
welcome to existence


08-09-2013, 11:01 PM

It was now nearly impossible to miss Ocena?s pregnancy. Her pups had distorted her petite body, and she found it difficult to walk long distances now. This certainly put a damper in her wandering with her tribe of rogues, but it was a small price to pay for what would prove to all of Alacritia that her family was not weak, though they may have lost two territories. She blamed Gargoyle for neither of these losses and indeed didn?t mind wandering in the least.

For the time, however, her wanderings had stopped. She had claimed a den for herself not too long ago and set about enlarging it, ensuring that there would be enough space for Mercianne and for all who wished to see her children. There would at least be Gargoyle, of that she was certain, and perhaps her other children might wish to see their siblings be born. Avalon, Galileo, and Orica. She thought fondly of her children, a smile flickering across her maw as she made her careful way towards her den. Her body promised that soon, her children would be born. Cramps wracked her frame, making her stop every few steps, squeezing her eyes shut as the pain shot through her body.

She thanked her lucky stars that her den was not too far away. It meant that it didn?t take her too long to reach the den, and only then did she have the presence of mind to tilt her head back and howl, summoning Mercianne in particular to her side. It was a promise that she had made to Gargoyle, and one that she fully intended to honor. And besides, it made sense. She had heard far too many tales of mothers bleeding out and losing their lives, and of pups who grew up without a mother because of that. It wasn?t something that she would allow her children to go through. Not that she could really fight it, but if she could take some precautions, she would. And that meant that Mercianne would attend to her. The female had already agreed to it, according to Gargoyle, though she was pregnant as well. But unless Mercianne was having her children in the same moment, Ocena figured things would be alright.

It was good that she had summoned Mercianne early on, because her thoughts were slowly being dwarfed by the pain as cramps worked their way through her body. Damn, why had this seemed like a good idea? Oh right, because her children were the light of her life and they had been worth every second of pain. But that was hard to remember around the pain.




08-10-2013, 12:22 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The piles of herbs that she had formed inside her freshly dug den were neat and tidy. And large. She had gone out of her way to ensure that she would have enough of everything that Erani had suggested she keep on hand, fearing that somehow just a normal amount might not be enough. It was too much, she knew it, but it comforted her just the same. And she needed all the comfort she could get. The task of putting the finishing touches on the den that she had found, closely situated near Ocena's, had been done by her alone, without the help from her mate, Awaken, that she would have liked. He had been oddly scarce lately, to the point that Mercianne had to wonder whether he was even still around or not. He had made no mention of leaving, for any particularly length of time, and so his absence wore heavily on her nerves. It was difficult. Being heavily pregnant with pups as she was, she couldn't go running off in search of him, but neither could she let herself linger on it either. She needed to think of their children first and foremost now.

She stood back, crouched within the den and admiring her handiwork regarding all the herbs and plants the wolf Erani had instructed her on, able now to name them all by sight and even by smell. She smiled, a sweet little gesture, as she thought of how very soon none of it would be needed. Very soon, both she and Ocena would be mothers, blessed with pups to care and live for. Everything would change, and not all of it would be easy, but somehow they would do it. Somehow she would do it. Even if Awaken continued to distance himself, even if he might never return, the little lives that dwelt within her were her responsibility and she intended to take care of them as best she could, no matter the circumstances.

And all too soon that fateful sound came, Ocena's pain-wracked howl requesting her assistance. Merci turned her head, staring wide eyed and breathless outside of her den, feeling suddenly as if her insides had sunk low and gone cold simultaneously. It was time. "Oh boy," she murmured to herself, hurriedly returning her attention to the plants that lay sprawled in their separate piles before her. Hastily she made a grab at some of everything, the plants mixing between themselves despite her efforts to keep them separated, and hoping enough time would still be given so she could organize them again she turned on her heel and crawled her way back out of her den, a difficult feat what with her own stomach stretched wide with pups, and made for the other female's den.

The other mother was already curled up in the back of her den, adjusting herself as the painful spasms began to take over. A bit of nervous energy raced through Mercianne's frame in the form of a shudder, but she didn't lose her cool. She had prepared herself for this, for both of them. She knew what to do. Head low respectfully to the distracted Ocena, she quietly entered the den and moved aside to the space she supposed had been dug out specifically to make room for her. There she lay down the plants she had brought, quietly rifling through them with her muzzle and nosing them back into their separate piles. "Everything okay so far, Ocena?" she asked as she moved the last of the plants into their proper places, dark brown eyes shifting upward to look back at her expectantly. But she was not worried. She knew what to expect; she would take care of them both.

