



3 Years
Extra large
09-17-2018, 08:00 PM
Korinna had been spending most of her time lately scouting the borders of Ruina, and getting used to her new surroundings. The general terrain of Mount Volkan, was quite difficult in itself to navigate, and thoroughly exploring it was taking considerable time and energy - not that she was apt to complain. Korinna was the sort of wolf that felt most comfortable when she had a purpose, whether it be a specific task to do, or simply a place within a pack in general. Ruina, so far, was giving her all of those things and she was beyond pleased with her decision to join. Of course, she had plenty of wolves to meet still, and even more to learn about Ruina's culture, which would keep her busy for many seasons to come. Today, though, she'd planned to scout the lands beyond Ruina's borders. If there were any potential threats nearby, she knew Elias would want to know of them, and Korinna was determined to impress him to the best of her ability.

Her scouting took her to the flat plain that bordered Mount Volkan's eastern edge. There was nothing particularly interesting about this land in general; the relative flatness of this terrain told her it wouldn't make an ideal pack territory, so she doubted she'd find any wolves banding together here. The strange formation of stones near the center of the territory definitely caught her interest, though, and for a long while she maintained her distance from the stones as she scoped it out. Deciding it was no threat, she eventually moved forward to sniff at the collapsed structure curiously. Nothing about it caught her attention, though a stray scent suddenly hit her all at once - that of a feline, and a particularly large one, based on the scent. Perhaps a mountain lion? She'd apparently been trying to claim this place as her own. Due to its proximity to Ruina's borders, Korinna didn't love the idea of a mountain lion laying claim to neighboring lands.

Something had to be done. Perhaps not alone, but surely she could recruit the help of some bored packmate to help frighten some sense into this cat and hopefully send it running with its tail between its legs... if it could run at all after what it had coming. Briefly trailing after the scent - noting that it veered away from the shrines and slightly north, sweeping around toward the volcano - Korinna decided to delay no longer. She tipped her head to the sky and let loose a call to arms, for anyone who wanted to help her drive away this predator with her. She didn't want to do it on her own, but she would if she had no other choice.