



10 Years
07-02-2017, 10:14 AM

Winter had left and the aging male was glad for it. He disliked the cold. The only good thing about snow was that it made tracking prey much easier, but other then that fact he disliked winter. With the spring came more motivation for him to get his butt in gear. The young alpha's gladly welcomed him into the pack and he would need to start moving on what he needed to do for the pack. Though first thing first was to get a new den made. He huffed as he looked at his current den, to crammed and falling apart. It was an old badger den that he merely made bigger for himself. It lasted him through the winter and was a good temporary, but now it was time to say goodbye to the old thing and move on. Plus it was way to close to the border and he would like to be closer to the others.

Traveling inland the male left his den in search of a new spot. He always liked the willow trees so many he could find a nice one and make a den over the roots. The male traveled to several willow trees, looking them over and inspecting the ground they grew from, each one he was dissatisfied with. He grumbled as he continued to look and soon he found one, perched on a medium sized knoll. It was large with long leaves that hid what was under it. Not far from it was one of the small streams, easy access to water. He went around, inspecting it to be sure it wasn't claimed before he went to the base of the tree. He began his work digging at the softer ground and making his den deep into the roots of the tree.

It would be a perfect spot for himself and maybe at his age he still would have time to find a mate and have a few kids, though he still felt he missed that chance completely. It took him and hour or two before he was done digging and off he went in search for bedding, looking for moss and going back to his old den to grab the two pelts he had used during the winter. This took him and hour more before he felt satisfied that he was done. After finishing he went to the stream to wash up, and to get a drink. Once that was finished he settled on the shore of the stream to relax before he went out to patrol.

Talking & Thinking
[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



8 Years
Athena I
07-02-2017, 09:39 PM

Roza was settled on the bank of the stream so that her forepaws were just barely touching the surface of the water. She had come over here to get a drink, but once she noticed the reflection of herself in the water she paused and ended up settling on her stomach for a little bit. The wound across her face was pretty much fully healed by now and had started to scar over. It was hard to grasp that this was how her reflection would look for the rest of her life now. It only took a split second to completely change her look. Really she was just grateful that Forsaken hadn't caught her eye or done more damage than he had in the process.

She sighed and lifted her head, glancing down along the stream. Her gaze landed on the older man that had joined the pack at Dragosite's founding and honestly she would take any distraction at this point. Roza pushed herself onto her paws and walked down along the stream to where he was resting, her steps having a very noticeable waddle from her very pregnant belly. "Hello there!" she said with a smile, hoping that he wouldn't mind having some company too much. She was pretty quick to settle back onto her haunches once she was a couple of feet from him. It wasn't much more comfortable either way, but at least this was a little better. "I don't think I caught your name before. I'm Roza, it's nice to meet you!"

Talk Abbey Others



10 Years
07-30-2017, 06:19 PM

He had been laying down on the shore and relaxing getting up his strength before he would need to patrol. Now that his den was finished he was looking forward to sleeping in it tonight. It would be the first time in a while that he would have a solid and comfortable den to spend his nights in. He still felt it wouldn't be the same, still lost within the slight depression of loosing his precious Ilona. He was getting older now and he honestly felt that he would never experience being a father or having a family of his own. Closing his eyes he tried to suppress his thoughts to push them back so he could keep himself from reverting to a depressed mood. He wanted to do his best to focus on this new pack and try to give his life a fresh new start.

He hadn't been aware of her presence, in fact he hadn't been real aware of most of his current surroundings. When she called out it quickly drew his attention and made his head swing to the right. She approached and was heavily pregnant. A light smile grazed his lips, happy for her and her growing family. This was Ganta's mate, the lead female of the pack. Dipping his head to her in respect he shifted his body so he could comfortably face her.

"I'm Inverno. Your looking well today," he replied.

"Inverno Talk", & 'Inverno Think'

[Image: YhOwDpX.png]



8 Years
Athena I
08-06-2017, 09:42 PM

She smiled and dipped her head thankfully to his compliment, replying, "Thank you for saying so." It was a hard compliment to take when she had just been looking at her new-found scar in her reflection, but she did have the whole pregnancy glow going on in her favor. "It's nice to officially meet you, Inverno. I hate that I didn't get to really meet all of you at the pack founding, but my father was pretty insistent on checking on me." She could understand why of course, but it was a tad bit of inconvenient timing.

"I wasn't interrupting you from anything, was I?" she asked, glancing around to make sure there wasn't someone else he was talking to or some prey around that he had been eating. She realized suddenly that she had just invited herself over to talk without really asking. It didn't seem like he was bothered by her presence, but she certainly didn't want to assume. "We can always talk later if I did. I just wanted to introduce myself really!" She had gained a lot more confidence in herself in the last couple of years, but the idea that she would be a bother on anyone or that she would do something to fall out of favor with someone still worried her and made her second guess her actions.

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