
Lets make nice


06-10-2014, 08:20 PM

She had been crowned Queen and now it was time to start fulfilling her duties. First, she needed to establish alliances, and where the last Queen stood with each pack. The russet beauty would travel far north to begin with, then she would travel back home, stopping at backs along the way. Her first stop was, begrudgingly Glaciem. Her father had been far too quiet for far to long. Part of her hoped he was dead or long gone at least. She would slowly approach the border, her steps slow and reluctant. The Queen would stand there silently for a moment before tipping her head back, letting out a call for the current leader of the pack. If it was her father then she planned to leave before he could even utter a word. It would make her anxious standing there, waiting, not knowing who was the current leader of Glaciem, or who would greet her. Outwardly, her demeanor would not change, she would stand tall, her expression neutral, tail curling at her hocks. Tattered ears stood at attention, listening for the sounds of an approach.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-10-2014, 08:34 PM

Pandora was not really interested in politics, especially those that involved serious atmospheres. She didn't want to become one of those wolves who ended up with boring lives, living in a pack until her old days, where she would curl up one morning and not wake up. Such thoughts of her future were simply dreadful and she didn't want any part of it! Her life was going to be filled with surprises, love affairs, and tender moments between her and other wolves that wouldn't dare to be mentioned by those involved. She wanted to paint the world different colors and leave her markings while doing so.
However, she had a long way to go until she could reach such high heights. Instead, she decided to tag along with Sibelle as she trekked up to the borders of Glaciem. Apparently, Sibelle was the new Queen and with that title came responsibilities. It was not a nice thought, but the power was enough to sustain Pandora's young appetite for desire. If she wanted to learn from the best (aside from Maija), then she had to start somewhere. Even though it was a boring part of being a ruler, Pandora knew she had to know a little bit.
So, her aunt proceeded to make the announcement of her presence to the Glaciem clan. They were not aware of who was in charge, so with silent apprehension, Pandora stood beside Sibelle's left hind leg. She mimicked her mother's famous stony glare, but despite trying so hard, the lovely eyes she had received from her father gave away most of her bored thoughts. The part of not knowing the ruler of Glaciem, however, was exciting, so with soft tones etched in her mind for the moment, Pandora asked, "Auntie, what makes Glaciem so...powerful?" Perhaps this moment was not the best one to ask such a serious thing.

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Athena I


9 Years
06-10-2014, 10:20 PM

The silver princess trotted easily across the snow covered ground. With the recently found cure Athena had a fresh spring in her step and sureness in her strides. Then a call went out from the boarders and she paused, listening carefully to the unknown voice. Glaciem seemed to be having numerous visitors lately, but Athena didn't mind. In fact, she welcomed it.

She turned her coarse and within a few moments she saw a russet form and a darker, gold marked form beside her. Both female and both obviously looking for a Glaciem leader. Athena strode forward confidently, more than happy to fill that need. She smiled at them both slightly as she introduced herself. "I'm Athena Armada, Heiress of Glaciem. What brings you two to my borders today?"



06-10-2014, 10:30 PM

Pandora had decided to accompany her, she figured the girl would be bored, but it was a good chance for her to learn. It would not take long for an unfamiliar form to appear before them, the girl young and confident. She would introduce herself as the Heiress, and yet another Armada, a half sister undoubtedly. The Queen would dip her head greeting before making the proper introductions. "Sibelle Armada, Queen of Arcanum. And this is my niece, Pandora Artenie." She would look briefly to the girl before returning her attention to the Heiress. "I have recently taken the Arcanum throne, and was traveling to different packs to establish a standing, and possibly an alliance." Her tones were light and open, eyes bright with possibilities. She wasn't sure if this girl could help, but if not, then she would at least know who could.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-10-2014, 10:48 PM

Pandora looked around as they continued to wait, silently pondering when someone was going to show up. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long because Athena showed up minutes after Sibelle had voiced her presence. Her eyes met the form of Athena, and immediately, Pandora felt drawn to the girl. She couldn't explain it, but she figured it had to do with the aura that surrounded her. It was pleasant and warm, something Pandora liked from others. Her brothers and sisters had those auras as well, even if hers wasn't as clear and bright. Nevertheless, Pandora was silently hooked.
Sibelle introduced them and she snapped out of her short daze. Pandora looked at her aunt questioningly before realizing that names had been exchanged and she probably looked like a fool. Her turquoise blue eyes snapped up to Athena's own gaze and she blinked slowly, revealing the golden tips of both eyes. Rather than be shy, she cleared her throat and bravely said, "Pleasure to meet you, Athena," in a soft and gentle tone. Her charm wanted to appear on the surface and she let a bit of it show itself.

