
live & love & don't let go


07-06-2013, 03:54 PM

Midnight. He slithered through the bounds of Seracia with a mission already set in motion. For the first time in his life as he crossed familiar lines, he found himself hoping that he would not be caught by any of his comrades. It was his wife who controlled the forefront of his mind, and it was she that he sought out in this late hour of the night. He and his father had only just returned, and after parting ways Maverick set off toward the den he and Epiphron had chosen when they had discovered they were to be married. Oh what a joyous day that had been; it could only be paralleled by their wedding itself. A smile crossed his lips, haunting and beautiful at the same time. He?d learned a lot from his father in his time away, and had seen a lot in their sojourning. It had been during their travels that he realized he needed to speak to his wife upon his return. That moment was here and now. He refrained from entering the den, but instead offered a tentative word in hopes of beckoning her to his side.


If she slumbered hard enough she may not hear him, and he would not wake her, but on the off chance that she was sleeping lightly ? or not at all ? she would hear and hopefully come to him. He hoped she wouldn?t be angry at his absence. He?d only been gone a few days, but had found his heart longing for her the moment they?d strayed across Seracian borders. Only when he embraced her once more would it calm its incessant longing and relax once more. He rocked back onto his haunches, tail curling and smoothing around his hips. He had much to tell her.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-06-2013, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 08:06 PM by Epiphron.)

Her husband's soft tones rustled her from the light slumber. She stirred rather easily since he had departed, finding herself missing his strong presence beside her. Epiphron Adravendi had not grown entirely used to living here yet, and Maverick's sudden departure had not helped the matter; but no, she was not bitter. In his absence her mind often played tricks on her, his voice sounding in her dreams. Even the wind that blew into her den reminded her painfully of her husband's flesh against her own. How badly she had desired him before -- and how much more she wanted him now that he was hers, and yet he had gone from her willingly. She was not upset in the least, not was she jealous, but instead she awaited eagerly the day when he would return from to her.

But on this particular night, the soft tones that sounded through their den was anything but a delusion. With a soft whimper she arose, blinking slowly to adjust to the darkness. "Maverick?" She mumbled gently, slowly rising to all fours. Had he really returned so soon? It had been quite a few days, and yet she had expected longer.

Epiphron had never been more eager to see him. Stretching briefly, she proceeded to slide from the entrance of the den. Immediately she rushed forward to embrace Maverick, her head tucking comfortably beneath his own. They fit perfectly, like the pieces of a puzzle, and she sighed. Her voice was sleepy as she spoke up, inhaling his scent as though she had feared she would never experience it again. "How I missed you," she said softly, another barely audible whimper escaping her throat as she pressed firmly against him.


07-07-2013, 08:51 AM

Her whimper did not go unheard, and thankfully it wasn't accompanied by a growl. As she curled against him he felt his heart relaxing to a more comfortable beat, reminding him of his desires. The chill of the spring air was pleasant, but certainly not as frigid as winter's had been. A smile wrinkled his face as he placed a gentle kiss atop her head. ".. and how I missed you," he crooned with affection. Jaws strayed to nibble on her crimson ear as he showered his affection on her for a moment more. "I have much to tell you," came declarative tones. And much to ask... he mused in his head. He pressed himself tightly to her. "Come, let's take a stroll in the moonlight." It seemed he had aged a fortnight - at least in the way he thought - since he'd gone.

He twisted and reluctantly pulled his bodice from hers, bringing it to her side and waiting for her to join him. "Father and I discovered a few islands off of the shore of this land. More than a few, actually. We explored one or two - but mostly we just talked." He paused, a sigh lingering just out of reach. "He told me things I'd never heard before - about him, about my mother." Lime eyes narrowed slightly. "I think he?s giving up, father. He?s talking about stepping down." He wasn?t sure if his father was doing it because he believed in Maverick, or if he felt he couldn?t do the crown justice anymore. Either way, Maverick had a bad feeling about all of this.


ooc; sorry these are short, ipad = shortpost



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-07-2013, 10:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 11:53 AM by Epiphron.)

