
Chained to the Rhythm



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-19-2018, 04:41 AM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2018, 06:46 AM by Dragon.)

He had wanted to start the festival in the spring, and now that everyone was recovered and the pack was lacking in activity, he decided now was a good a time as ever to get everyone together and have some fun. More importantly, Talis had some new members and he wanted everyone to get to know each other! With Kimahri and Shiva in tow, the trio headed towards the center of the plains, it was early in the afternoon and he knew everyone needed a bit of relaxation and some fun. Stopping in the field of flowers and plants that had sprouted, he tilted his head back and called all of the pack together.

OOC// I realize with the current pack challenge things might get hectic, but I've been wanting to redo the festival since I started the other one at a bad time (holidays and all lol). Mandatory for all members to attend! Hunts and unjudged/judged spare (whichever you prefer) and games are planned for this festival and I'd like everyone to post asap please! Let's have a good fun festival :) first round due by February 1st! [Set before the challenge]


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2018, 11:50 AM

Valdís was training. She'd finally recovered from her injuries during the raid and was relishing the chance to start working herself hard. She was running laps around the starlight plains when she heard Dragon's call. Panting she came to a halt to catch her breath for a moment before she took off toward his call, wondering what the reason was for it. Talis had been quiet lately but there was nothing in the call that made her nervous. That was a relief. She'd been expecting some sort of retaliation from Celestial as soon as their warriors were healed so it was good that she wasn't being summoned to defend the pack.

She arrived to see Dragon and she greeted him with a smile. "Good afternoon, Dragon. How are you today?"

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
01-20-2018, 10:17 PM
Sweeping in at a jaunty trot as per usual, Iskra emerged from the castle to peer out at the plains with a wide grin. Now that she was settling in a bit more, the red woman was more than ready to start contributing. It might be a good idea though to leave the socializing stuff till a little longer after the incident with Arwen showing up... Of course, when she heard Dragon's call she realized that any hope of leaving things till later might have been slightly crushed. Eh, so what! Iskra would just have to make the best of it - and have a good time if possible.

Making her way over with that characteristic swagger Iskra plopped herself down making the little gathering a triangle and beamed, an expression that made her eyes squint as she chirped, "Hello hello, my fearless leader."



4 Years
01-21-2018, 12:39 AM

She'd been left to her own devices lately which was okay with her. While everyone had recovered from their injuries she'd helped hunt a bit and patrolled borders when she remembered to. Lately she'd found that Auster had become this overly exciting place to explore and she'd been out of pack lands more than she'd been in it. It was something she'd felt slightly guilt about, but she made sure to come home to check on everyone and hunt a little bit more before heading out again.

Mostly she'd taken notice of everyone's injuries since the raid. Mostly everyone who had stayed seemed to be alright other than a few. Kharnage had been blinded in one eye, but that was nothing compared to Dragon's injuries. While he'd been fine when he'd first gotten home, his sight had deteriorated and now he was fully blind. She felt bad for him, but he had a strong support system. She definitely had to make a point to see how he was doing.

Not today though! Instead she headed towards his call that rang from the plains with more energy than should have been possible. It'd been a while since the pack had been called together and she was excited to do something, anything, with others. Maybe this would be something she'd actually get to participate in this time! She arrived rather early and wasn't surprised to see Valdis there with Dragon. There was one other there too and she almost thought it was Ankaios until she got a better look and realized it was a female. Her confusion melted away as she lookedto Dragon and the bubbly female padded over to her sibling and attempted to plant a sloppy wet kiss on the cinnamon colored alpha's face.

"Hey Dragon!" She greeted him exuberantly before planting herself right next to him as she broke up the triangle that had been formed.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-22-2018, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-22-2018, 01:48 AM by Okami.)

Okami had been spending time with her mother, trying to keep her mother from remaining depressed. She didn't like to see when her family was sad, especially her mom...she looked up to her, but it was hard trying to help her when she didn't know exactly how to help her. Some days her mother was fine, other days she simply didn't want to do anything at all. Growing increasingly frustrated, which was unusual for Okami, she ultimately decided that if her mom wanted to get better, then she would. Sighing, she decided to head out to her den until she heard her brother's call. Ears perked and head cocked to the side, she wondered what Dragon was calling them for. A meeting? Or something else? It didn't sound like anything bad, so she decided to head over.

