
New beginnings



2 Years
02-12-2018, 08:32 AM
Words, speech, thoughts
Helix's nose was hard at work, sniffing the unfimaialr ground before her as her paws huffed endless against the soil. She pushed through the tall vegetation, her muscular frame bouncing with every step. Where was she? How'd she get here? Flashes of familiar faces passed in her mind, ones she couldn't put a name for at all, and for brief moment she felt like lifting her muzzle to the sky to howl for any reassurance. But her instincts told her otherwise. Who knew what type of beings lived in these lands. Her tricilored mass weaves through the grass with  some ease, stepping past puddles as she lifted her head to look around. She was near a lake it seemed. Cautious she approached the large body of water, her paws sinking into the sandy soil as she bent down and lapped at the cool water, grateful for its presence. Her salmon tongue retreated back into her maw and she fell silent, hunched over by the water as she trained her ears listening for the slightlest sound to come in her hearing. She heard a rustle nearby and whipped her head up in alert, her yellow eyes staring with cautious and a quiet readiness to either fight or run as she barked out. "Hello?" She barked out, her voice quiet. Too quiet. She nagged at herself to speak louder. "Hello?" This time it was louder, loud enough to hear. Helix felt her paws tense beneath her weight as she watched the area where the noise  came from with strictness.



7 Years
02-13-2018, 08:12 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2018, 08:12 AM by Typhon.)

Now that Typhon had reunited with his family, and they hadn't outright rejected him, he felt a newfound sense of purpose. He intended to follow them, to work for them in whatever capacity was necessary. He knew the Abraxas family intended to spread their rule throughout the lands so for now he would wait patiently until someone made the next step. Getting to know the lands would be a good start, he decided, and so he painstakingly started to implant his surroundings to memory. Today had brought him to the side of a peaceful lake, surrounded by tail cattails and other vegetation.

Not the most social of creatures, he hadn't fully anticipated that someone else might be using this place as a watering hole. Drinking suddenly sounded quite nice, so as he headed through the shrubbery he heard a voice calling out, his presence having not gone unnoticed. A slight frown pulled at his lips as he stepped out, revealing himself to the stranger. "What do you want?" He snapped, not completely unkindly.. but his gaze held a fair bit of wariness as he regarded her with a wrinkled nose and a cocked head. Her voice had been oddly demanding, something that didn't settle well with him at all.

© argent 2017



2 Years
02-13-2018, 11:29 AM
Words, speech, thoughts
Suddenly Helix was met with a lighter colored male who stepped out from the cloak of the vegetation.'What do you want?' His voice and facial expression obviously weren't very pleased, but that didn't stop the reaction Helix blurred out in a mixture of habit and self defense. "Definitely not you." She shot back sarcastically, wrinkling her nose as she raised her head before shaking her pelt. Her face fell from its defensive expression and she seemed to have mellow instantly. "That probably wasn't the best answer..." She mumbled to herself, folding her ears and furrowing her brows for a moment in thought. She should apologize at least, no one deserved to be sassed for no reason. "I apologize for that. My name is Helix." She apologized honestly, trying to turn the conversation from one of tension or harsh tones to a more casual one. Her first day here didn't need to be ruined by her attitude, she figured. "I'm new here....I don't really know what this land is called." She explained, glancing around the scenery that surrounded the pair. It was beautiful here. Despite that she wondered if this male had any answers to give her on where she was. Well, if he accepted her apology that was.



7 Years
02-19-2018, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2018, 06:49 PM by Typhon.)

Not at all to his surprise, she bristled defensively at his question, earning a slight sneer of his own.  "As if I'd have you, anyway," came his own quick retort, even if he didn't pull mean it - it was the first thing to come into Typhon's head and he'd never been all that good at keeping his thoughts to himself, at least in the presence of mortals such as this one. His frown deepened a bit as she retracted slightly from her more scathing demeanor, watching as her own expression softened. "Well, I could definitely think of some worse answers," he offered, shrugging his heavy shoulders nonchalantly, his own expression growing a hair less agitated.

He huffed softly before speaking. "I'm Typhon Abraxas." Heavy emphasis was placed on his last name, as if it was far more important for her to remember his surname rather than his own personal name. He narrowed his eyes as he examined her, noting her strong build and healthy coat. Likely a good female for breeding, if his family needed one, and he implanted her scent to memory. Not that he'd mention it out loud, unless the moment called for it. "I've heard some call this place Firefly Lake. For the, uh, fireflies. They come out at night." Beautiful? He wasn't sure he'd call it that.. but then again, he wasn't really the type to think about that sort of thing, but it certainly was a decent place to scout around for awhile . There was fresh water and prey - where could a wolf go wrong?
© argent 2017