She had not been upset at his sudden departure. A lot of things had changed in Seracia, and quite suddenly as well; it seemed natural to her that the King might want to talk to his newly-wedded son. About what exactly, she was not sure. But yet another whimper left her throat, wearing her neediness on her sleeve like she never had before. Why contain it, when she loved him so? When she longed for his presence so terribly when he was gone? She felt his teeth on her ear, and she continued to press into him. Maverick's voice was soothing to her, and she relaxed against his touch. He had things to tell her. "Good things, I hope," he murmured sleepily, turning to follow him when he took the lead.

He explained they'd found islands off the shore ... they talked ... and Gerhardt might be stepping down? What exactly would that mean for the young couple? "Why would he want to do a thing like that?" She could not imagine a man who had the throne to his Kingdom wanting to forfeit it -- but then again, she had never been in a position of power for as long as Gerhardt had. And that was how she expected things to go; either he would forfeit the throne to Maverick and herself, or they would obtain it by default when he died. She hoped that would not be the case, for that would the most solemn way to rise to power. And her father-in-law- was beginning to grow on her.

Maverick also mentioned he'd learned things about his father and mother -- she wondered what things. In due time, she was sure that he would tell her. But she was currently curious as to why he no longer wished to rule, and she gazed at him with curious eyes as they walked. Overhead the moonlight shone down on them, illuminating her husband's face, allowing her to watch his expression eagerly.


07-08-2013, 07:46 AM

As they paced he found himself glad he had someone to confide in. Had he been married to Chrysanthe he felt as if their relationship would be entirely business-like in nature. He would not have dreamed of talking to her so openly, even though these things would have involved her as his wife. But as it were, Epiphron was his wife ? and coincidentally enough his love. He could not be more pleased that it was she he got to speak with. He felt bad for waking her, but she could catch up on her sleep anytime. Besides, nighttime was often the only time he could ensure that he would not be bothered by someone else who wanted or needed his attention.

And so as he gave her the news that had been so weighing upon his chest, Epiphron uttered the very same question that had been fluttering in his mind. ?Why would he want to do a thing like that?? Maverick sighed and spoke the only reasoning he could think of. ?Because, as much as I hate to say it, my life is more ?together? than his. I?m married to the love of my life, and am just as capable of leading as he is. His wife left at the end of a bitter divorce, almost killed herself, and his son vowed to kill him and then disappeared into thin air.? Maverick?s ears laid back as thoughts of his brother returned. He?d tried his hardest to forget his sibling altogether. As far as he was concerned, Kamala was the only blood family he had. ?I think he?s afraid that since everything else has fallen apart, Seracia might too if he lingers as King.?

Now that he thought about it, these past few months had to have been hard on his father.. and what had he done about it? Whined about marrying someone he didn?t love. Snuck off to see a girl he did love. He knew he hadn?t exactly made it any easier for his dad. He also hadn?t made life any better for his brother. Perhaps if he?d been more involved with Valkis, his brother might not have wanted to kill their adoptive father. He sighed, slowing his pace ever so slightly as his tail began to droop. ?I think he?s burned out of looking after everyone else and their mother. He?s been doing it all his life. He really needs time to do for himself as much as he?s done for others.? That?s exactly what he needed. Maverick knew had his father not been a King he would have another wife by now, perhaps even children of his very own. He would have less stress in his life, and more time to do as he pleased. As much as Seracia was a gift, it was also a burden. However, it was a burden that Maverick would gladly carry for Gerhardt, if the man would allow it. ?Things are going to be changing soon..? he breathed, whether as a warning or an excited utterance ? it was unclear.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-08-2013, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 10:03 AM by Epiphron.)

Maverick would never be a burden to her -- she was sure of it. She could envision her life with this man being much like her father's relationship to her mother. Loving, loyal, and true... her memories of Guinevere were vague, but she remembered that the kind of love that she shared with Cairo was something she wanted for herself. With a soft sigh, she allowed herself to brief press herself into Maverick, shivering at the feeling of fur brushing tenderly against her own flesh.

"I can only imagine," she said wistfully. She could only imagine what it would be like to have grown to power alongside someone, someone who become someone they weren't. Maverick's explanation of what had happened to Adette made everything make a lot more sense to her suddenly. And not only that, but he had lost a son. Epiphron wondered if Gerhardt and Cairo would get along -- they'd met at the wedding, but not spoken for long. It seemed they both had a lot in common. Taking in a child who betrayed you, who grew hateful and spiteful in spite of the values you'd tried to instill in them.