Talk like this



06-13-2014, 01:19 AM

A summons would bring the brute rising to his feet from the unknown whereabouts of his den. He was a secret to the world, having stowed himself away from prying eyes for quite a while, and now he was making himself known. As the Son of Argent, he would pride himself in his ambitions and his headstrong abilities. The boy would follow the trail of one who he knew to be the current heiress, but for how long? Not that he cared, but if Glaciem ever fell he would strive to pick up the pieces. Bit first, he would earn a better place here. He would strive to prove he was one of the best, however young he might be. Icy gaze swept across the snow, the brute following the tracks of the heiress that led the way towards the borders. He cared not whether he was invited or not, but it was his pack too. And he wanted to know what was going on.

He would push through brush and bracken, twigs and leaves clinging to his pelt and he would simply shake his behemoth form to dislodge the debris. Massive paws carried him silently across the grounds, the beast coming from behind the gray hued female. Eyes narrowed at the visitors, though not in a menacing nor angry manner. It was simply the way he usually looked, always scrutinizing the intentions of those he came across, friend or foe. Did everyone not have an ulterior motive? Nobody could be trusted. Perhaps only his direct siblings, but not even he would know his relations to the cobalt and gold girl that stood before him. Although, in his eyes...she was quite pretty. "Pardon my intrusion. The name is Armageddon...but most call me Raw. Athena." He would greet her in a politely curt manner...gaze never leaving that of the golden swirled girl before him.


Athena I


9 Years
06-14-2014, 12:23 AM

At the mention of the russet woman's name Athena's ears perked up with interest and her split-tone gaze showed her surprise. Armada? She shouldn't be that surprised. Her father had sired more than his fair share of children, but it was a surprise none of the less that someone who was no doubt a half-sister of hers had become a queen without her knowledge. And then there was the blue and gold girl, Sibelle's niece. That presumably made Pandora her niece as well. It seemed her large family was even larger than she knew! She smiled, pleased by this revelation.

Raw, one of her half-brothers, approached them and she turned her attention away from their visitors briefly to give him a welcoming nod as well. She liked that he had come to join her in greeting their visitors and made a note of it for later before looking back to Sibelle. "Well, it's certainly a pleasure to meet you both as well. I'm a little surprised we haven't met previously, but I'm glad we have now." Focusing on the reason for Sibelle's trip here, she went on, "As for a standing between our packs, I'm always interested in working out alliances. Especially with family. You'll find I'm pretty easy to get along with. I only ask that should Glaciem need Arcanium's help we will get it and we will do the same for you." She wondered if Sibelle would have any stipulations she would like to add to their alliance. If not then it would be a fairly simple, quick deal. Perhaps she was too trusting simply because of the Armada name, but she liked to think that she was a pretty good judge of character and she didn't see anything in Sibelle that she disliked.



06-18-2014, 09:27 PM

A second form slide into the scene, his coat a mixture of russets, whites and blacks, all intricately combined. But soon her half sister was speaking, far more friendly an open than their father. Words would bring a smile to the russet Queens lips as she stated her only terms. Easy enough. "Of course, you will have our help when it is needed. And to cement this alliance, I would like to propose a future betrothal. Neither of us appear to have kids yet, but should the day come.." Her crown would tip the side, a brow lifting. She didn't mean to offend the young woman, but the marriage would strongly ally the packs, and the new Queen was more than willing to make those alliances. "What has become of Isardis? He's been quiet." A smirk tugged at her features, surely the Heiress would understand, their father loved to spread his name nearly as much as his seed. Her gaze would sweep the land behind her half sister, half expecting him to jump out of the shadows and ruin the alliance right then and there.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-19-2014, 09:01 PM