Gargoyle I


08-10-2013, 08:34 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2016, 06:22 PM by Shrapnel.)
Gargoyle had heard his mate?s howl from his hunting ground in the northern woods just a ways away from the cove itself. At the very sound he let fall the hare he?d caught ? forgetting all about it in the explosion of worry and excitement that went off like fireworks in his head. He didn?t hear the rabbit plop to the forest floor. He didn?t even think to try to bury it to hide it from scavengers. He just ran.

He?d known that Ocena?s time was getting closer and closer, and for her own sake he?d hoped it would be sooner rather than later. Was it just his imagination or was she larger this time? How much bigger could the little black dwarf get? Gods Above! ? what if she just popped?!


?Apparently Gargoyle had forgotten one other, very important little detail: Don?t run into trees. He?d been going at a full charge with his brain a thousand miles away. He?d dashed this way and that, scrambling over logs and rocks and, on finally finding what seemed like an open enough stretch of forest, he?d gone into a dead sprint. He?d nearly forgotten his way home ? and he?d made a sudden right turn to adjust his course? and run smack into a sycamore. The thinner branches of the twisted old tree shuddered a little, but didn?t seem to mind too much. Gargoyle on the other hand had rebounded off like a bouncy ball and immediately plopped into a heap among the roots.

He was seriously lucky he didn?t just break his skull open with a crash like that, but as it was he was out cold for the count. Hopefully he?d wake up in a few minutes, though, with a splitting headache that would probably cross the line into minor concusion. Didn?t matter how much it hurt though, the wound to his pride would end up being far worse. Thank goodness he was still a good couple of miles from any of the dens.



08-10-2013, 08:35 AM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

The past few days Orica had been all the sweeter to her family, but just a touch quieter. She was preparing herself to have to tell them that she was leaving. ?Just a chance to explore on my own,? she?d say, ?Too meet other healers and help other wolves and grow up. I should be back in a couple of seasons.? That was the best she?d come up with so far, and all of it was true. But she?d be making very certain to leave out a certain detail: She wasn?t going alone. Perhaps her family would?ve been happy to hear that her traveling buddy was a warrior wolf nearly as big and nearly as protective as Gargoyle himself? But that happiness would be quick to wear off with the news that he was a known killer formerly addicted to the shedding of the blood. Just a hunch.

Demyan was?. Special. He was different. Orica had been unsure of herself at first, but more and more lately she?d been learning that she could trust her gut, and her gut told her that she was perhaps the only wolf who was safe around the male. He?d sworn to protect her? and more. Orica blushed at the very memory. She didn?t know how someone who?d done the things he had could have so much hidden depth ? but he did. And it deserved a chance. She was willing to leave the world she?d known to make sure of that. In time, if all went well, then she would return to her family ? wherever their rogue wanderings might have taken them ? and bring home a newly reformed warrior to join their band. At this point in her life she had seen good wolves kill bloody and bad wolves nearly die to save the life of a stranger. Life was complicated. Or ?complex? as Ocena had said when Orica had asked her mother about it.

It was a hurdle that she?d have to tackle soon enough. But she didn?t want to leave yet. She?d promised herself she would stay to greet the new litter ? her new siblings! And of course what healing knowledge she had, she would put at the disposal of both of the faes who were to have the puppies. As far as Ocena?s birthing went, Orica knew that Mercianne had been asked to take the lead as midwife, and though the wolf was heavily pregnant herself, she?d agreed ? she?d even sought out the expertise of the Valhallan Lead Healer, whom Orica had also met and found she liked extremely. Every healer has their own knowledge and stores to draw upon, their own advise and choises when it came to cures ? Orica had raspberry leaves to eat to help internally heal the bleeding afterwards, she had springs of heather and lavender to help calm, she had poppy root for pain, and last but not least, a few bit of borage to help soothe headaches and start the flow of milk going for the pups. All of it was kept in her medic?s bag, along with plenty of other things she?d found along her forays into the other lands. Orica wanted to be ready, when her mother?s call sounded, ready she was.

The girl climbed up the steep, stair like path that wound itself through a curve of the bay cliffs, and started off across the coastal plain. Eventually she came to fringe where her mother had already dug herself a burrow. No sign of her father yet, but that was alright, males would just get in the way ? and perhaps Ocena had other ideas, but Orica didn?t think she would?ve wanted her mate around to be worried and helpless and fretting. Better to let them sweat it out outside. Mercianne was there though, and the little medic was happy for that. She slowed to a much quieter walk and ducked her head inside ? picking up her leather knapsack in her teeth so that it wouldn?t drag along the floor.