"I don't think Seracia would fail, but it sounds as though he might be happier without having to deal with being King." Epiphron was not stupid; being a ruler was not just a privilege, but a privilege that came with great, often burdensome responsibility. It was not an easy task, and often took a toll on a creature's personal life.
"Do you mean to say what I think you do?" She asked suddenly, her concern for Gerhardt slowly ebbing away at Maverick's's next sentence. She hadn't expected to take the throne so quickly, but she would do so with careful eagerness.


07-08-2013, 08:43 PM

He had tried his best over the years, to be the son that he would dream of having ? to be the kind of son a father could be proud of ? biological or not. He had tried to be the brother one would call honorable, to be the brother that his siblings needed and wanted. It seemed he had been that brother for Kamala ? at least he hoped she felt that way ? but he had failed Valkis. He hoped he hadn?t failed Gerhardt. The Prince knew he was being hard on himself, he was taking a page out of his father?s own book in doing so. Gerhardt was consistently and irreversibly hard on himself ? Maverick didn?t want to be that way. He shook his head lightly, returning her gentle pressure. His tail sought to intertwine with hers, much like it had when they?d been only friends ? flirting with the idea of love.

?I don?t think it would either, but I do believe its taken its toll on him. One wolf can?t do everything ? and that?s what he?s trying to do. You know how he is..? Maverick felt bad. He?d known how hard his father had been working, and had never stopped to think about what he could do to help. He?d been doing what he could here and there, to accept members and help them out, but never had he really stepped into the Prince position and made it his own. He knew he ought to be asserting himself, answering calls more often, and doing more in general. Things would change, although it seemed that the King position might be nearer than he?d ever imagined it being. His father had very subtly told him that he would be stepping down soon, which meant the crown would naturally travel to himself and his new bride. He knew they were ready despite their youth. They could do anything they set their minds to.

He slowed his pace slightly, weaving through the trees with no particular destination in mind. ?I do, Epiphron. Father says he means to give us the crown soon ? though I don?t know when.? He sighed, too bad that wasn?t the only thing on his mind. He turned his head to look at her, lime eyes meeting blue. ?I learned a lot about my father while I was gone.. and one thing I learned is ? as much as I love and respect him ? I don?t want my life to end up like his. I have a whole different plan for my life, and it doesn?t include a divorce and running myself ragged.? Though his words seemed criticizing, his tone was anything but. He respected Gerhardt Mathias probably more than any other wolf in the whole entire world. ?My father never got to sire his own litter, never got to see children of his own flesh and blood. I don?t want that for us. I know we only just married, and I won?t rush you, but I would love to raise children with you ? crown or no crown.? He paused then, to let her process and respond. He?d given her a lot to think about, and a lot to decide upon. Granted, nothing had to be determined tonight unless she wanted the same thing he did.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2013, 10:33 AM

She smiled gently as she felt his tail sneak closer to hers, intertwining with her own briefly. A sigh left her lips once again, a soft noise meant only for him. She had never been more glad to not be alone -- to have another she could count on, fully, with her entire body and soul. Epiphron still felt as though she was just getting to know Maverick, though they had met numerous times before. Though they were close, and spent most of their time together, still the Seracian prince felt mysterious to her -- never did she know entirely what to expect from him. The fact that he kept her slightly on edge was attractive, and made her desire him all the greater.

He went on, confirming her own speculations. Her own pace slackened, keeping up with Maverick gladly, She couldn't help but be slightly surprised at the possibility of the pair inheriting the throne so suddenly. "I can't help but wonder," she started, brows furrowing a bit. She slid closer to him, content to walk side-by-side, her body pressed lightly into his own. "...if Seracia will trust me. I've barely spoken to any of them." If she was in one of the lower-ranking members' positions, she probably wouldn't fully trust herself, either. She was blatantly honest; around anyone else, she would've never admitted her worries. But she certainly would not hesitate to step up tomorrow, if she had to.

Maverick went on for awhile, and she listened patiently. He was a driven man, and it seemed he had matured drastically in the last few months. As had she. Silence fell over her for a long while, and she turned to nudge his neck gently. "There is no man I would rather have children with," she admitted softly, voice a mere whisper. The possibility of not having children was not something that had ever crossed her mind. But she hadn't yet considered the possibility that she might be ready so soon. Epiphron knew it was with Maverick she wanted them, though -- the girl uttered a barely audible whimper as she pressed closer to him, pondering.