When she arrived at the heart of the plains, she saw Dragon and a small group gathered. Blue eyes looked to Dragon first, ears falling back a bit when she remembered he was blind now. But even with that, he was still willing to lead them and she willing to follow. He hadn't allowed his disability to hinder him, and in a way she could admire that. It must be hard trying to lead a pack, and she wondered how the others felt about following him this way. Family or not, he had her respect. He had worked hard for them, and though she knew she hadn't been pulling her weight like she should have been, she wanted to try harder for him. Her sights then fell on a new member, one of them making her eyes widen. What the!? Did that wolf fall from the sky!? She had never seen a wolf like that save for the one named Ankaios, but she hadn't seen him for a long time now and guessed he wasn't in the pack anymore. This was certainly...interesting. Moving towards the group she sat down next to Valdis. She would be sure to talk to her sister in a bit, but right now she had a burning question for the warrior. "Valdis, do you think you can teach me how to fight? I know you helped in the raid and what you did, and...I would like to learn, if you'll teach me?" She had a growing interest in the art. With her bulk and size, there was no telling what kind of damage she could do if she really tried. She only hoped the Crimson Crusader would be willing to teach her.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-22-2018, 01:44 AM

It had been quite a while since a festival had been held...a long time, actually. She recalled holding one for Ivalice when they still lived up North, but since then? Nothing. Talis had been quiet lately, and she knew she hadn't been contributing much towards that, but now she figured it was time to get up and get moving. She headed towards the plains where Dragon waited, and when she arrived she noticed a few wolves already gathered. Two of her daughters were there, and she moved to sit next to Afrit and Okami, giving each a lick to the cheek. "Good to see the two of you, are you ready for some fun today?" she winked at the both of them, wondering if her other kids would show up. She couldn't help but wonder how Lykos and her other daughter were doing...were they alright? Lykos was four now, but who knew what kind of trouble he might run into. And her daughter? She seemed so...frail last she saw her. Though she was determined to go on her own, she feared her daughter might have the most trouble out there...she supposed time would tell, for now, she focused on the task at hand.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years
01-22-2018, 04:47 AM

He was doing a test run with some herbs he had found, though the effects were something completely unexpected. He sat outside his den, feeling light headed and completely...out of it. It had been a couple of hours though, the male's mind questioning everything in the universe. Whatever he had found, did some weird things to his head...but he had to admit, it was...pretty relaxing. Not only that, but he was feeling really hungry, but he couldn't quite figure out how to move yet. What was this sorcery? What herb had he eaten? He'd have to find someone that knew what it was called, but so far...he liked the effects. He had been working a lot lately, and after stressing about trying to save Dragon's eyesight, this served well to make his stress melt away.

Only when he heard Dragon's howl ring across the lands did he manage to somewhat pull out of his weird stupor. He felt like time was going super slow, so when he got up it took him a minute to remember how to walk. That wasn't the only problem that presented he felt really thirsty, but he didn't think he'd have time to get water right now. And he certainly didn't want to be late to whatever his brother was calling them for. It felt like it took him ages to get to where the others were gathering, but it had actually only taken a few short minutes. Spotting Afrit, he headed over and heavily sat next to her. Gazing up at his taller sister, he smiled wider than he meant to, tail thumping against the ground. "Hey Afrit~ Wanna help me look for some more later? I found a really neat herb and I feel great!" Okay, so maybe his words were kinda scrambled, not that he noticed. In his head, he was pretty damn sure he had told Afrit an entire paragraph of words...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years

Trick 2019
01-27-2018, 04:23 PM
Gryphon heard the call and, stretching, moved to answer it. He'd not particularly rushed to do so, since it wasn't urgent, so he was hardly the first to arrive. He wasn't late either though, so he wasn't concerned when he approached the group to find a lot of the pack already gathered. He did eye the red-coated female narrowly, the memory of their only other encounter still fresh in his mind, but he chose to take a position at the fringes of the group to keep them all in sight, something that had over the years become a habit despite not really having a particular reason to do so. When he was younger it had been because there were wolves he didn't trust in the pack, strangers, and he'd taken up that post to watch them and protect his mother and brothers. Now, while he still didn't entirely trust anyone in the pack, it was far more habit than a conscious thought, that it was just more natural for him to sit back and observe now than it was to be a part of the group.



7 Years
02-02-2018, 08:04 AM

Zin had been exploring, taking in her surroundings and memorizing the pack territory. She was vary happy with her choice of pack and glad that this place seemed full of places to explore. She had done a little bit of exploring outside of the territory also, wanting to make sure she knew the ins and outs as much as she could. It was hard for the women to sit still, always had to be doing something up until she went to sleep. Though she really hadn't had much interaction with other pack members which she should have, she was getting used to things.

Today she had been making herself a more permanent denning area in the castle, picking a spot that was untouched by others and bringing in moss and some pelts to help make it a comfortable spot. Though she didn't get to finish it before Dragon's call carried itself to the castle. He was calling the pack together, and she grinned before turning from her task and heading off towards where the call came from.

It hadn't took her long, but she realized she must have moved slow because there was already a crowd gathering. Being that she didn't really know the others she had to scan around to find a place to sit to listen, though that was a lot easier said then done. She noticed one male sitting behind all the rest looking like he was keeping an eye on everyone. She grinned and moved over to sit beside him but keeping space between them in case he wasn't to fond of her being so close.

"Good Morning," she greeted the male (Gryphon) with a smile.

