
today is my birthday



5 Years
02-17-2014, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2014, 03:09 PM by Jaeger.)
i feel inclined to advise anyone reading this to refrain from trying this. morning glory seeds have been known to give more bad trips than good, and many people have wound up hurting themselves while on one. that being said, this thread will contain mature language.

another year had passed. the virulent viking was now four. and like any other year, he was to celebrate in his preferred way: hallucinogens. so here he was scavenging the tall grass plains, a devious mask poisoning his fair features. his steps bounced eagerly, his muscles spasmed with delight. it took him only a few seconds to find the treasured plant: morning glories. quickly he consumed the seeds, humming a birthday tune gleefully. he emptied his mind of every terrible thought. he would not allow himself another bad trip; especially on his birthday. and now, as he sat surrounded by the different flora, all was left was to wait.

- around an hour later -

periwinkle, chartreuse, violet. first they would vibrate before him, the herbs and flowers. they seemed happy, carefree. the wind, glowing faintly, wrapped lovingly around the flora. it kneaded them, caressed them, before releasing its grasp and working itself over his body. he felt it first on his chest, a cooling sensation. it dipped toward his stomach, over his shoulders. unbelievably wonderful. it slid gracefully, seductively, toward the small of his belly and even further. the feeling, incredibly exotic, felt more enticing than that of the most skilled lover he'd ever encountered. and just as the wind caught his attention, another took its place.

a ladybug. first she would fly.. walk? along the wind. the dots upon her wings, hovering, now seemed to be 2d fractal, connected by only strings of glowing light. he would watch her dance with the wind, allowing the flora to steal a twirl every now and again. but slowly, beautifully, she would transform into a cardinal. vividly and with every wonder in the world, she broke from the wind's reluctant grasp and disappeared in a puff of radiating cobalt, leaving the man with a dumbfounded smirk playing over his lips.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



10 Years
02-17-2014, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2014, 04:01 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Kapras?us had waited. His brother had created a great distance between them; perhaps he needed time away from him, or perhaps he simply needed to be alone -- but he had never been very good at waiting. There was so much life to live! And it was difficult to remain patient when he felt nothing but aching, raw need for his br??ir. He had been so near to him, impossibly near, but he had had slipped away so suddenly, like a snake through the grass. He would search, so slowly, all the while keeping his distance. One pawstep would follow the next as his limbs carried him endlessly, over river and through forest, searching for the one creature he wanted mostly desperately.

Though he'd had little to go on regarding his brother's location, it seemed to him like Lofn had been personally guiding them. The unfamiliar scents that surrounded him seem to suddenly transform, and briefly he felt his heart lurch in his chest. The man would pause, sniffing furiously at the air, tasting it carefully. Here, the forest began to ebb away to flat plains. The land, spreading beautifully across the horizon, brimmed with grasses and plants that took his breath away. And there was the scent so familiar -- pungent and enticing and as strong as ever, as though he had traveled this very path not to long ago. Or could it be Loki, playing tricks on him, luring him into darkness? Perhaps soon he would feel the stinging of venom dripping into his eyes, burning his flesh, filling his soul with unfathomable pain -- as Loki had been punished once before. But it was all he could do to trust in his gods, who had never once failed him, and continue on.

Jaeger had been here! There was no doubt. The tan-hued male would nearly leap with each step as he padded onward, emerald gaze alight with manic excitement. Overhead the birds would sing and dance, as if celebrating the narrowing distance between the two brothers. He swore he saw a pair of ravens, mirroring Odin's two birds, spiraling overhead, calling out in joy to him. In his chest he would feel a warm burst of happiness, his pace increasing -- until he saw the familiar flash of black and white fur before him. There was no doubt who it might be.

"Kann das sein?" he breathed aloud, mostly to himself. "Mein Bruder, ist es nur beim Anblick, dass mein Herz beginnt wieder zu schlagen!" his words were stark and honest, drifting pleasantly across the plains as he continued to close the distance between them. In his eyes shone a passion that could not be denied, and he seemed oblivious to Jaeger's current state. The fields around them were simply lovely, filled with flowers and herbs and all the beauty he could ever ask for. As he rushed forward, he was filled with the tempting urge to become one with his brother and embrace him, but he kept a careful distance, willing to be on edge around him once again.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


02-19-2014, 11:15 PM

When she'd first seen the grassland spreading out ahead in the distance, it had been sunrise, and Aella could almost have believed it was a sea. As day broke, the ivory she-wolf skirted around the edge of the lush fields, senses alert for signs of prey. She was not particularly hungry, but she had never seen a place quite like this one before - it looked like the sort of locale where the very fattest deer and rabbits might wander.

