
Hating the Heat

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
06-27-2017, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2017, 07:43 PM by Clay I.)

He had really lost his way, the start of his search had left him in a state of confusion and frustration with the hot dry weather. The large man was forced to seek shelter, his dark pelt not fairing in these warmer temperatures. There was no way his cousins would have chose these lands to settle in to. He didn't even have to spend anymore time searching, he was positive they would not be down here. Even light colored Zinnia wouldn't stay here. He needed to find some shade and wait till nightfall before he headed North, it would be a lot more comfortable for him to do so.

Large paws drug across the ground as the entered the territory of the grove. There was little water sources to lounge by so he was forced to just find shade and hope it would be enough. Panting lightly the large beast found the biggest patch of shade and flopped down into the grass. He then flopped down on his side in hopes to cool himself down faster. He laid there for quite a few minutes, possibly 30 or 40 in total before he sat upright again grunting as he moved. Now that he was cooled down he took the time to let his orange eyes look around.

There was movement around, but not much and he assumed most were either hiding from the heat or staying close to the shrinking water sources. Folding his front legs he took in his surroundings observing what he could around him. All while he wished for nightfall to come quickly.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
06-29-2017, 07:42 PM
Kait was breaking the rules… but right now she didn’t care. After hearing that Lucifer wouldn’t hesitate to rip her children from her the female had realized the cold, harsh reality. She was being used… and that hurt. The woman, Vianni, was right… she was nothing more to Lucifer than his whore. The babies she’d been fighting to carry nothing more than demon spawn. So when Lucifer had gone hunting for Vi, and the other woman drifted to sleep, Kait had snuck away, heavily pregnant, not caring right now if Luc chased her down. She knew that until his children were born at least he wouldn’t do anything to her… but then?

‘Stupid girl…’ Kait winced as she heard the voice of Mad in her head. He and Proxy had become a lot more active, particularly on the mental side of things. It scared her… no longer was her mother’s voice a dominant one within her head. But more often the arguing voices of her others. Katie shook her head desperately back and forth trying to clear her thoughts, try and silence Mad and keep Proxy at bay…

At least her paw was better. Some rest had done it good, and from what she could feel she still had living babies inside her. But waddling away from the bifrost hadn’t been the easiest task, and it had taken Kait quite a bit of time to get here. She was hot, she was tired, and worst of all her stomach was starting to hurt. Her green eyes desperately scanned behind her, a whimper of fear leaving her. What if Lucifer hunted her down? What if…

It was when she saw movement up ahead that Kait froze. Her eyes immediately widened with fear, but no, the flash of color she caught didn’t belong to the demon king. Her ears perked and cautiously the femme called out. “H-hello?” She asked softly, gaze fixed on the darker colors that were just a few lengths away behind some berry yielding bush.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
06-29-2017, 08:11 PM

Things were quiet for a little bit before her timid voice called out. Ears perked in curiosity peeking through the large berry bush to spot the brown women. She was looking in his direction and she looked tired to him. He also noticed that she was heavily pregnant and could only assume that she too would be hot. Confusion riddled the dark man's features as to why she would be out traveling in this heat. Thoughts aside the male grunted as he stood up. The kind thing to do would be to show himself and answer her and he would do just that, moving out of the bush so he was in full view. He sat down in front of the bush and lowered his head in a typical motion that he did. He normally sat this was to try and look less intimidating and because he hated always looking down at others. Orange eyes looked over the mother to be once more, but the gaze was soft and non threatening.

"Hi" his vocals were deep and somewhat rough, but he spoke quietly not wanting to scare her.

Was she in possible distress moving out in this heat? He was worried for her and her pups health. He looked back at the large bush he had taken shade to before looking back to her. He then got up and moved to the right before motioning to the bush.

"Take a break in the shade, it's to hot out today," he offered. He sat down again head lowered and eyes towards her waiting to see if she would settle down out of the hot sun.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
06-29-2017, 09:20 PM
His words were deep and rough yet… they didn’t hold that threatening dominant edge to them. Kaitlyn frowned a little, hesitant, especially since her last two experiences with males, especially those so much larger than she were not the most healthy of relationships. But he didn’t seem to want to hurt her… was it because of the babies she carried in her belly? Why was he looking at her like that? Could she… trust him? Kait shifted a little before making her decision. It was hot… and she doubted she could keep up the pace she’d been waddling anyway.