Orica, had a healer?s instincts. She was totally calm in the situation. And moved about as quietly and confidently as she could. ?I brought more herbs,? Orica murmured setting her pack one at the side of the den near the more experienced healer. The scents of plants and flowers had already begun to fill the small space til it had all the fragrance and freshness of a summer meadow. Not a bad place to bring new lives into the world. ?Just let me know what I can do to help,? she said to the white fae. Whether it was fetching water with mullien leaves, or administering herbs, or just waiting calmly for the pups to come so she could lick them off and get them breathing ? whatever was needed, Orica was ready to do



08-10-2013, 11:20 PM

Mercianne's appearance was noted only through a haze of pain,
and the female stirred, lifting her head slightly to focus on the healer's form. "Fine," The female forced the words out painfully, letting her head drop onto her paws once more as Orica appeared. She twitched her ears in the direction of her daughter, a frown crossing her face for a moment. Did she really want her daughter to see her like this? Well, there was nothing to be done now.

The pain was swiftly growing unbearable, and Ocena could feel her body getting ready to push the pups out. Finally, the female thought to herself with a twitch of hers, entirely unimpressed by the pain wracking her frame. Every once in a while, it would hit a point where her vision was tinged red for a painful second, and then she would feel her body convulse painfully. Damn it, why had this seemed like a good idea? On what planet had this been an experience that she wanted to repeat?

But even through the pain that made Ocena just a little bit irriational, her tail wagged wearily when the first pup entered the world. For a moment, the pain lessened enough that Ocena could feel a fierce pride, and then it all started up all over again. This hurt!

ooc: hey guys, it's a free for all now! Post your puppies whenever you'd like! I've left it pretty open on birthing order so just post when you can, though I would prefer it if you'd post as soon as you can! <3 Galahad, Odette, Oracle, and Valeria should all post if possible ^^




10 Years
08-11-2013, 08:16 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2013, 10:52 AM by Aures.)

. . .
The world was a new place that Odette didn't expect so soon. Cold air met the wet pup, making her recoil and want to retreat back inside her mother. The womb had been safe, warm, and filked with everything she needed. Now, she was spit out into a world that was probably not ready for her. The feeling was mutual.

After she started to breathe and get her lungs working, her stomach started to wake up. Hunger burned in her tummy, making her whimper in short yips. Blind with only her nose to guide her, the newborn struggled to meet the warm belly that was exposed to her. She found her way to Ocena's side, felt her way around, and dark kissers met the nipple she had claimed. Milk came and ran across her tongue, which was all she could think about. As Ocena's body continued to deliver her siblings, Odette kept on drinking until she had her fill. It didn't take long and soon sleep arrived to greet her.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
08-11-2013, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 03:57 PM by Galahad.)

This whole turn of events did not please the monochromatic pup. He went from the only world he had ever known, the warm protection of his mother's womb, out into the open air. The cold air hit him with a jolt, an unhappy cry escaping his mouth as soon as he could fill his little lungs with air. Wriggling helplessly, he searched blindly for his mother and siblings, wanting that warmth to return. His stomach felt empty, making him even more upset about the whole ordeal. Suddenly he felt his mother's stomach and his mouth found one of her teats, filling his mouth and stomach. He settled down instantly, happy to have his mother and his sibling around him, his now full stomach lulling him into sleep.




8 Years
08-12-2013, 05:23 PM

. . .

The pressure eased and for a moment she didn't move her lungs working to clear themselves as she lay still and motionless then all at once her entire body shivered letting out a mewling cry, it was cold and hard and though she could not see or hear she could sense the presence of others around her. Scents flooded her nose for the first time and she sneezed, a weak little thing that cleared some more of the muck from her airways. She could smell mother, she knew not how the scent was known to her but in a silent world of darkness and instinct she did not question it. A cool breath of wind that ghosted through the mouth of the cave and over her damp fur making her whimper but a sweet scent reached her nose and she become aware of a yawning hunger in her belly ignoring the chill she began to move.

Her legs swayed as she put weight onto them for the first time she stumbled rolling from side to side as slowly she inched towards the scent of food. Her nose bumped against something familiar, her brother, and she pushed in beside him latching on to the teat and sucking her first taste of food. It was warmer here lay between her brother and sister beside her mothers soft fur as she drank until her stomach could hold no more. Only then did she release the teat curling in on her mothers side as sleep drifted in to claim her.