"Speech" & 'Think'


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-13-2018, 01:08 AM

The call had not gone unheard, but Greed had been too far to make it in a timely manner. He hurried, but halfway there he figured since he was already late, hurrying wouldn't do too much good. The dual toned male would eventually make it, and when he did he saw a decent group gathered around Dragon. It wasn't everyone, but he didn't care too much to figure out who all was still missing. Nodding to the earthen alpha, Greed took a seat towards the back, tail curling around his feet as he waited to see what was on today's agenda. Surely something good if Dragon had called them together, right?


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-13-2018, 02:03 AM

One by one they began to show up, Valdis being the first and as punctual as always. His tail wagged when he heard her voice, "Good afternoon to you too, Valdis! I'm doing as well as I can for a blind guy," He chuckled, his tone light and humorous. "I hope you're doing well?" Although blindness came with its difficulties, he was learning to overcome those difficulties and wasn't going to let it slow him down or keep it from enjoying life. Soon, Iskra's familiar scent would wash over him, and his tail wagged more as he turned in the direction of her voice. He couldn't help but laugh, how could he not when she was around? "Hey there Iskra, nice of you to join the party!" Okay, so maybe it wasn't a party yet, but it would be soon. Or he hoped at least, assuming enough of the pack showed up to participate.

He didn't have to wait very long before Afrit joined them, her scent growing stronger as he heard her paw steps getting closer. But of course, he didn't realize in time what her intentions were until he felt a sloppy tongue sliding across his face. He was stunned for a moment, both of his companions giggling like schoolgirls. His sister greeted him afterwards, and he stood there with fur plastered down from his sisters wet kiss. "Glad you could make it Afrit," He responded before leaning down to wipe the drool with a foreleg. Well, at least he didn't have to take a bath now! Three more of his family members would join them, and shortly after would be Zinnia and Greed. He waited a bit longer to see if anyone else would show up, but after some time it seemed nobody else would. That was alright, there were enough members here to get some things going at least.

After recovering from Afrit's sloppy onslaught, he shook out his fur and faced the gathered wolves. "Glad some of you could make it on such short notice, but I figured with all that's happened in the last year, we could do with some fun and relaxation. I want to use this day to recognize everyone for their hard work, both with pack duties and for those who helped out in the raid. Now that everyone has healed up and stuff, I think it's time we try to de-stress and just...have some fun! Get to know your pack mates better, whether you're in it for the long haul or not, it's good to try and get to know each other." He took a deep breath, wondering if they cared about that at all. This was the first time he was trying something like this, and he didn't want it to feel like another pack meeting.

"So with that said, I've got games and some other events planned. Spars, a scavenger hunt, big game hunts, fishing, and whatever else you can think of! If you have any ideas, feel free to speak up about it and go ahead and do it! Remember, today is about having fun and relaxing. So with that said, I'll pair everyone up for the spars, and then we'll go from there. Sound alright?" Though he couldn't see, he gazed at them regardless. He was excited to get started, "Alright, so...the pairs are as follows; Greed and Valdis, Avalon and Okami, Gryphon and Zinnia, Arke and Iskra, and Afrit you're paired with me. Remember, these spars are for fun, you don't have to go easy but don't go beating each other up too much, either. He wagged his tail, eager to get the festivities started! "Alright everyone, have fun!"

OOC//I didn't wanna make this post super long cuz it's late and I'm tired lol, so i paired everyone up and you can start your spars in this thread. Min. 2 rounds, and they can be judged or unjudged, your choice! If you choose unjudged, then either Dragon can go around and announce the winners with help of his companions, or maybe I can ask someone not participating in this thread to decide lol. If judged, then try to keep it to default of 3 days and up to 1 week. The other activities will be posted in separate threads (set after the spars), and the details of each one will be explained in each one! If you have other ideas for games, etc then feel free to make a thread with the details of that one or skype/discord/pm me to get things set up. I realize Dragon teeeeccchhnically doesn't have the pack anymore, but since this was set before then we could still have some fun trying to do this. If there's no interest beyond the spars, let me know, but we can at least get the spars done!


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-19-2018, 04:13 PM
ooc: I'm good with judged or unjudged though I would ask that the default time be extended to a week if that's cool with you since I'm sick xD

One by one the members of Talis would trickle in. Valdís was curious to get to know them better. "Yes, I'm doing well, Dragon." She was surprised when a pale woman about her age approached her with a curious question. She blinked at the other for a moment before swiftly composing herself. She'd never been in the role of teacher before but she supposed if she was going to be the Crimson Crusader she'd have to get used to training her troops. She nodded. "Sure! Perhaps we can have a lesson later. I'm sorry but I'm still getting to know everyone. What is your name?"

More wolves filtered in until soon the majority of the pack had gathered. She listened as Dragon spoke and agreed. After the stress of the raid a little relaxation would be appreciated. "That sounds fine to me!" She didn't really have any of her own ideas to volunteer. This wasn't quite the sort of thing she was used to. She was paired with Greed, a man she didn't know very well but she knew enough of him to recognize him. She nodded at the black and white male with the blue eyes before going over to him. "Looks like I am to be your opponent. How would you like to start?"

"Talk" "You" Think