Slowly, with a bit of uncertainty the femme moved into the shade of the bush and carefully laid down before looking at the dire wolf near her. “Sorry if… If I’m intruding on your territory or something.” The small brown femme lowered her head to her paws, giving a soft whine. Her heart was heavy, and fear still radiated from her. The more she thought about bearing this litter, about Lucifer coming after her for them… the more scared she became.

Before Kait had realized it there were tears in her eyes, stinging the green orbs as she looked at the stranger. She tried to quickly blink them away, giving a soft whine. “S-sorry…” It felt like she was going to break.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
06-30-2017, 07:44 AM

He remained in his stance unsure how to act, normally he would let the other do all the talking. Though this female didn't seem to be to interested in talking, at least not for the moment. She seemed uncertain was she afraid of him? He hated it when he was looked at in fear. He was not a man to harm another unless they threatened or attacked his family. He didn't want her to view him as some scary creature. She didn't have to trust him, that was something that was only her choice, but he just hated someone being afraid of him.

Soon the female took his offer and as she slowly climbed into the shade the large male again settled down in a sternal position with his head on his paws. He wasn't far from her, but enough that he felt she had her space. His ears flicked at her words and he lifted his head to look at her.

"Even if I did lay claim to this area I'd still be willing to share the shade. You have not intruded at all miss" he said before a gentle smile graced his lips.

The soft whine had not gone unnoticed and his body tensed a little. Eyes took in the surroundings again. Again the question of where the women's mate was. Did she have one? If she was pregnant why didn't so turn to a pack for protection. She didn't smell like she was in a pack. In fact he could only smell two other faint smells. She whined again and he looked over to her discovering that she had tears in her eyes and she apologized to him. His eyes softened with concern as he felt a tug on his heart. He hated seeing other upset just like she was getting now. If it hadn't been so darn hot he would've went over and comforted her, but it was hot and he didn't want her to suffer from the heat anymore.

His ears gently laid back against his head as he crawled over closer to her and laid down again, hoping that it would comfort her enough.

"It's alright no need to cry," he said.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
06-30-2017, 10:48 AM
“It’s alright, no need to cry,”

His words came again, soft, gentle, reassuring… He’d gotten closer too, eyes shining with concern for the small female. Kait shook her head back and forth again, sniffling as she tried to gather her thoughts. “You.. You don’t understand…” They were the first words that left her lips. “Everything about all of this is so wrong… so very wrong…” She glanced over her shoulder again, wondering if Lucifer might suddenly appear there.

“There’s… this male… the demon king…” Kait lowered her gaze. “He has this queen… but I…” Kaitlyn’s tears began rolling down her cheeks. “I thought he was going to protect me… care for me… but it was all foolishness on my part.. I…” Kaitlyn shivered, looking away from the male. “I’m nothing to him… just a body for his blood to continue to grow in…” ...and that realization, finally admitting it out loud, crushed her.

“It’s all my fault… thinking I could be something more. I’m nothing!” Kaitlyn felt her heart clench in her chest. “He said he’d even rip the babies away from me if he had to. All he cares about is them… I’m disposable… his little whore…” Kaitlyn kept her eyes squeezed tightly closed. She didn’t know why she was pouring her feelings out to this stranger.. It just hurt so much keeping it in...
“It’s alright, no need to cry,”

His words came again, soft, gentle, reassuring… He’d gotten closer too, eyes shining with concern for the small female. Kait shook her head back and forth again, sniffling as she tried to gather her thoughts. “You.. You don’t understand…” They were the first words that left her lips. “Everything about all of this is so wrong… so very wrong…” She glanced over her shoulder again, wondering if Lucifer might suddenly appear there.

“There’s… this male… the demon king…” Kait lowered her gaze. “He has this queen… but I…” Kaitlyn’s tears began rolling down her cheeks. “I thought he was going to protect me… care for me… but it was all foolishness on my part.. I…” Kaitlyn shivered, looking away from the male. “I’m nothing to him… just a body for his blood to continue to grow in…” ...and that realization, finally admitting it out loud, crushed her.

“It’s all my fault… thinking I could be something more. I’m nothing!” Kaitlyn felt her heart clench in her chest. “He said he’d even rip the babies away from me if he had to. All he cares about is them… I’m disposable… his little whore…” Kaitlyn kept her eyes squeezed tightly closed. She didn’t know why she was pouring her feelings out to this stranger.. It just hurt so much keeping it in...

