyon wall and dropped him off the edge.  I've a little… hypothesis that needs testing."  That was the only reason Pyralis could think that the welp had been brought here.  Obviously, he was here as entertainment for her.  Why would anyone bring anything that wasn't for her?  Perhaps she ought to be more cautious or fearful but with her family swarming into the den the young male really wasn't any sort of threat.  He'd be slain well before he got to her or her pups.  

Astaroth exploded onto the scene much to Pyralis delight.  Oh and the entertainment was beginning!  She grinned wickedly as she watched her niece slam the youth into the ground.  She scowled at Seth as he approached. "I'm doing just fine with the noise," she pouted before sighing,  "but you're right, you clever little thing, it's getting a bit crowded around here and I could use some space… and some water!  W-A-T-E-R!  And of course you may come in, Seth, you certainly don't take up near as much space."  She was always a bit wary of the runt though it didn't show in her usual arrogant manner.  He was a healer and he was family but Pyralis was not always the kindest creature and she could not know if he harbored any ill feelings toward her.  Granted any harm that befell Pyralis would certainly earn Amon's rage.  Her eyes turned to the eggs as she found herself pondering them as well but the shells were in tact and smelt decent.  Aby's odd behavior lately had made her suspect as well and with new pups Pyralis just couldn't help but feel a little paranoid.  She set her teeth to the eggs, working at the shell so she could slurp out the insides while enjoying the chaotic show outside while it lasted.  She knew Amon would likely move to restore order soon.

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-25-2017, 11:27 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2017, 11:33 AM by Amon.)

His sister wanted water, and of course she would be difficult. He knew that the base of this canyon held a healthy stream, being early enough in the dry season, but getting down there and getting the water back up? Well, that sounded like a job for one of his children, didn't it? He opened his maw, meaning to say so, when the sound of approach reached his ears. His younger brother Phenex had arrived as the tail end of his howl rang out, and behind him came Abyzou. He noticed at once that her pelt held the scent of strangers, but he did not bother himself with wondering what she might have been up to. If she was tormenting strangers instead of her kin, he'd consider it an improvement. He tuned back in to listen to his sister bantering with their younger brother. Pyralis claimed she wanted a mountain goat, and Amon tilted his eyes skyward. He shouldn't have been surprised.

Pyralis thanked Abyzou for the eggs she'd delivered, and then her golden eyes focused over her shoulder. Amon turned to look as well, just in time to see his Astaroth launch herself at a young male. He seemed near Abyzou's age but already much larger. His was the scent clinging to Abyzou's pelt, and Amon cursed his negligence for not realizing sooner that the boy had come so close. Amon spun around and stood, eyes proclaiming both murder and pride as Astaroth pinned the whelp. Pyralis' firtborn children were not even an hour old, and there was a mortal cur in their midst. Amon's nose curled as the stench of him invaded the birthing chamber. "A snack for the buzzards, I think," he growled out in response to Pyre's comment. Amon's eyes snapped back to Abyzou, waiting for whatever explanation she might be able to offer. "You heard your aunt, Seth will need space to oversee her." He jerked his head towards the world beyond, struggling to keep his voice calm as his eyes blazed.

Amon stalked out, approaching the foreign pup as if he were a roiling thunderhead. A baritone growl radiated from his chest. He did not deign to talk to the mutt, but he did unleash his fury upon Abyzou, as seemed so often the case. He fought with the urge to dash her against the rocks in hopes of clearing the cobwebs from between her ears. It was not his job to discipline his sister's pups, so where in the Fallen God's fury was Anamalech?! "The birthing place of gods is no place for mortal filth," he spat out at Abyzou, who for her sake better have been at his heels. The drop to the canyon floor seemed ever more enticing the more he thought about it. Besides, the boy must be either dim or incompetent if his puny niece bent him so easily to her will.

Would it be a blessing or an ill omen to spill blood in the hour that his newest nephew and niece were born? He was inclined to think a blessing, if only to cheer his sister. She wanted to see someone fall from the cliff's edge? Perhaps he would oblige her. "I look forward to your explanation for this," he rumbled at her. He turned to Astaroth and gave his daughter a cruel, cold smile. "Don't be too gentle. We don't want him running off." He was glad to see at least one of his children had been in attendance, and to see her acting in such fine form swelled his chest with pride. Abyzou had no lack of role model, so why did she cause him such grief every time he laid his eyes on her? Amon decided at last that he must at least have words with Ana and Adra before removing Abyzou, and cursed his own weakness at the same time for hesitating. His love for his sister was strong, even if it did not extend to her progeny. God, he'd have to go kill something after this one way or another.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
05-25-2017, 02:57 PM
Phenex’s face, generally so stony, broke into a tiny smirk at her comments. Pyralis had more words in her than three Phenex’ combined, and a vicious tongue to boot. It would take all kinds to overcome the mortal realm and Phenex knew that Pyralis and her two little hell-escaped devils would play a vital role in it.