2 Years
02-20-2018, 09:08 AM
Words, speech, thoughts
Helix listened to the lighter colored male introduce himself back with a soft huff. Typhon Abraxas He seemed to place a certain force behind his last words, something that caused the Hellhound to tilt her head ever so slightly. Was the name an important one in these lands? She wasn't sure. She pondered if she should tell him her last name by she decided to keep it at at and press on. "Abraxas? Is that name important here?" Or perhaps the wold before her was only being arrogant? She doubted it, not many would fly their name to the sky for the sake of show and ego. There has to be a reason behind it, right? She wasn't sure at all. While he explained the name of this place, she studied his body closely, figuring it was best to commit him to some memory for future use. He was muscular and well built and discreetly she took in his scent from afar, letting her mind code it to memory. She focused back to his words, catching the part about fireflies. A small smile appeared on her maws, she always enjoyed watching and chasing the bugs when she was little. And admittedly, now in her older age, she still would, if she was alone. "Do you live nearby? I really have no clue on where to go here. Perhaps a few tips about any packs in this land I should stay clear of or be cautious around?" Helix's tone wasn't demanding, more so curious and hopeful. Whoever dwelled in this lands, good or bad, she wanted to have an insight. Some type of advice to hold onto when she decided to move on. If the male didn't answer her, she would be fine with that, despite wanting to know more about the land she figured she could always wing it too. But her instincts thought it would be best to at least ask then go without nothing.



7 Years
02-27-2018, 07:49 AM

Her question earned a neat arch of his brow. Was the name Abraxas important here? Sure, unless you were a fool. He resisted the urge to scoff dramatically. "If you're smart, you'll remember it," Typhon remarked matter-of-factly, a slow shrug following his words. "Give it a few years and I suspect most wolves you run into will know of our family. Perhaps you might even be a faithful follower someday?" He flashed her a playful grin, not caring too much if she believed him or not. As far as he was concerned, the Abraxas family would grow to rule most of this continent - it mattered not how unrealistic this might sound to any outsiders. They were mere mortals - and his family was god in the flesh, so it only made sense that they would grow to conquer all.

Typhon was content to keep his distance, peering at her sideways as he briefly looked out across the lake. "I don't have a home, persay, not yet. I'm waiting to see where my family needs me most." His cousin Amon's pack seemed as though it was full enough with wolves willing to serve, so he'd been sitting by the wayside waiting for his next move. Waiting to see where he could serve them most appropriately; and wondering partially where Phenex aimed to go, as well. But her question had a wicked grin spreading across his features, shaking his head slowly. "My cousin's pack, The Risen Empire, sits on the western edge of the continent south of this one. I'd say be wary of them, but.." He shrugged. It didn't matter much either way; the Abraxas generally didn't stop until they got what he wanted, and he hoped she was smart enough to stay out of their way. "What's your name, by the way?"

© argent 2017



2 Years
03-11-2018, 11:07 AM
speech, thoughts
"If you're smart, you'll remember it." Helix fought back the urge to protest, she was never one to simply bow to another without reason. Yet maybe the male was correct. She didn't know anyone here, and if his family was larger, she could at least say she met him. So she committed the name to memory for safe keeping. Typhon then spoke of how most wolves would know his family name, then suggested that she would be a follower with a grin on his maws. To this she allowed herself to answer freely. "Well I don't know. As far as I know I won't follow anyone that hasn't proved themselves to me." She replied honestly, uncertain if she would follow his family or not. A name was only that, a name. It was the deeds behind the name that mattered.

"I don't have a home, persay, not yet. I'm waiting to see where my family needs me most." She listened with perked ears and simply nodded to his words. She could understand that part at least, family was important. Not that she could remember her own at the moment. Images kept flashing of wolves she couldn't place a name to but certainly could feelings. Some conjured feelings of comfort, others fear and caution. Still, she couldn't quite remember. But she remembered the memories. Her attention was caught by Typhon continuing to talk about his family, about one of his cousins pack which she listened with some heed. She would be wary of them, not out of fear but out of caution. She didn't want unnecessary drama or to get hurt. But then, he asked her name. She briefly replied.  "Helix. Helix Satanas." She replied calmly, unsure what his reaction would be. She assumed simple, it was only a name that carried no weight in these lands. Not yet.

Credit Chili for table.



7 Years
04-07-2018, 03:43 PM

Wouldn't follow anyone who hadn't proved themselves to her, huh? Probably not a bad idea, honestly. His instinct was to bristle at the mere suggestion she not bow to the Abraxas family, but then again he ought to have enough faith in his kin to know that it wouldn't matter if she bowed willingly or not. In his mind, it would all eventually belong to the Abraxas some way, if not now then eventually.  "Fair enough," Typhon responded after a moment of careful thought, deciding that picking a fight wasn't necessarily the best course of action here, as tempting as it was to argue with her over the matter.

At her name, he nodded, implanting it to memory. Hopefully, if she was smart, she might decide to check out his cousin's pack. And if not? Perhaps their paths wouldn't cross again - who knew what plans the gods had in store for them?  "Well - pleasure to meet you, Helix." Typhon responded gruffly, offering her a curt not.  "Perhaps we might meet again someday? I should be going now." No longer quite so frazzled by the arrival of another, now, he figured he ought to be going to tending to scouting around the family's packlands to see what needed to be done. He offered her yet another nod before turning and making his departure.

- exit Typhon -
© argent 2017