
Let Me Be Myself

Chrono I


5 Years
06-11-2014, 05:00 PM

The large male traveled aimlessly around Alacritis for at least three months but what seemed like longer. He had come in contact with pack boundaries, but refused to call an authority, become caged by their rules, telling him he can't do this or can't do that. The fact that he had to live on his own was the fault of a pack who insisted on killing his father and keeping his mother caged in their traditions. As well as why he had to leave his family and learn how to survive on his own was the fault of that same pack. So why on earth would he want to join some cruddy authority driven pack?

Well that's how this land lived. This is how they survived. And his thoughts had turned around. He had been fine on his own these past few months, but what if he did join a pack? He couldn't even image the amount of things they could offer him; more food, shelter for himself, if he played the right cards he could use them in all kinds of ways. As long as it meant he would survive, who was he to care if they were hurt, if someone got killed.

As these thoughts consumed his mind, his ears struck the crashing sound of a waterfall, and he had licked his lips as a result. But just before he took any more steps forward, his nose hit the air and scented the territory of a pack. Though he was still far from the border, he dropped his paw back to the ground. Speak of the Devil. He sat his rump to the ground gently and slowly lifted his maw giving a low but loud howl out across the land. His patience was set pretty, so if no one came in a time fit for himself, he would get up and leave, regardless if they were on their way or not.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-13-2014, 05:41 AM

A cough left her from where she stood by a small stream. She felt like hell, but at least her face was clean. She stared at her reflection in the icy water, wondering how things had gotten this bad. Her ears perked when she heard another howl, and she turned towards the sound. She'd been feeling slightly better on her own today. Trotting towards the sound, she wondered who had called her. As she emerged from the forest, her legs carrying her towards the waterfall's her eyes landed on a multi-colored stranger. She slowed to a walk as she approached, her expression relaxed.

Coming to a halt, she'd pause just beside the border. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga." She introduced- before going on. "What are you seeking?" She would ask, before settling on her haunches- waiting for the answer that would surely come.


Sorry this took so long- not at my apartment, and internet is sketchy here.

Chrono I


5 Years
06-13-2014, 04:31 PM

The three wolves Chrono grew up with were all multi-colored wolves. Sure he was the only one that carried all three colors from his mother and father but his color was therefor normal in his eyes. As for the fem that approached him, her colors and markings were beyond his mind. Even if a wolf had yellow and red colors just as she did, they weren't such markings as hers. He didn't gawk at her appearance for more than a second, her words whispered through his ears and he was sure she didn't want to wait any longer than he did.

"Queen Armada," His head tilted slightly downward as he flicked his brow at her, "Chrono, Chrono Lastic."

The sound of the distant but loud crash of the icy fall was so constant now that Chrono had blocked it from his ears. He rose from the ground to match her, though he was only a bit larger than her, it wasn't much shown unless they stood side by side.

"I seek for what most search for."Well, I wouldn't really know..."Someplace to call home." His eyes rose to the crystallized trees above, but came down to meet her gaze with his two-colored eyes and a responded smile. "Of course, I'd be willing to work for it if anything."

(OOC: if there is any weird saying or something you don't understand it might be auto-correct from my phone so you can PM me if you need to :))

Walk "Talk" Think


06-13-2014, 08:30 PM

Another day in the freshly plagued Tortugan lands. The cure had been ingested by all wolves who were infected, but he was still weakened from the violent fits he had induced. Forever would he be in debt to Covari, even if they were enemies in the near future. If it had not been for the strange and new pack, as well as the russet queen, the Tortugan's pride never would have been restored, and it may have been left without a leader, left to slowly crumble and succumb to an unknown disease. Honey gaze would sweep over the whitewashed tundra, enjoying the arctic air. He had been told to rest. but he had refused and gone on patrol. A scent wafted toward his nostrils, as he trudged through the thickly layered snow, and he would find the Tortugan queen near a stranger to the Tortugan lands. He would quietly approach, and sit down nearby, just to hear the conversation, and if the male should threaten his pack, he would be ready to fight, claws driven into the slick ground.

