



2 Years
07-20-2014, 04:31 PM

Frost nipped the blades of grass this chill spring morning. Drashiel had been forming plans for a morning hunt while the prey was still sleepy and chilled. Mist rolled from his parted maw as he strolled into the middle of the densite and let out a howl. It was time for a pack hunt. Anyone that wanted to participate was more than welcome too. Naturally it would be required for the hunters, Kuvio and Kyarst but he hoped the others would join in. After all, it wasn't often they had the opportunity to dine on musk oxen. This hunt would be difficult and challenging but the rewards would be well worth it. Drashiel grinned. It was time to spill blood and fill their bellies in the carnal desires of the hunt.


ooc: luns sucks at starters but yay hunt! Anyone that wants to participate needs to post by noon July 27th ala time. This is mandatory for hunters but I'd love it if more people showed. Should be a fairly strategic hunt.



3 Years
07-20-2014, 04:35 PM

Slowly but surely it seemed that the pack was starting to bring itself together a little more. Lessons would start again and with it calls to encourage the members of Glaciem to pull together as a unit, a pack hunt. It seemed like it had been so long since the last and of course in reality it had and Talvi would waste no time in moving towards the sound. She would soon find herself before Drashiel, a boy she had always noted as being one of the rather more skilled of the bloods as they grew up. He'd been granted the rank of overseer now and it was good to see that her sister hadn't made a mistake in granting him the chance, already he was finding things to do for them. She would give a silent nod of her head in greeting and await the others to arrive for the hunt to begin.

Athena I


9 Years
07-22-2014, 09:59 PM


Finally it would seem that Glaciem had begun to thrive again. It was a slow, agonizing process, but there were signs. Trainings were being held once more, alliances were being made, and now Drashiel was calling them together for a pack hunt like Liberty had instructed. Of course Athena would attend, she wouldn't miss any of the trainings called within her pack. She may be the Queen, but she always recognized that her skills could always be sharpened. Besides, the easiest way to see her subject's skills and who all was in attendance was to be there herself. She strode toward the call of her Overseer, arriving shortly after Talvi. She gave both of her half-siblings a smile before settling on her haunches to wait for the others to arrive. "Good morning you two."



1 Year
07-24-2014, 11:59 PM

[Image: jcar0Xv.png]

Unfashionably late, perhaps; but through no accidental happenings. Jigsaw was a premeditated being, and he was utterly impossible to hurl into unanticipated situation. No, his mismatched gaze was as keen as the soaring interests of a preying eagle, his senses heightened and his heed to detail matched by few. Though he has been beckoned by a superior, it is not in his benefit to hasten; rather he loiters closely nearby until he is wholly aware of the gatherings intention, until his bustling mind is soothed by a false sense of dominion triggered by his knowing.

He meanders towards the trio with seamless placement, coral toes casting eerily silent crescents into ice-laden soils. As he pauses at a warranted distance from them he is silent; his ghost-like appearance almost unnerving to troubled youth. Alas, in disappointment he is but an elusive figure with no matter of destruction to his name; eerily unknown by most, an obscured representation of unknowing. He is the ultimate stranger. Though wordlessly he stands for suggestions of leadership, having cast a respectful glance to Athena he awaits the decision of the hunt leader.


07-26-2014, 12:48 PM

The beckoning call of a hunt is not something the nymph can easily ignore. Audits perk as Drashiel's voice fades away, and she immediately rises to her paws, her toungue rolling lazily out of her mouth as she yawns. It was pretty early in the morning, but what better time to hunt then while the prey was still sleep and groggy? Drash was giving them an obvious advantage, and it pleased the sentinel. ?Come on Ram, we've got a hunt to attend.? The babe whispers to him as she nudges her companion awake. Ramses opens his eyes groggily and rises to his feet to follow after his mistress. No words would be spoken as they traveled, as both of them were still a bit tired from just waking up. They cross into Sparse Pines within a few minutes, and they reach the growing group shortly after. The duo would not be the first to arrive, but that didn't bother Liberty. She was the sentinel, so a fashionably late appearance was acceptable. ?Good morning everyone.? She greets the group as a whole, eyes sliding to glance at each of them before reclining onto her haunches.