07-09-2013, 11:42 AM

Just when he'd gone from the playful and lackadaisical Prince of Seracia to this highly-driven and superior individual he did not know, but whenever it had occurred he was sure he didn't regret it. He'd vowed to be more involved in Seracia and to prove his worth as a Prince, and it seemed this change of attitude had come with that vow. A smile crossed his lips, if only briefly as their bodies intertwined and moved in tandem. He felt so alive with her near him, so perfectly and wonderfully alive. The russet being moved with strength and fervor, though is pace remained slow and even. He didn't have a destination in mind, this was just a casual stroll with the love of his life - not yet his lover. "I don't know about that," he commented as she voiced her worries. "but I do know that they trust me, and I chose you. If that isn't enough, I don't know what is."

They would be a fool to distrust her, and if they didn't respect her as she deserved he would be sure to correct the problem immediately. No one would ever turn their nose up at his beloved, not if he was around. "For now we can focus on being the Prince and Princess, the rest will come in time." Whether they stepped up tomorrow or ten years from now, all they need worry about is being themselves - of this he was sure. Maverick was still figuring himself out, but he knew that alongside Epiphron they would get themselves together.

As she nudged him he curled his head around to meet her cheek, burying her muzzle in his neck. "Say the word my love, and we will have them." He would never pressure her, but instead would let her choose the time. They had plenty of years ahead of them, though Maverick hoped that plenty of children might fill those years. He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. She would be a wonderful mother, he knew it. And though their relationship was in it's beginning stages he was confident they would be capable and loving parents to any children they might be blessed with.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2013, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 09:07 PM by Epiphron.)

It had been a real eye-opener for Epiphron when she realized that she might not be able to be with the man she loved -- she realized then how she was not totally in charge of her life, and that in the big picture, she was rather miniscule. But she had changed even more drastically when things had gone her way. Though the woman had been proud before, her confidence had all but grown following her wedding. She had gotten nearly exactly what she wanted. The man she had grown to love, as well as a position that guaranteed her power. It was not the Valhallan throne she would inherit, that she had hoped for, but she knew she would come to love Seracia dearly.

"I can only hope they will grow to love me nearly a fraction of how much you do," she murmured lovingly, a bit more affectionate than usual, as she had missed him so dearly since his departure. It'd been the first time they had been apart since their marriage, and she definitely hadn't enjoyed it. But the prospect of inheriting the throne so soon made her forget the slight loneliness very quickly. She really ought to get to know some of the other Seracians, especially if she would be crowned Queen soon.

But the talk of children drew her mind quickly away from thoughts of ruling. It seemed Maverick, too, was distracted by such an idea. Would he have brought it up if he hadn't been at least somewhat interested in the thought in the relative future? She considered, slowing her pace dramatically. Luckily they had still been able to maintain privacy, weaving in and out of trees in the near-darkness. She was not in heat any longer, but perhaps she could still bear children -- she wasn't entirely sure. Epiphron had demonstrated rather strong self-control over the last few weeks; her desire for Maverick burned painfully in her chest, but she would not given in to temptation until the both of them were ready. She was not that stupid. It wasn't long before their lazy pace slowed to a halt. Her bright gaze danced over his features, wondering. "Is now too soon?" Her lyrics were far more innocent than usual, almost naively so, as she leaned in to lather his face with gentle kisses.


07-10-2013, 07:38 AM

In all of his life he had had the best of everything. The best father, the best family situation, the best pack (all in his own opinion). He had been given nearly everything he wanted and then some ? even handed things he hadn?t known he?d wanted. He?d been given freedom when he needed it, and closeness when he wanted it. He?d been given structure and guidelines, and loving wisdom when he asked. His life ? minus the first few months of it ? had been a piece of cake. This being said, when he?d been told ? quite honestly for the first time in his life ? that he couldn?t have something he so desperately wanted (in this case Epiphron) it had been a stern awakening that things weren?t always as he desired them to be. He remembered being furious with his father for denying him, furious with his uncle for the way he?d behaved, furious with the world and how it?s favor had suddenly fallen from him.