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
06-30-2017, 08:41 PM

Clay hadn't expected what came next and he really hadn't been prepared. Things started off simple, her stating that he didn't understand which in a way was true. You never truly understood another's life unless you were living it. So he didn't understand, even if she would explain it he still may not even understand. Her next words drew his curiosity. What did she mean by all of this was wrong. His eyes fallowed hers as she looked behind her as if expecting another to be fallowing her. His eyes narrowed wondering if she may be in some sort of trouble. She then stuttered through an explanation pouring out her feelings to him explaining her situation. His eyes narrowed at the mention of how the male was treating her.

Using her to just produce his offspring, it was a disgusting thought. She was emotionally distraught and now was convinced she couldn't be anything more. He was glad the male hadn't shown up because Clay was fueled to fight the male for the mental and emotional harm he had done to this women. This king she spoke of even said he would rip the babies away from her and his lips twitched. He didn't know how someone could treat a women this way and now Clay was officially tied into the whole situation. His heart was tugged and he felt the need to protect her and get her out of this situation. He would not walk away now.

"This king you speak of sounds like no king to me. You can be anything you want to be, your not nothing," his deep vocals rumbled and he crawled a little closer to her. "You need to get away from him, leave him and his queen behind."

"Talk" & 'Think"

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-07-2017, 12:30 PM
Kaitlyn was surprised by the male’s words. She… had to get away from Lucifer and Vianni? She kept her ears pinned, her emotions swirling inside in a raging tornado. She was hurting… Gods she was hurting. She had wanted love… wanted protection… and while she got the later from Luc she’d been more or less isolated with them. Vianni didn’t like her, understandably so, and she wasn’t allowed to go near Luc of her own accord. If she didn’t get away… what was going to happen to her?

Katie slowly lifted her gaze to the male, her heart panging in her chest. “I… I want to… but… I’m scared.” Kaitlyn confessed. “...and the only way I could get away is if I left… the children behind.” A whimper left her lips, heaviness in her heart at the thought. Even if they were his children… she had helped create them too. The thought of abandoning them, possibly leaving them to die… “...and even if I did where would I go? Who could I turn to? My family is all gone… I have no friends…” Kaitlyn squeezed her eyes closed. “I’m… I’m scared…”

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 12:35 PM

She was scared, something Clay had expected. By the sounds of it this male wasn't abusive per say, but he had to be bigger then the poor women and able to do some damage. Her ears remained forward taking in her words and the emotion behind them. He understood that the idea had some heartache around it the number one being to leave her children. He couldn't imagine abandoning his own blood, but there was some reason the male wanted pups with her and he doubted that the male would leave his children die. Though Clay feared if she took the children with her there would be a big problem and the male would have more motive to hurt or even kill her for them. Though how do you explain this to a women who was already vary upset, whose heart was broken into more pieces then he knew of. He could only give her the facts and what she did with them would be her choice. He wasn't a hero, but he was more then willing to protect her if she needed it.

"I know and I understand if the idea sounds crazy, but what choice do you have." his voice softened not wanted her to get more upset then she already was. "He wanted children from you and I wouldn't think he would allow them to suffer, though I know since they are partly yours it will hurt to leave them, but I would imagine if you were to take the children with you that he would come after you to get them and maybe even kill you. Your young and though this may not help the heartache you have plenty of time in your life to have more children with someone who will love you."

His orange eyes looked to her before he briefly checked there surroundings to be sure she wasn't in any current danger. He had no clue where this male would be and he didn't want her hurt because this male heard them talking.

"This may not help either, but if you need protection I'm willing to give it. I'm not a man who can stand a women being harmed for any reason and I do not mind at all fighting this king if he does come for you. I know I'm merely a stranger and you have no reason to trust me, but my word is solid." he stated as he looked back to her.

His mother and his family had given him a heart of gold and did their best to raise him to be a gentle giant. He didn't mind sticking up for others and even protecting others when he did not even know them. This women was one of them and her emotions were tugging at his gentle heart.

"I'm Clay Wreckage and I'm new to these lands, but I vow to protect you and help you find safety if you need it." he said hoping that maybe she might understand the idea he had tried to give her. It was either leave or continued to be treated wrongly.

"Talk" & 'Think"