08-14-2013, 06:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The dark brown eyes of the pregnant healer shifted from the expectant mother to the other young healer as she entered, satchel of medicinal plants carried firmly within her jaws. She spared the youth a smile and a gentle wag of her tail before her attention became again focused upon Orica's mother, expectantly waiting and determining from her own observations how things seemed to be going. It was obvious the contractions were coming more and more strongly, the wriggling of the mother letting her know that the discomfort was building. Any minute now, she wondered in amazement, a sense of excitement building.

And before she could truly realize what was happening, the process had begun. Ocena strained, doing everything as her body instructed, and the efforts were fruitful. Mercianne blinked at the first child as she made an appearance, a lovely little thing that reminded her instantly of Gargoyle. Rather than jump right in to help, she hung back, letting Ocena take the lead of things and allowing her the space she required. Unless something was obviously amiss or she requested assistance, Merci only intended to be a silent observer alongside Orica. "A little sister," she whispered to the side Orica stood at, her position shared with the young healer so that she could observe and learn from the experience as well.

Two more arrived after the first, another little miniature of their mother and another look-a-like to their father, a son and daughter respectively. It was all she could do to keep from laughing aloud as the little bundles of fur greeted their mother and then set about to nursing, poor Ocena, worn and weary, tending to all three with experienced care. Oh, how much she admired her for what she had done! The little lives she had brought into the world and would care for so carefully from then on. She could only hope to live up to the same expectations she would have for herself and her children once they arrived, which she wagered would be sooner as opposed to later. "Two daughters and a son," she murmured to Ocena with a small yet bright smile, "and all look as healthy as could be." No complications. She couldn't have asked for a better birthing for her friend.

Gargoyle I


08-16-2013, 06:07 PM

. . .

Gargoyle had pulled himself together, and, other than a minor concussion, and probably a couple of bone bruises to his skull, he was just fine. Didn't really matter. Not like anything could have kept him from getting to his destination today. He moved back into a run, this one a little more mechanical and stilted as he ignored the ringing in his tattered ears. Thank the heavens that his brother and Awaken hadn't been around to see that. Either of them would've used it as amo for the rest of his natural born years. Of course, even as he thought that he felt bad for it. Rogue and Mahniyah had both left to seek new homes after the news of the volcano. In his mind, Gargoyle knew it had nothing to do with his role - or lack there of - of a leader, but it had been hard at first to block out the voices that had told him he was a failure.

That wasn't weighing on his mind though, today. This was a new chapter starting. New lives. New chances. New children to play with and raise and teach and watch turn into adults. There was no way he was keeping himself from that a second longer than was needed.

Gargoyle steadily picked up speed as he willed his head to clear, and before long he had reached the den. The scents of birth and milk and puppy fur were quite strong - over powering - and for a moment, the male found he hesitated. Too excited and too filled with wonder to even poke his head in the doorway. Eventually though, as Mercianne's voiceings of congratulations and a healthy birth came, the male took a deep breath, swallowed, and stepped in to the large den that he had helped excavate.

What greeted his eyes were three of the most adorable things he had ever seen. He stepped forward, having to bend his head low and forward. It seemed to take an hour just to cross the little earthen room, but in a moment he was beside his mate, staring down at the three little bundles of fur that suckled at her belly. Familiar feelings warmed up inside of him. He felt he could just melt into a fur rug and snuggle them all up - but at the same time he was ready to take on a polar boar to protect them. His family had just gotten a little bit larger.

Finally he managed to pull his eyes away from the little miracles, and look over to his mate. There was nothing cold or stoney or withdrawn from his face. Even a wolf like him couldn't help but be expressive at such a moment. Pure love raditated from his yellow eyes as he stepped more parallel with his beautiful wife and began to gently paint her white muzzle with his kisses. It was an intimate gesture they usually would've reserved for their time alone, but Gargoyle didn't seem to care then that two other grown packmates were around - or even that one of them was his daughter. He just cared about Ocena, and what a wonder she was.

Eventually thought he pulled back and laid down so that he was more perpendicular, and he see the pups there before him. "Thank you," he said quietly to the healer and the healer in training. Other than that, he could find no words to describe the moment.

(ooc: ocena and i both decided we'd just be going with the three pups)

. . .



08-17-2013, 12:48 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica did what she could to help - drying the babies off, making sure they were breathing, helping any that struggled to get to their shared mother's milk, but the truth was, everything went totally smoothly. It couldn't have gone better! As a healer, of course Orica wished that she couldn't had more for her and Mercianne to help with, but that was cast far aside by the thankfulness that the experience was an unhampered one for her mother. And there was something else too. She'd learned a bit about the terrible things that could go wrong - it was nice to see that, yes, most of the time everything went well. Wolves had been giving birth since the dawn of time, it hurt and it was scary for a first timer, but it was natural for their bodies.