His muzzle traveled over every inch of her figure he could reach, placing sparse kisses wherever he desired. Her warmth was comforting, her touch ? enrapturing. A smile glided across his lips. His love for her felt boundless, despite the newness of it all. These last few weeks had been nearly impossible to deal with. Her scent had been intoxicating, and when he?d finally figured out why she was so alluring ? he had been careful to keep himself in check. He would not impregnate her without her consent, and being as it was so new of a relationship he hardly expected she would consent so quickly. As they stood still his eyes found hers, moving in tandem ? azure and lime. Her kisses were hardly a distraction from what she?d just said ? though he knew that it was not her intent to distract. The scent had gone from her, which meant realistically she probably could not bear him children right now, but hey ? it wouldn?t hurt to try. A smile graced his features, one of sly nature and mischievous outline. ?Certainly not,? he chided in an almost too excited manner. Tongue slipped from his jaws to place kiss after kiss on her lips.

He hardly thought there was any better time to try, as he was sure no one would be lurking around Seracia at this time of night. The hour of the morning sun was nearer now than it had been when he?d found her, but they still had hours before the Kingdom would arise and start the day. His kisses traveled upward, reaching a precipice at her russet stained ear where he nibbled tantalizingly on the thin flap of flesh. He had wanted her so badly all this time, and now that he could have her he scarcely knew what to do with himself.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-10-2013, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2013, 05:10 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's Adravendi's entire being was slowly flooding with desire and passion. She had never really pictured her first love being someone she cared so deeply for, unsure that such a strong bond would come to her with such ease, at such a young age. She had wondered for some time now if she would lose what was left of her innocence with someone she wanted to be with for a long time -- she envisioned the thrill of such an event, almost looked forward to it. But no, this was so much better. As she gazed at her husband, she remembered how fully she trusted him -- and even though she was not completely certain she needed children already, she would be ready if by some great chance, they happened. But only because she loved Maverick dearly, and she had little doubt that they would be together for a long time -- at the very least.

Her eyes danced over him, eagerly dissecting his every move. The past season, since they had been married, had been full of teasing and wanting, and now it was all over. At least in a large sense, for the woman knew she would always want him. In a way, she felt even closer to him since they had not jumped so quickly into being more intimate -- she was not the kind of woman to have children right after her marriage, despite how terribly she craved every inch of him.

A gentle laugh escaped her lips at his agreement. It was unlikely that she would bear children -- but there was always a slight possibility, and she certainly took that into mind. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt his teeth on her ear, and she pressed tightly against him, her body begging for more already. She, too, was at a bit of a loss -- they were entering an entirely new part of their relationship, something neither of them were familiar with, even with one another. Such pure intimacy reminded her of the first few times they had met, stealing simple kisses in the privacy of the ravine, unwillingly wishing one another goodbye. "I am the luckiest woman in the world, Maverick," she mumbled, pleasure creeping up in her soft tones, words meant only for him. Willingly her body curled closer against his own, flesh against flesh sending what felt like electric shocks through the very core of her being; never had being so exposed felt so wonderful, and she already knew that this would not be the last time that she craved him like this. "And tonight, I belong to you alone." She would be his -- forever -- so long as he wished. Their hearts would beat in unison, for the same goals, the same purpose, until the end of time. Her nose pressed into his neck, jaws parting ever so slightly, teeth dragging teasingly along his skin.


07-10-2013, 06:08 PM

He was on fire ? quite literally, for every touch she graced upon him felt like a flickering flame burning and searing at his skin. He ached for her, in every sense of the word, desiring to give her everything he had ? and rather selfishly, to take everything she had for him. It was natural, he assumed, for them to feel this way ? and yet there was some part of it he felt that no one else could possibly have experienced before. This raw, carnal desire was something only they could share, something only they knew. His bodice craved every inch of her, though he knew it was quite impossible for them to touch every part of their bodies together at once. If it were possible, he was quite sure he would make it happen.

It was all new, and all so incredibly and overwhelmingly exciting. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, hear it drumming in his ears. Blood pumped through his veins, circulating and bringing his body to a feeling of euphoria he?d never known before. It was something akin to the desire they?d had when they?d first met and stole a kiss or two, but it was magnified and intensified by the millions ? or so it seemed. His teeth moved rhythmically, wantonly across every inch of her ear, sweeping over the top of her head and toward the other unstained audit. Soft groans of lust slipped from his lips, but he dare not try to silence them. Somehow he knew - though he was very new at this - things would happen by instinct. A smile slipped across his lips, a devilish one not unlike those she?d seen before. ?Yes you are,? he teased with a certain bravado in his tone. ?I have the most beautiful bride?? he crooned in her ear. Magic was in the air.