The summer child only heard the end of the multi-colored stranger's sentence, and his name. Chrono. He had never heard of this male, and only grunted quietly of his own name before tucking his chin to his chest and remaining silent. "August."

Walk, "Talk",


06-16-2014, 12:07 AM

With her violet eyes she regarded the stranger steadily, trying to ignore the constant pounding she felt in her head. If this epidemic didn't kill her, she could possibly kill herself. The male would speak quickly, introducing himself as Chrono Lastic. She nodded slightly at his name, storing it to her memory. He said that he was seeking a home, and she nodded thoughtfully, as he said he'd be willing to work for it.

August appeared then, and she flicked her ear in acknowledgement of his presence as he spoke, introducing himself. He seemed better, all of the wolves in the pack- excluding her had taken the herbal cure offered by the Covari Queen. Roman, however, continued to stubbornly deny it. Though if her head continued to pound- she'd certainly start honestly considering it. However, with the matter at hand- Chrono Lastic, she wondered if he had any skills. Was he a fighter, pray tell, or a hunter? Perhaps he was a healer or a mix of all three. "The wolves here in Tortuga each have various strengths, though they seek to be well rounded in fighting, hunting, and even in healing. Do you have any strengths in those area's Chrono?"


Chrono I


5 Years
06-16-2014, 11:22 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 01:13 PM by Chrono I.)

"Ay, August." He let out with a nod of his jaw and a quick sight of eye contact. He assumed the wolf was part of the Tortugan pack, he doubted the male was a slave or anything of the sort since he was out running free, and the queen wasn't chasing him off so he obviously wasn't an outsider. But she seemed to not give him any attention in the situation, Chrono hadn't even seen her ear flick in response to his name.

The two-colored eyes of his returned to Roman Armada as she began to speak again, his eyes leering softly at hers with a spark of friendliness and a hint of content. He may not have seemed eager to join the pack, and in reality he really wasn't. He just wanted to settle somewhere and figure his stuff out later.

"Strengths? I'm not so sure. I can get plenty of game, and if needs to be I can fight. I'd be willing to practice and I'll also be ready to learn healing if you wish." His eyes rose to the sky in an effort to think. He had never heard of healing, but it was pretty self explanatory. Of course he wouldn't know how difficult it could be. He remembered his father speaking of spies, assassins, and warriors; that of which the warriors also hunted. But he never recalled the place of a healer, he guessed it would prove useful to just about anything.

"But as of now, hunting might be the only thing I could put to use." He thought of the couple of years he had his brother Murrell, of how after his birth Chrono was thrown out the window, literally. When Murrell had been the only pup to survive that last litter, Chrono was forced to sleep outside the den. His father only took Murrell out to learn how to hunt at a really young age, even though Chrono was older. He had also grown thin from the lack of food both his parents refused to give him. But when he abandoned his brother the last day, he had to train himself, hunt himself, survive himself. He was sure he was ready to be apart of any of these groups of wolves. His maw let out another smile, his eyes located back to the male to see if he had anything to say, or if he would even be allowed to speak.

(OOC: once again on my phone so ask about problems ;))

Walk "Talk" Think


06-19-2014, 03:20 AM
ooc:only skipping august, to accept chrono- he's free to speak after this :D

Roman would listen to the oddly colored male, as he spoke. Taking in every word, she would calculate her response. He seemed willing to learn, and that willingness was an asset that not many wolves possessed. She wasn't foolish enough to turn away anyone who was willing to better themselves. She nodded at his words. Tortuga desperately needed hunters. "I wouldn't turn away a wolf who able and willing to learn many talents. We need hunters, as every pack does." She spoke, glancing over at August, before she turned her attention back to Chrono. "Welcome to Tortuga." She'd leave space for August to speak again in a moment, perhaps the male would help Chrono settle in. "You'll start out an ancillary, and as you settle in- and prove your worth to Tortuga, you'll be promoted." She explained kindly. "I'm hoping to call the pack together soon- to introduce the new members and discuss a pack event or two. I hope to see you gentlemen there." Letting out a slight cough, she glanced at August, glad to see that he had recovered. Perhaps she should let Gossamir give her the herbs that the Covari queen had shared.