2 Years
07-27-2014, 09:57 PM

Drashiel stood quietly, a form of chill patience in the frigid morning air. He breathed slowly, deliberately in a form of meditation, his mind running through previous hunts and through the results of his scouting trip. This would be his first time leading a hunt. The youth had no desire to be declared a failure on his first try and the prey would be a challenge. But if there was a time for risk it was now. The wolves of Glaciem needed some excitement in their lives, something to jar them from the bores of a still life.

Drashiel dipped his head in greeting as Talvi approached. She was a faithful wolf to Glaciem if there ever was one. Quiet, but loyal as they came. He couldn't remember her ever missing a training session. "It's good to see you Talvi." The Queen herself was the next to approach and Drashiel felt a little sting of self-consciousness but he hid it well. "Good morning, Milady." She would be here to observe as well as participate and he did not dare disappoint her.

Ahh.. and at last one of Glaciem's hunters, Kuvio. Another sibling to the Overseer and one he new little about. Kuvio "Jigsaw" was as much a puzzle as his nickname would imply. Another quiet wolf and one not easily read. All the same Drashiel would offer a greeting. "Kuvio, it is good to see you well." Last to appear was the Sentinel, Liberty. "And a fair morning to you Lady Sentinel." Drashiel's stance relaxed a little, almost a permission for them to talk amongst themselves for a bit if they so desired. But in truth he would only wait a few minutes longer but alas it seemed these were the only ones that would show. He frowned. Neither Lysis nor Kyarst had appeared and it did make him wonder. Well, the matter would be discussed after the hunt. Time was wasting.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I've scouted our terra these past couple days and about a mile north of here a herd of musk oxen have given birth. I seek to claim one of the young to sustain our fellows and ourselves." He knew it wasn't the standard prey they were used to hunting but all the same Drashiel felt that change would do them good. It would keep the hunters on their toes. Change was a fine antidote to a sluggish mind.

"The herd is about seven strong with three calves. They are massive animals, bold but not with out fear. When the herd is sighted we will stalk as close as we can, when I charge I want all of you to follow me. We are to run straight at them, snarling and snapping like rabid heathens. We need to get the oxen to panic and flee so that young will fall behind." There would be no need to have a separate group sneak up behind the beasts. Doing so could startle the adults back at the first group and injury would be imminent. "Liberty, Ramses and I will continue to give chase to the adults and keep them separated from the young. Athena, Talvi, once the young are separated you two will pick a target and separate it from the other calves. Trip it, snag the haunch do what you must to aid Kuvio? Kuvio the killing blow is yours. End the calf however you see fit." Drashiel glanced about his fellows to see if they understood the plan. "Now we begin."

Turning Drashiel stalked toward the north, his movements graceful in the boldness of his stride. He wound effortlessly through the trees though he still lacked the serpentine movements of his father and probably always would be lacking. Isardis was built like wind, he was built like the mountain. Strong, solid, unbent? but he would yet learn flexibility, he would yet learn to shift with the earth when it moved without cracking under the sudden strain.

Soon they arrived to the northern border of the sparse pines, a field of short, tundra grass stretching out before them and there in the distance lay the herd. Grazing, unaware. There was still no breeze but that would change when the sun rose higher and began to move the air. Drashiel's legs coiled, ears flat against his head as he gestured for the others to do the same. Then he slunk forward, pausing occasionally as a cow started to turn her head in their direction. No? the grass was too short. Well? they did want to get the oxen running. Time to close the distance. Drashiel's legs coiled tight under his body. For a moment time seemed to shudder to a halt. Then the young male sprang with a viscious snarl as he pelted full speed toward the musk oxen. Jaws snapping at the nearest cow as the beasts scattered.


ooc: Second round due August 2 at noon!