He pivoted, bringing his frame reluctantly from hers, and focusing his gentle nibbles and nips down her neck and onto her shoulders. His body, instinctively, was urging him on. He felt her nose against his neck, her fangs raking across his skin teasingly, tantalizingly. A soft, nearly inaudible moan slipped from his lips. Oh she was good at this. He reeled his muzzle back to her ear momentarily, offering a rather seductively laced line. ?Tonight, you are mine.? Possessiveness came out when he cared deeply for someone. He?d shown it time after time with his sister, but this was far different. She was his by marriage, but tonight she would be his in every possible way that could be imagined. Tonight their flesh would join and the two would become one.

He inched away from her then, dancing on silent paws as the moonlight shone down on them. Great fiery legs carried him instinctively until he was positioned behind her, his jaws once more nipping at her flesh ? this time a bit more roughly. He would never hurt her, never even dream of it ? but he wanted her so badly it nearly hurt. He rose up like a stallion, bringing his weight gently, slowly onto her pelvis. She would need time to adjust, and so he gave it to her ? not moving or wavering where he was. Only his head shifted, craning forward so his muzzle was near her ear again. ?Are you ready, love?? It came as the faintest of whispers. His body quivered with anticipation and desire, but he held firm. As much as his mind and lust urged him forward he would restrain himself for a moment more until he was sure she was ready.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-10-2013, 07:41 PM

Perhaps they ought to retreat to their den..? Her mind whirled silently as the scene unfolded, of two young lovers exploring eachother's bodies for the first time. It was unlikely that someone would stumble upon them here, on the outskirts of the territory of Seracia, but it was a possibility -- and, she decided suddenly, a risk she was willing to take. Epiphron felt as though she could not bear pulling away from him for even a moment now, that was how badly her body craved his.

The briefest shadow of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The woman felt not only desire burn somewhere in her lower half, but also desperate need. Never had she imagined a man would be able to bring her to her knees with so little effort; the mere feeling of his teeth against her ear made a soft moan fall from her lips. If he did not give her what she wanted, she would not hesitate to beg and plead. For Maverick, she would let down her guard completely and surrender to the more carnal side of herself. She would keep nothing from him; she would trust him with all of her being. At the mere prospect of being completely and utterly exposed, her own chest beat loudly in her chest. The steady beat kept her somewhat grounded, though she could barely think, so swept away by passion and wanting. The prospect of children was swept away, her thoughts focused entirely on her husband -- he swept behind her with such steady grace, and determination, that she nearly gasped.

Words were lost on her -- any that struggled to fall from her lips instead erupted as hurried whimpers and moans. His attention turned from her, and instead he nipped gently at her back haunches; tenderness turned to rough wanting, and she obliged gladly as she felt his weight on her , tail curling above her back without hesitation. She arched her back, turning her head over her shoulder, seeking further contact with him. Are you ready, love? Maverick asked -- always the gentleman -- eliciting a near-groan from the woman. "Only if you are," she teased, turning her head further to attempt to place a kiss anywhere it landed. Though she did not say yes exactly, she was ready. The slight quivering of her body would tell him so, as would the sounds of pleasure that seemed unable to stop falling from soft lips.


07-11-2013, 09:40 AM

Despite the fact that they were out in the open, the thought never occurred to him that they might be stumbled upon. It was unlikely, given the hour and location of their rendezvous, but it was certainly possible ? if only just. Still, Maverick was hardly thinking thoughts such as those. Though he?d been competent enough to ask if she were ready for the step they were about to take, he felt as if he might not be strong enough to wait for an answer. It seemed in the mere second or two that followed his question time had slowed to an incredible standstill and left him begging for an answer. Almost any answer would do, just anything that would bring him out of this moment of uncertainty.

He quivered as she teased, oh he was ready. Her kiss fell on his muzzle, and he returned one atop her head as he then tried to figure out exactly what to do next. His body was driving him forward, urging him closer to her. He followed, wrapping his legs around her ribcage and bringing most of his girth more onto her back than just her pelvis. Jaws snared her scruff as gently as he could manage whilst he pulled himself the rest of the way forward and to the point of no return.

- Fade ?

