
Away From Home

Chrono I


5 Years
06-23-2014, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2014, 11:20 PM by Chrono I.)

A multi-colored brute made his way to the shoreline of Alacritis. He had been west of Tortuga before, but now he headed east. He normally went out on hunts, finding prey that wasn't around his pack land. But this time he just went away. He never informed Roman of his leave, he wasn't sure if he was even supposed to. But the worst she could do is forbid him to leave the lands and he'd leave anyway.

His paws soaked in the damp ocean water, definitely too cold to jump in. So he strayed away from the drifting water. His eyes spotted something in the distance, but he couldn't quite make out what it was so he continued to travel without a thought.

When he finally arrived, he stopped in his tracks and took a look at the islands that hopped away farther and farther. There was a path through the water but there was no way he could get into the water, and it was mid-day, the hottest part of the day. His blood and violet orbs wondered the horizon searching for something that would never come.

Walk "Talk" Think

Elysia I


06-23-2014, 11:44 PM

She had returned back to the land she had once lived in. She had left in search for her love, her King of the Night but to no veil. She had lost everything. She lost Kus, her little bundle of flowers, her will and drive. She had gone looking and looking till many seasons passed and she was returning back to Alacritis. She moved in an almost lifeless lurching. Her array for brown fur was matted and dirty to a single shade of dirty brown, her jaw hurt, gapped open and no tongue was there within her jaws. Her frame was underfed but she no longer felt pain. She was just always moving. And though her body was in seemingly poor condition with seemed a hidden power that leaked off of her. A different kind of hunger glowed in her eyes. If she could have Kus with she could at least carry out his goal. To gather as many female as possible. In the name of Kusagra the panther, her one true love she would collect the flowers.

Claws scratched the sand as she moved along the shoreline, never truly seeing where she was going or what was around her. What did she have to fear? To be dominated would only anger her, to be slaved and she would rather die first. No she would and forever belong only to the King of the Night. She believed on day he would return and when he did she would be waiting. She shook her head violently before a sneeze froze her steps. The tang of salt clung to the air, for once making her look up and around. Somehow her paws had lead to her a beach. When did that happen, who knew. It mattered not to the female. But a multicolored figure did matter. What was that thing? From a distance she couldn't tell and would spend a moment staring before moving forwards. If it stayed there she would find out, if not, oh well. Unless it had been another female, then she'd track it down.

A soft barking chuckle sounded from the back of her throat in a manner of a laugh. Who was she kidding right now? In this state she'd just end up chasing everyone off. With a snort she concluded the spring would be best for plucking and gathering for her bundle of flowers. Fresh and health, full of new life. Yes spring would be best. She would look up once more, now closer to the multicolored thing and paused a few feet away. It was a wolf, one of her kind but a male, she gave a snide smirk before shaking her head. Males of her kind were such low life, scum, the whole late of them. Not one had been decent towards her. Maybe her brother had been but he had long ago abandoned her. She stood there studying him, wondering what he thought of the sight of her.

Chrono I


5 Years
06-24-2014, 06:41 PM

(OOC: I'll probably not get as great a post as you but I'll try my best^^)

As the male eyed the islands, he searched for birds that could plague the sky. But there wasn't one in sight. Did they travel south too? Or were they staying away for some reason? Either way, there was no danger coming his way because he was not going to enter the water.

He stayed plenty of distance from the ocean, careful not to catch a cold before his way back home. But a cold wasn't so bad, it would only last a few days and mending to himself. He stood for a while, admiring the islands before he noticed the wolf straying from him. The canine stayed back and gave him a look of curiosity, he then realized it was a female that had no specific scent to her pelt. She was a rouge like he was before Tortuga. He couldn't help but think about her story, how she got here and if it was anything like his own.

He searched her soil colored body for something different, something more like his pelt. But maybe she was only dirt. She held a few light patches around her fur, but other than that and her emerald eyes, she was an average wolf to him. He stretched his front left leg out in front of him keeping his head toward her. His paw gently hit the sand to say "Come, join me if you wish." And he would wait for her to approach. Maybe the two could be friends, or maybe this would be their only meeting. But the male would still make an effort to have some company on the shoreline.

Walk "Talk" Think

Elysia I


07-05-2014, 04:43 PM

She could feel his eyes upon her, trying to seek out who she was. She would glance at the water, catching her reflection. She would sigh at her own sight, when was the last time she groomed? Ha like she could anyways without a tongue. That was the one thing she hated about being alone, she couldn't keep herself clean unless she washed off in water. But no way in hell would she go and submerge herself in water in the winter. She would look back to the male, ears twitching as he indicated for her to join him.

