
Every Step I Take [navigation]



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-02-2018, 03:20 PM

She decided that she would make a journey around the north lands. She had gone from the pines straight to the northernmost point of the north lands where stood a frozen human structure of sorts, and from there she headed slightly southward until she arrived at the nearby frozen lake. Her fur had thinned out a bit due to the warmer climate, which she thought was a little strange. Summer had finally arrived, but this year seemed to be warmer than usual, even for the north.

She came around a bend, passing a mound of ice and snow that seemed to be melting rather quickly. Beyond that, a frozen lake. Blue eyes widened in awe as she approached the edge of the ice. She had never seen a frozen lake like this, and she wondered if there were any fish that lieved beneath. Surely there weren't, right? What could possibly live in frozen water? Pale nose touched the top of the ice, and almost immediately she saw the faintest blue glow below. Eyes widened as her head pulled back, what was that!? Her heart beat with excitement now. There was definitely something under there...and she wanted to know what.

With tentative steps, she slowly walked onto the layer of ice. She tested it with her forepaws for the first few steps, and when she deemed it safe, she continued with less caution the further she went. She stared at the ice beneath her feet, fascinated by the glowing spots that appeared with each step she took. She was probably about three yards from the shore she had started from, and the ice breaking beneath her didn't even come to mind anymore.

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