”Mountain goat it is, then,” he said with a bow of his vast skull. ”I’ll drag it to you alive so its screams are heard even by your pups’ closed ears.” Phenex moved forward and gave her ear the smallest of licks before backing out of her den, green eyes lingering for a moment on the tired, suckling pups before exiting the birthing place.

Outside of the den he found chaos. Abuzou had brought along a stranger who had just been slammed down by Astaroth. Phenex thought for the barest of moments of leaping forward to help but stilled himself - Astaroth was of Amon and could handle herself. She needed no help.

Pyralis spoke from behind Phenex and he quirked an ear to listen, smirking again at her snarky words. ”We can bring him to where the mountain goats live,” he rumbled, eyes flashing, ”Throw him off the canyon to scare the prey towards my waiting jaws, hmm?”

Phenex was shorter than most of his brethren but he was strapped in muscles that would make dragging the intruders sorry carcass up the mountain a breeze. White teeth flashed in the moonlight as Phenex’s lips curled upwards, excited at the very suggestion of violence.

[Image: Phenex%20Signature_zpsk0crjhcu.png][Image: LSGOOdZ.png]
pixel Phenex was made by the amazing Shrapnel
icon art was made by the lovely Monster



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
05-25-2017, 11:53 PM

He was never too far from his father that he couldn't be called upon if the need arose and tonight was one of those times. He loved his family yes, but he preferred to be off on his own, doing his own thing and causing chaos as he loved to do so often. His nightly activities were cast aside as the beast propelled himself in the direction of his father's call. It was a summoning howl but it was different than the ones he was used to. This one sounded...joyous. Joyous? It was an odd word to think of in regards to his father. And then it clicked into place. His aunt Pyralis had recently been with child and tonight must have been the night that she had given birth to her whelps, more children to carry on the Abraxas line. Their God must have been very pleased that such a woman like his aunt Pyralis had brought more children to his earth, but Archon wasn't exactly thrilled. He didn't think these whelps, despite the fact that they were only hours new, were worthy to carry the name Abraxas. He believed himself and his litter to be the most worthy, given they were the first whelped of the God's children. Any who came after him, even if from his other father would always be below him.

He cast aside his feelings as he came upon the location where his father had summoned him too. He was quick to asses the scene before him. His eyes roved over the familiar and somewhat familiar figures of his family but his attention was immediately drawn to the strange wolf who didn't smell of Abraxas blood. His sister Astaroth had already pinned the intruder to the ground, her posture murderous and he knew that she needed only one word and she would dispatch the stranger without a second thought. He padded over, his movements slow and deliberate, allowing himself to stand to his full intimidating height, tail curling high over his haunches. "Did my favorite" he drawled out the word favorite, coating it in a thick layer of sarcasm.
"cousin bring my sister and I a new toy to play with?" His turquoise gaze shifted over to his father for a moment. "Apologies for my lateness father, I came as fast as I could. I will gladly make up for my tardiness by aiding my sister in removing this parasite from my aunt's sight." A growl rumbled in his chest when he spoke of the foreigner. How dare this mortal think he could intrude on a night that was meant only for Gods?

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2017, 02:32 AM

He'd gotten a good look at the pups, as good as a look as he was going to get at least without going inside, and would have been rather content pulling away and sitting to await Abyzou. He was already bored being here and meeting here family hadn't exactly been on his to-do list. His own curiosity had been a distraction though and he didn't hear the heavy set form of a wolf coming up behind up. The full weight of the female was enough to cause a surprised yelp to leave him, but that was only the half of it. The pain that followed had him gritting his teeth in anger. The force of her landing on his sitting form had cause his front legs to buckle and needless to say it did more than hurt when his elbows slammed into the ground.

"You have 30 seconds to give me a reason why you're near my aunts newborn pups and why I shouldn't kill you,"

Ears flicked backwards at the feminine voice that snarled in his ear and he fought hard to repress a snarl of his own. After all the fat fuck now had an advantage over him being bigger and practically sitting on top of him. "I only came cause Aby brought me along." He managed to grunt out after a minute. Dying hadn't been on his to-do list today and he was beginning to wonder if he should have followed Aby here in the first place. So far his presence here hadn't been exactly welcomed.