Several hours later, the sun had vaulted itself high into the sky and was blistering down upon the landscape. More sensible creatures were probably napping in a nice shady nook somewhere. Stomach empty (except for a few insects, a mouthful of grass, and one unfortunate mouse), Aella retraced her steps, this time hunting for water. I know I passed a stream this morning... she thought to herself, when suddenly a new scent presented itself to her nostrils. Ears askance, the Tenebrosi cautiously waded through the grasses. She smelled other wolves.

At first, she intended to approach them, but them she heard a voice weaving through the grass. The words were utterly unfamiliar to her, and she halted and crouched deeper into the grass sea, laying low. She was outnumbered, and if they were unable to understand her, their reactions would be more unpredictable. Tipping her dark nose up into the warm air, she tried to tell if it had given her position away to them.



5 Years
02-23-2014, 04:26 PM
hover over german for.translation. if it doesn't work, pm me

how long had he been sitting here, smiling up at the alligator-flies and bumble-birds? he hadn't a clue. minutes, hours of being uninterrupted. but he wasn't alone. no, not by far. he had the flowers smiling at him, the trees singing off in the distance, the mountains on the horizon bouncing delightfully to unheard music. the wind still danced around him, 3d visions of tilting and twisting rows. he would close his eyes, but the beautiful images still played in his mind's eye. he couldn't tell the difference between open and closed, they both mixed and mingled. reality played daringly with the effects of the glory seeds, was that himself he was seeing? it felt as if he was looking at a different camera angle down upon himself, through the lense of a 3d carnival novelty item. and then, marvelously, an aura so familiar to him pressed against his body and brought a warmth to his heart. he snapped back into his own vessel, rising to his feet as he became aware that he was not alone.

kann das sein? the words flit so gracefully along with the wind, twirling around his ears and kissing the end of his nose before disappearing. he knew that voice, that scent. but it couldn't be. he'd given up all hope already, it just couldn't be. and of course, it wasn't. he turned, a mischievous glare trying to stay upon an intoxicated facade. loki, ihre tricks sind immer so ?berzeugend. he would have moved to meet the very image of his beloved kin and lover, but flimsy limbs caused the hallucinating man to sit once more. ill-matched pools gazed lovingly at the false kapras?us, whom seemed to glow gloriously down to every single golden fiber clinging to his svelte body.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


02-23-2014, 05:10 PM

The girl and Jaeger had really hit it off. He was her only companion, which was normal for someone of her state of mind. Kodda was odd, her mind was so broken. She had no real concept of reality at times. Moods are random and come and go. The woman was a spectacle but hated when eyes were on her. She loved life of another, animals were sacred which brought her to starvation at times. Killing was a sad thing to her, to end another life. Storms were a curse but the sun was like hell. She was a confused soul but her outlook on life was prized to many. The woman and Jaeger spend many moons together since they first met. She was there when he ripped his foot off and he was there when her tail curled into deformation. They were bonded to the very core.

Her faded orange eyes danced around as she slithered through the tall grass plains. Her alabaster paws trickled with mud carried her forward. His scent was within her nose, as was others. The scent of two males and a female. She was tall within the grass and the woman did not hide. Jae was there, there was nothing to fear. Her tail was still in pain but it had curled from the break, like a Dogs. She sniffed out her companion as she neared him. The boy laid within the brush, he seemed distant, much more distant then usual. Those bi-colored eyes stared at the other Wolf in awe. Was this his mate? They spoke in German tones, which she only grasped here and there from her time with Jae. Kodda sat in the distance, but she was known to them. She was a mere teen feet away with a tilted head. Her extremely soft voice filled the air, "He is having fun, his mind wanders.." The words were loud enough for them to heard but the meaning was only for her to really grasp. "His mind soars!" She said the last line louder, but again to herself. She stared at the black and white male with no expression but her eyes carried adoration. The woman would watch, for this was the first time she interacted with Jae and others. The woman usually stayed around their cave and they spoke at nights. But, she decided to venture out that day and follow him.. Kodda worked in mysterious ways that only she really understood.