One day perhaps Orica herself would be a mother. She'd never really given the idea much thought. That is, she was a girl and all, so she always knew she could be a mother one day. But now - seeing these little bundles of fur appear as if by a miracle to root around and start tasting the air - it was incredible! Who wouldn't want to bring more lives in the world?

Orica felt all warm and happy inside as she flopped back on her haunches and watched. Mercianne spoke, but the little girl kept quiet. Even when her father walked in, barely seeming to notice her at first, when greeted with the sight of his mate and his new pups. She blushed when she saw her parents kissing. She wasn't one of the kids that thought love was yucky, but she did think it was embarrassing. She was half tempted to crouch down and wrap her tail over her eyes. But soon enough she had to look over at them because her father was thanking her. Orica beamed happily, looking from Mercianne, to Ocena, to the pups, to Gargoyle.

Their wonderful family had just gotten a little bit bigger.



08-20-2013, 08:21 AM

. . .

welcome to the planet, welcome to existence, everyone's here

It took Mercianne speaking to make Ocena realize that this was done. The pain was fading; there were no more pups that would try to escape her body. Thank the gods, Ocena thought to herself, ears twitching as she lifted her head wearily to gaze at the trio of pups. They were all gorgeous. At least one seemed to largely take after her, but the other two took after their father more, and they were all perfection, of course. Ocena managed a weary smile as she glanced at her daughter and Mercianne, her two healers and wolves that she trusted more than anything.

Her tail flicked against the earth as Ocena gathered her thoughts, "Thank you, Mercianne. I know this couldn't have come at a worse time for you, but thank you." Her voice held hints of her exhaustion, but the wolfess felt all of that fading away as sounds of another approach reached her ears. Gargoyle. Joy surged in Ocena's mind as her mate padded forward, making his appearance for the first time. The world seemed to fade away in that moment, leaving Ocena with just Gargoyle. It was just him and her and for the moment, that was all.

Conscious of her pups, she didn't leap to her feet, but instead lifted her head to stretch it towards him, pressing her muzzle against his as he approached, and then waiting for a long moment as he gazed at their children, seeming to be as much in awe of their perfection as she was. A smile crossed her features as she gazed adoringly at the male that she loved so. Her tail began to thump happily against the earth as he began to lick her, and she nuzzled his face lovingly, oblivious to their company for a long, joyous moment.

When he addressed their daughter and Mercianne, it brought Ocena back to the present with a shock. She turned, stretching carefully to nuzzle the pups adoringly. Ocena had no qualms about displaying her affection for Gargoyle, and hardly seemed to notice Orica's embarrassment. For the moment, she was content to make certain that her children were all right.

. . .




08-20-2013, 04:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was done. She could hardly believe the births had been so easy, so effortless, and Ocena's tight hold on her composure throughout the whole ordeal only made the timid healer admire her more. Three beautiful bundles of joy to join the first litter. She could only imagine the excited faces that would surely spread amongst the older siblings, silently wishing she could play witness to it all. But that felt like a breach on the personal space the family needed, particularly at this time. A gentle chuckle slipped from her muzzle as Ocena remarked on the timing, though in her own opinion it could have been much worse. "I'm glad I could be here for you," she stated, giving a slow nod of respect for the other woman. She could only hope that, when the time came, her own delivery would go as smoothly.

At long last Gargoyle arrived. Seeing his heavy frame take up the majority of the den's opening, Mercianne offered the second-time father a congratulatory smile, tail wagging faintly as she shuffled a little away from the prostrate mother to allow them both room. Such a happy sight, she mused as she watched her leader fawn over his new children, his wife, enjoying the happiness he had been rewarded with. And he most certainly deserved it. Their pack had been through many hard times, many hard moves, and it only seemed fair that everything in this instance should have worked out as well as it had.

Though the sight of the male did bring about another minor detail she had been trying not to dwell on, a certain figure that had withdrawn himself from her life rather suddenly. Where was Awaken? Would he return before the pups were born? Did he even plan on returning to them? Feeling her heart grow heavy at the thought, she knew it was time to take her leave, not wishing to dampen the elated mood that had settled amongst the members of the immediate family. Getting to her paws, the pregnant Mercianne managed another wag of her tail before she addressed both Gargoyle and Ocena. "I think it's time I go," she murmured quietly, more than happy to let them have their time alone, "is there anything more I can do for you?"