
From whence you came [kait, baldwin, clay welcome]]


08-08-2017, 01:48 AM
Slipping away from the pair of wolverines was much easier than slipping away from her mother. It was her luck though that father had taken mother out to hunt which meant her babysitters were a pair of wolverines. Noctus was dim and easily stumped so she could get away from him easy enough. It was Solara that wasn't as easy, but Marek had moved first and attempted an escape first, meaning the wolverine was thoroughly distracted when she made her move. It would take noctus all day to figure out the riddle she fave him. Honestly she figured all boys had to be so stupid.

She pressed on, passing the borders of the woods like she had taken this route before. Mother was going to be so mad at the wolverines and possibly her for tricking the babysitter into letting the hellion out. But she had one thing that some of the other pups didn't, a brain. She had been secretly watching everything that vi did and learning from her. Her father she found wasn't as smart but he was intelligent enough. It was how she ended up duping the wolverine and managing her way about. She strode on enjoying the silence for once. It was nice to not have her siblings about. Lyle was insufferable, Gary thought he was some sort of defender for his sisters, Marek was the heir and a bit of a silent guy, Zeivah was always just well Zeivah, and Dea was always busy trying to be the perfect princess. It sort of annoyed her how Lyle was. Honestly if she didnt knock it off soon Marek was gonna eat her. She was always trying to play the role of leader, which was fine and all but Marek was the heir and his word trumped all.

She strode into another patch of trees and stopped. There was a scent close. Something was familiar but she couldn't recall ever smelling it before. And there was 2 more scents with the one. She wrinkled her nose as she tried to figure it out. She could just call dad and mom to figure it out but of course they'd come in and punish her. No she had found her way here and would return home when she was good and ready.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
08-29-2017, 02:47 PM
Kaitlyn was searching for Baldwin; for such a little brute he had a fiery nature. But Katie was glad he was her son… adopted or not. She’d been content raising him, especially since Clay had stuck around for the most part, and she felt safe. But when she caught a different, yet familiar scent Kait froze, breathing in slowly once more.

Could it really be one of her babies…?

Kait swallowed hard, thinking of the brute who sired her litter… her real babies. She felt sick… he had to be close, wasn’t he? If one of their children were here anyway… she knew she had to leave Auster, to get away from this place before the demon king and his mate found her again. But…

Something pulled her in the direction of the child.

Kaitlyn moved slowly, belly towards the ground and ears pinned against her skull. Besides, she still had to find Baldy… and then she saw her, her heart dropping in her chest. It was undoubtedly her daughter… the one that that man had named… Kaitlyn’s eyes shown with worry, but she didn’t move from where she was. As if frozen to the spot in between the bushes where she was gazing out at the little ball of fluff.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
09-17-2017, 02:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2017, 02:41 PM by Clay I.)

He was doing what he did best, patrolling and providing for Kait and Baldwin. After a decent hunt he had headed back to the territory they were currently staying in. The spring fawn dangling from his jaws. When he hit the border he turned sharply to the left and began his quick patrol before he would head back to Kait. He was still concerned about the demon king, but he had to let Kait and Baldwin get strong enough for travel. Every time he had left to hunt he feared coming back to find her in pieces, ripped apart by the Queen because she had found her. Though they had been fairly lucky so far, he just wondered how far their luck would stretch.

An odd scent drifted among the breeze making the large male stop in his tracks and lift his head. The smell of another unfamiliar wolf within the territory made him on edge and he knew he needed to check it out. The scent was mixed with that of the king's, the one he used to smell upon Kait's pelt, but this one also had it's own unique scent. Huffing lightly the large male fallowed the wind until the large pup came into view. He wondered if this was one of Kait's children with the male, though he never met the male so he had no idea what he looked like.

He wouldn't be be defensive, in fact he would be his normal self despite fearing that behind her, her parents would be to come for Kait. He hoped Kait was safe in the den, because if they had come for her he would fight them for her. He approached, closing the distance between himself and the large pup. He stopped not far, giving personal space to the child, unsure of what personality she would have. Placing his kill on the ground he looked to the child with a light smile.

"Hello there" he greeted.

"Speech" & 'Think'