When it was all over and the deed was done, Maverick slid up against her side. He was panting and his tongue hung limply, cradled in his slack lower jaw. He smiled dreamily, placing kiss after kiss on her cheek. ?I love you,? he crooned in her ear. Almost all of his strength had left him, and yet he felt like he could bring down a bull by himself ? and he had half a mind to, in celebration. With a newfound glean in his eye, Maverick gave her one last kiss and spoke. ?Shall we go home?? The day was still two or three hours away from dawning, and he had a mind to spend those hours with her curled comfortably beside him.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2013, 05:29 PM

The moment seemed to go on for eternity... and yet at the same time, it ended far too quickly. She felt pure ecstasy flood her as two bodies merged into one, everything far more fluid than she expected. There was no awkwardness -- only pleasure, only love. Time stood completely still, it seemed, until he pulled away from her, moving off of her with startling care.
A soft, barely audible whimper fell from her lips as he slid beside her. She was pleased, content -- but she didn't want to leave his side tonight unless she absolutely had to. Almost needily, she pressed into him, panting ever so slightly herself. She returned the kisses steadily, lapping at the fur on his cheeks and neck as though she could never get enough of him. And though she felt satiated, she was certain she would want more -- children were certainly in their near future, and would most definitely come when Winter once again arrived, if not sooner.

"I love you more, my Prince," she murmured gently, her own sweet tones laced with fatigue. Going back to sleep sounded wonderful; she wanted nothing more than to be curled about him for hours, sleeping soundly. "I'd love to go home." Her tail swayed lazily behind her, eyes gleaming with a newly found love for Maverick. Was it possible that their love would simply grow, on and on, or would it ever halt? She doubted it ever would. "I wonder when I will realize if we will have children or not," she mused softly, truly curious. She would need to see Erani soon, most certainly -- would her adoptive mother be proud of her?


07-16-2013, 08:49 PM

Still buzzing on his very first entirely sexual experience, Maverick was perhaps in the best sort of mood he'd ever known in his two years of life. Contentment unlike any he had ever known flowed freely over every inch of his frame, warming his insides and outside wholly. A smile bloomed on his russet face, growing and blossoming into a grin he couldn't quite wipe away - if he'd wanted to. He was quite sure this would not be their last encounter, though for now he was satisfied. As she lathered kisses all over him he felt himself relaxing into her touch, welcoming each kiss as it came, and anticipating the next.

She murmured that she would like to go home, and he could not be more pleased with this desire. Brushing against her lightly he picked up a soft pace, keeping at her side and ensuring he didn't walk too fast or slow. Morning's glow was just showing above the line of the horizon, but he knew by the time they got back it would be brighter and more powerful - bathing them in its warm light. "I'm not sure about things like that, but I presume our Infanta, Loccian, would know." Just how he planned on getting that information from her, he wasn't sure, but he imagined he could sneak it out of her somehow. He wanted to be prepared for fatherhood - whenever it might knock on his door.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 10:02 AM

There was nobody in the world she would rather be with right now. The girl was deeply enamored with Maverick, and since she had made the choice to ask Gerhardt if she could come to Seracia in her sister's place, she hadn't felt happier. As they began the short trek back to their den, she leaned lightly into him, content to let him hold her up even if ever so slightly. A contented sigh slipped from her parted jaws, a sound that was nothing short of blissful.

"We will seek out Loccian, then," she murmured to him, her voice soft and somewhat sensual still, but it was also heavy with tiredness. "And then, your father. Once we are sure, of course." She wanted this to be a journey for them both, not just one for her. She had very little idea to expect -- Erani had taken everything in stride when she'd given birth to her children, going through the motions with grace and confidence that was unexpected. Once she was certain, she would have to venture to Valhalla and tell Erani, as well as her sister... the realization that she might have children, and that her father would never see them, suddenly became real to Epiphron. She wouldn't let it ruin her mood, and yet she couldn't help but feel guilty, as though she had somehow earned such a thing. As though, if she had been there for Cairo, he may not have died. She knew that was far from true -- and yet she envied those who had heard him speak his last words, that had been there for him.

But it was no time for such things. Quietly she loped alongside him, grateful as their den came into view, along with the slowly rising sun over the horizon. The pair slid inside with ease, Epiphron letting out a soft -- almost needy -- whimper, wanting terribly to curl about him and sleep throughout most of the morning.

- exit Epiphron -