10 Years
02-23-2014, 09:12 PM

Kapras?us had been blind to his brother's change in physical appearance for a long moment as he stared, gaze brimming with awe and adoration. Though his brother seemed to take a long moment to notice him, he would wait -- for him, he could wait a lifetime. Joy would paint itself upon tan features, his lips contorting into a smile. It seemed clear to him that Jaeger was under the influence of something; his gaze was lost and vacant, despite the recognition that shone in those familiar depths.

But he, too, was convinced he was being tricked. The gods were so wicked at times, especially Loki, known for his deceit. Slowly he would shake his head, a whimper rising up from his throat. "Nein, nein, es ist mir, dein Fleisch und Blut!" Oh, how could he convince him? His mind would whirl, overwhelmed with excitement and confusion alike, but something more strange would break his concentration. The voice of another, so small, gliding over the plains. He would turn, animated in his movements, eying the small girl with eyes of fire. "Er ist mein Bruder," he stated somewhat hotly. "Blut von meinem Blut." He seemed irritated that this woman might know him better than he knew himself, but negativity would slide easily from his features as he redirected his gaze to Jaeger.

It took so long for him to notice the missing foot, hidden in the tall blades of grass, but when he finally did he warily paced forward. "Wie?" he asked, his lyrics devoid of disgust even as he leaned to stare at the broken limb. "Ein bl?t? Aber f?r wen?" He strung together two languages easily, his attention disjointed as he took everything in. He was overwhelmed, and he grew somewhat excited as he waited for his brother to speak.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


02-23-2014, 09:50 PM

This little rendezvous was becoming more interesting by the moment - a third wolf had arrived, a small thing with a pelt even more pale than her own. She was the only one to speak in lyrics Aella could understand, though she had to strain her ears to catch them at all. Although they were at least in a familiar tongue, their meaning was still cryptic enough for Aella to believe she had perhaps stumbled upon a meeting of those devoid of normal sanity - or at least inclined to speak in riddles. Not that she minded that sort of company. It usually made things more interesting.

Weighing her options, the Tenebrosi decided she could not remain a hidden observer forever. If they were not already aware of her presence, the wind would soon make them so. With the small snowy white woman now a part of the group, at least it seemed some one would be able to understand her. So, Aella she rose from the grass and, with a light clearing of her throat to announce herself, approached them.

"Greetings and salutations," she said with a coy smile, rolling to a halt in a carefully neutral posture. She didn't want anyone to mistake her current intentions for violent ones; things might get messy. Aella stood middling distance from the smaller white lady and the two males, emerald gaze sliding smoothly from wolf to wolf. "Having a bit of a party, are we?" she asked in an alto as smooth as stolen honey.



5 Years
02-26-2014, 04:28 AM

adoration, spinningly delightful adoration. that is what he felt as he looked upon the image of his beloved kapras?us. but as he looked on, the voice of another lovingly familiar companion filled his wonderful orchestra of sounds. the small, chiming little hummingbird of a tune would bring his jaw round to gaze upon the woman he'd been spending every night with. she was complicated, yet simple. he supposed every woman was like this, but none of them wanted just his company. was he coming down from his high already? his dumbfounded expression said otherwise, but the vivid 3d images and odd camera angles were reduced to fractal and slightly tilting flowers. damn.

loki would speak again, claiming that he was in fact his flesh and blood. a slightly sorrowful change in his fa?ade drooped his smirk and crinkled his brows. that would be something loki would say, wouldn't it? and in the corner of his eye, he could see those gloriously glowing locks begin to fall away. what had he done to deserve the mischievous god on his birthday, of all days? but then, by all the wonders of a miracle, the kin's jealousy which he found so attractive flared. his finely crafted chin would draw back to meet the face of his lover, sitting a mere few inches from him. br??ir... the word would slip softly, disbelief plain in his tearing eyes. it would take him a moment to understand what his beloved kapras?us was concerned about, but as his ill-matched pools followed his gaze the word fell almost as softly as the other. nein.. before a more steady tone took over, realization coming to ends with his newly amputated leg. v?ti. zum abweichen von loyalit?t. his eyes would look upon his lover once more, wanting to lavish and bathe him in, before a foreign voice breached their reunion.

immediately he could tell she was no threat, as the blades of grass openly accepted her and lovingly caressed her legs. but old habits would kick in, and even within his intoxicated state, his mind jumped to kodda. he would will himself to stand, stumbling at first with the mistake of thinking he still had four able legs. with as smooth movements as he could manage, he tried his best to maneuver through the bubbly-eyed and wide-smiled flowers toward kodda. once positioned relatively close, he would give up and simply stand between the two women. like i always say, what's a birthday without a party? he would gaze back toward the woman, boasting a broad smile and attempting his best to maintain balance.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