Pandora knew that if she remained cordial, she would want a reward. It could be anything, but she personally wanted to have something she could hold onto. If she voiced this thought out loud, it would be seen as undignified. So, she held her tongue to her personal thoughts as she watched Sibelle and Athena continue to speak. Quite frankly, the small talk was getting old, and she wanted a distraction.
Her wish was answered faster than she anticipated. A flurry of colors - red, black, and white - appeared from the cold and silent forest, making her eyes blink in soft surprise. Turquoise blue eyes watched the male as he approached, his own gaze holding onto her form. She didn't show any signs of shyness, but rather relished the attention that he bestowed upon her. If the girl had a head full of hair, she would have tossed it to the side and fluttered her eyes. It didn't occur to her that the boy was her family, let alone her half-brother. So, the flirting in this situation did not count.
As the break between the two women arose, Pandora seized her chance to speak. The boy had voiced his name and had given a polite nod to his -- what, Queen? -- and left the floor open for conversation. "Pandora Artenie," she proudly said, her tones lifted with the right air of a royal. Pandora's eyes slowly blinked and revealed the natural gold that resembled peaking eye shadow for her lids. "But, most call me Pandora." She did know who the most were, but she knew there would be many before the next winter. "Quite frankly, you haven't interrupted at all on my part." An eyebrow rose as she met the boy's fierce gaze. Not. At. All.
Sibelle then continued to speak with Athena about agreeing to assist them for future situations and betrothals that would secure their alliance. Pandora silently hoped that if she were to ever be stuck like that, she would at least have someone handsome to admire. A flick of her tail showed off the zebra stripes again before she gently reclined to her voluptuous haunches on the cold, wet ground. Perhaps politics was not all that boring.

Talk like this



06-23-2014, 01:09 AM

Tail flicked at the greeting his sister bestowed upon him, icy red flecked gaze noting the arrivals. Sibelle, he came to know, wore near the same russet colored pelt he did, though his own pelt was coated with three colors. His pelt, of which he took pride in, at least to him, was far better groomed. After all, shouldn't a future leader always have a neat and grand presence? Never was his pelt mussed nor dirty, the Prince(in his mind and future right) was always presentable. Especially when in the presence of such a cobalt and gold beauty that stood before him. Although politics were being discussed, Raw was more interested in the girl that had come with the russet queen, for his attention was focused on her more. The only bit he did pay attention to, was the mention of betrothal. Ears twitched as he gazed for a brief moment at the russet woman. Would he be betrothed at some point? He wasn't sure how he felt about the idea, and if so, he would not mind perhaps being wedded to the beauty before him. Although he had no idea he was related to her, nor would he care if they were.

"Pandora Artenie," A small smile would play onto his inky lips, the boy approaching closer to the intricately marked female. The gold upon her lids was quite becoming, and there had never been another wolf he had ever seen with such markings or color. Her beauty and divinity was beyond even that of Isardis, and comparing the two, he was no more then a mutt competing against a goddess. The girl would sit then, the sun reflecting the gold that cast upon the blue. It was safe to say he could not take his eyes off of her, and the boldness forever etched within him would seek to know more about her. "Pandora is quite a beautiful name. Befitting of such a beautiful creature like yourself." Ears would twitch at the mention of Isardis, his assumed father. The male would glance at the other pair then, he too noticing that he has been absent. "Father has been quite scarce lately." He would comment, for he had not seen Isardis for quite some time now. Though it was nothing new, the creature seemed to be keeping to himself alot lately, not bothering to integrate himself within the pack it seemed.

Returning his gaze to Pandora, the boy would give a light smile. Tail waving behind him and above his his hips. It seemed he was quite enthralled by her, for there wasn't much that would take his attention away from such a beauty. Charm would begin to squirm its way towards his tongue, for he wanted to get to know the girl that sat before him. He too would take a seat, the tri-colored beast's gaze boring into her own. He did enjoy a game of flirtatious manners, and he could tell she too enjoyed it. "So, tell me. Where do you reside? Perhaps we can...get to know each other in the future?" Words were directed solely at her, voice low enough for only her to hear.
