Hattori Asahifull name
1 Yearage
Spring of Year 20birthdate
True Neutralalignment
Name: Uh-sah-heh / Ah-saa-hee
Build: Her teen years will be full of long legs and clumsy starts. When she's grown her build will echo her mother's supreme soft curves in all the right places. Though Asahi is rather unspecial and average compared to her adorned siblings she will grow into the peak effeminate build of a lithe, light, and shapely woman.
Gait: Usually her stride is light with a subtle bounce to it, but sometimes her moods can be discerned with how she walks.
Coat: The texture of Asahi's coat is inherited directly from her mother, with a soft almost silken touch. Too thin to protect her during the colder seasons. Her stark ivory white coat is splashed in gold and rich orange. An orange mark is caped over her head like a hood with white ears showing through. Small speckles of rich ivory black are speckled through her fur and match her soft black skin, paws, and nose.
Eyes: Inquisitive bright amber golds watch the world. She observes the small secretive movements one makes that belies their words.
Voice: On the rare occasion she uses her voice when her body language will not do, her voice is hushed, sweet, breathy, and typically whisper soft.
Scent: White Jasmine Green Tea
Scars: None
Her silence can be mistaken as a mute flaw, but instead, her observing and secretive nature allows her to operate invisibly among the pack. Her curiosity guides her nose as she observes and watches the world intensely, she knows very well the proverb of actions speaking louder than words.
So she dares not speak, lest her own deceptions come to light. She saves her whispers for circumstances only she believes are right.
She is unpretentious and practical, though she experiences fits of energetic mischief among those she loves, she is pragmatic and level-headed. Her aloofness and shy exterior around strangers render her timid and meek, especially outside of the bamboo walls.
Though she is sheltered and silent she longs to be known and wanted, as one of the 11 siblings who kept mostly to themselves she was the one hiding in the bamboo watching their lives play out without her.
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