02-27-2014, 04:57 PM

The broken gal sat upon the grassy ground as her distant eyes captured the scene with such focus. Orange slice eyes slipped from Wolf to Wolf before they landed back on Jae. Those alabaster lids then encased her lovely sunny orbs as she focused on the odd words. The brown Wolf spoke to her, she could feel his eyes on hers and slight frustration within his voice that made her cower internally. Kodda gathered blood and brother from the words, she assumed it was not a threat, but he was explaining that Jae was his kin. Her companion then confirmed such with saying brother in an odd tone, as if realization. Kodda let eyes lids flip up as her orange eyes were exposed to the world. The shining atmosphere of each flower and each cloud shined with such lucidity. Her eyes slowly shifted from brother to brother as they spoke to quickly in unknown tongues for her to really gather. The other white fae made herself known as Kodda looked over to her. The dame was smaller but she had spunk. Kodda did not say anything to respond to the temptresses tones. Kodda was not like other girls, not at all. Her focus then slipped back to Jae who was then stumbling towards then. The girl then got up to meet him with her shoulder, turning to help him. The bitch was large and able to take the weight. He spoke in common tones and the girl leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Today is the day of your birth, I shall honor it deeply, my friend." Her voice was so soft and delicate but each word was so deep and had such meaning. Her eyes then flicked back to the white dame with little interest but Kodda would be there for Jae's birthday, she had to be.




10 Years
03-02-2014, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2014, 09:59 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Oh, what a sacrifice! So selfless and brave. His eyes would well up with tears unshed, his heart aching with joy. But his attention would be taken abruptly by a female who spoke boldly, watching the pair with amusement glimmering in her emerald eyes. "Yes, a party," he assured her, his voice cracking with audible delight. "She is so observant, our guest! Tell me, what is your name?" Kapras?us held a nonthreatening stance, and yet the manic delight in his tones was often eerie in its intensity; even now, he could not help but revel in his brother's sweet return.

But Jaeger did not seem amused. Instead he seemed downtrodden, even suggesting he had been punished. How had he strayed? He was silent in his inquiries, deciding he would ask him later. In private. Instead, he would grin broadly, nudging his brother gently. "Might it be a child of Freyja?" the man suggested, turning away from his kin to slide closer to the stranger. A glance would be offered to Jaeger, a teasing grin illuminating his features. "Or perhaps she was sent to us by Lofn, to aid us in our pursuits!" The gods worked in quite mysterious ways, and he nearly giggled at the thought of being sent a message from one of them in the form of a physical being.

Jaeger seemed drawn to Kodda, and he watched with eager eyes. Did he not yearn to tear her skin from her bones? To let her bleed out? For Odin, for Thor and for all the others? They were familiar with one another, and he did not know if he liked this or not. A strange warmth spread in his chest and another chuckle would escape his lips. "Why so blue?" he would question the girl that leaned against Jaeger, head cocking gently to the side, though his grin remained. "It is a party, or so I hear!" Another laugh would escape, followed by a gentle nip of his teeth on Kodda's side before he circled around the duo, tail waving behind him.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


03-10-2014, 07:57 PM
Sorry for the long wait!

The whirldwind woman's eyes narrowed upon the others, taking them in and appraising them each in turn. One of the males seemed to be disfigured, the one who spoke to her first, at last spilling out words that she could fathom. "Birthday?", she inquired lightly, her voice like bells. The fact was mildly interesting to her, although it held no real significance or importance. It was merely a way to start the conversation, to see what these wolves were like and what other, more useful information she could possibly glean from them. Taking another couple of steps forward she let a smile spread over her jaws.

"Gaudeamus igitur," she said, with the sonorous formality of a true courtier. They weren't the only ones who knew a language other than the standard parlance. A moment passed and she uttered "I wish you happiness on this occasion," she explained smoothly, letting her tongue flick over her lips before turning her piercing gaze to the brownish male. The rest of his babblings meant little to her, some unfamiliar names and queries. Gods or rats, she knew or cared not. Aella served no one, and she hardly felt she needed to declare the fact. "Oh, they call me a lot of things... but you may call me Aella. And what, pray tell, are all of your names?" She asked rather boldly, but then the brown man had asked first, and she had no qualms about volleying back whatever they threw at her.