What made Miach even more nervous and on edge was even more wolves started showing up. He eyed the ridiculously short wolf that appeared next and would have curious to know why he looked like that if it hadn't been for the fact he had a wolf sitting on him that made him wonder if it was even really a female. Did females even get that big? The male's words weren't helping Miach feel better about the situation either and he shot an angry look at Aby. So now murder definitely seemed to be on the table. He would have felt bad for Aby after the midget turned to Aby and spoke, but at the moment he found his own life to take precedence. He could feel bad for Aby later.

And then the new mother spoke and his ears flicked towards the cave as he listened to the suggestion of hoisting him over the edge of a canyon like he was some toy to be played with. Ears flattened on his head now as he worked out how to get out of the predicament that he was in and so far his only saving grace would hopefully be Aby. Not very promising considering the fact she seemed to be in just as much trouble as him.

Then the big guy called him a snack and then walked out of the den. For the most part though the dark colored wolf ignored him and he listened quietly as he waited for a moment to speak. So far they all seemed pining for his death and he'd be damned if he didn't get at least a few words in to ensure he lived to see another day. Of course before he could speak another one agreed with the throwing him into the canyon idea, and then another came along acting like he was a toy. What the fuck was wrong with these freaks? Mortal filth, being sat on, threatened to be thrown into a ravine, his day was going great till he got here.

"Hey listen here, I only came cause Aby wanted me to and I'd really rather not die today so I'm sorry for intruding or whatever." He said shooting another angry look towards Aby. He liked the chick, for the most part at least, considering she didn't bother him nearly as much as he thought she would. He'd enjoyed his time on the island too but if throwing her into the jaws of the wolf meant he'd get to live then he was going to do just that. Besides, she was their family. They wouldn't really kill her, right?

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
06-07-2017, 02:44 AM

Ana had been secluded away in her own little section of Auster. It might not have been the place their family would choose, but she'd enjoyed the territory nonetheless. The tall oaks were still the perfect shade for her and would have been good for Aby as well had she seen the girl, but her pale coated daughter had somehow managed to disappear. In some ways it was nice having the time to herself, but after a while of not seeing the little twerp she began to worry which was followed with irritation. Why hadn't she returned home? Surely she hadn't gotten herself killed this quickly.

She hadn't been very close when the call came on the wind. She'd been rather out of the loop for the past season so when she arrived at the birth site she was a little surprised, though not by much. It was only a matter of time before another of the family birthed another lineage of gods, but of course she'd expected Amon to be the first one, not Pyralis. Still it brought a grin to her face as she ignored the scene happening outside the cave for the moment. She paused at the den entrance, not wanting to crowd inside the den and beamed at Pyre while surveying the new whelps.

"Congrats dear sister." She wanted to stick around to take a look at the pups that would be the future of their family, but she'd already noticed the trouble that seemed to always surround her daughter. "Excuse me while I take care of this. I'm sorry for whatever trouble Aby has stirred up now." She might as well apologize even though she still had no idea how Aby hadn't learned how to behave around the rest of them.

She turned away from the entrance to get a good view of what was happening. She spied the stranger first, a mostly grown wolf though still under a year, with a much larger Astaroth squashing him to the ground. Good, so he was contained for the moment. She didn't spare the filth a second glance and instead turned to Abyzou and Amon before her ruby and pastel colored eyes narrowed at Aby. So that's where she'd disappeared to. She'd managed to find herself a mortal - his stench was all over her pelt.

"And why did you think it was a good idea to bring a slave to such a sacred area?" She questioned as her tail lashed back and forth. Honestly, she loved her daughter but so far her actions were making her look bad and Ana didn't like to have a bad appearance.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
06-09-2017, 06:25 PM

Pyralis yawned as her exhaustion kept up with her. The pups were nursing contently at her side and all the drama was starting to get rather draining. She let Seth in the den to check on the pups, all the while keeping one golden eye on him. She ignored the rest knowing that Amon would take care of Aby and her little trespasser. Pyralis only hoped that if the boy was to be punished in some creative way that Amon would at least wait until she got her energy back so she could watch.

Pyralis chuckled at Phenex's suggestion. "Truly, it would a hunt to remember." She winked at him. Her little brother had always been a gifted hunter, whether they were throwing hapless pups to their deaths or not. Pyralis smiled as Ana showed and congratulated her on her litter. "Thank you, Ana, I hope they will be a good niece and nephew for you." She dipped her head as Ana went to go deal with Aby. Curling around her pups she reached out to nip lightly at Seth. "Alright, I'm going to nap. Wake me up if there's food or we're going to torture the foreign brat."

"Talk" "You" Think
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!