What a shame he wasn't a female, his coat was quite fascinating. If he was a female she would do her best to claim her. But life had many twists and turns. Tail swished from side to side, to hell with it. She padded over slowly, still not to keen on males but assured she could get away if needed. She paused two feet away watching his reactions carefully. She would have licked her lips if she had a tongue but instead she would smack her mouth slightly before turning the ocean. She knew she shouldn't drink it but her was so thirsty. She did not drink like normal wolves but would suck up the water in the mouth. With a snort she shook her head before turning back to the male she would sit down a foot away from him, eyes waiting.

Chrono I


5 Years
07-05-2014, 07:00 PM

The male didn't notice her attempt to lick her lip, he kept his eyes to her as a friendly gesture. He would eye her as she trailed over to the water, he following her but staying far enough not to get wet. He would watch in interest as she slurped up the water, something wolves didn't do. It was more of a horse, but Chrono didn't know what that was so it wasn't as abnormal as one might think. If he knew what a horse was, then maybe he might give her a startled look.

He would dip his head to her, not seeing as she didn't have a tongue but it wouldn't scare him off anyway. As he locked onto her eyes, he found an urge. He then walked knee deep into the water and slurped up water just as she did. He had a hard time keeping it in his mouth as she did, but he still tried. He would then turn back at her to give her another charming grin. If drinking the water could make them sick, then at least she wouldn't be alone. There was still a silence between the two, but their actions had their own voice.

Walk "Talk" Think

Elysia I


07-05-2014, 09:10 PM

He was an interesting one. He remained friendly but his eyes never left her. Even more odd was the fact he went to drink from the ocean the same way she had. Left ear twisted back as her head tilted to the right in surprise. What was this? She wasn't sure what to make of it but a ghost of a smile twitched at the corner of her lips. She could not help but ease up her guard at his charming grin. Perhaps maybe not all males were bad. After all she had once had a brother. His where abouts she did not know, hadn't known for a very long time now. Maybe he ran off with that female he had mentioned before. Even so she hated him for it, she had loved her brother dearly and he had up and abandoned her.

Maybe fate would show this female not all were like that. That some rock where not some dull dirty rock, but under all the grim they glowed like a gem. But would she ever witness it was the question. She did not have much hope for the male gender of her kind, all had proven to be worthless, scumbags, and other unmentionable names. She shifted in the awkward silence, she didn't know what to do, it had been easier back then all those seasons ago but her time in solitude had snapped her social skills. She glanced down at her paws, growing more annoyed with how dirty she was. She had once prized herself with her natural marking and soft colors. But she had no one to impress, her King was missing and she had fallen with a broken heart.

Chrono I


5 Years
07-06-2014, 04:00 PM

The male would tilt his head to match hers, his charming grin being on his face. She seemed surprised that he did as she did, but he didn't act surprised when she had done it.

He would step out of the cool water, coming closer to the fae; but this time he paid no mind to the shoreline rushing at his paws. He would stop in front of her, and make the first words between the two.

"The water was a bit bitter," He would speak, "Probably shouldn't have done that." The grin still plastered on his face.

The girl may have had a brother that ran off, but in Chrono's life, he was that brother. He left his brother for dead under a rock slide. And though they were two different stories, it was the same concept. But the two would probably never know each others stories, well at least she wouldn't know Chrono's. No one ever would.

Walk "Talk" Think

Elysia I


07-20-2014, 05:40 PM

She continued to watch this male mimic her and couldn't understand as to why. Did he not know your not suppose to drink salt water? And why drink like her when he had a tongue? He was interesting to say the least. Enough to keep her there for the moment anyways. She didn't have much hope for the male gender, all had let her down thus far in her life. As he walked back to be infront of her he broke there silence. She have a very soft chuckle at his words and gave a toothy grin back. Surely he would expect her to respond back so she hide her teeth away.

For awhile she just sat there wondering how he would react when she showed him that she had no tongue to speak with. The reactions could be vast, too vast for her to guess. To hell with it. She open her jaws wide, reveling a mouth with no tongue only a place where it should have been, jagged and obviously was ripped out long ago. She closed her jaws with a snap and shook out her fur and watched him once more.

Chrono I


5 Years
07-24-2014, 01:16 AM

Chrono would tilt his chin the opposite as the woman's giggles touched his ears. He would notice as she hid her teeth after doing so, and he didn't understand until she opened up her jaws.

He twitched a bit to the sound of her teeth clacking and the motion of her body. "Oh..." He would speak almost silently. But it was no matter to him, the girl didn't seem like she would chase him off or attack him. So no harm done.

Mixed orbs would touch hers softly, the grin was faded by the time she shut her moth but he made the curl grow to show her that he didn't see fault. He looked to the sky for a moment, wondering how he could understand her. He was a man of words, that's for sure.

He would bring his eyes back to her, lowering his head almost questioning. He wasn't quite sure how to talk with her, or communicate. But he would try not to speak and see how hard it really could be.

Walk "Talk" Think