Unlikely, maybe
11-23-2024, 09:51 AM
Blood and salt, the ocean seeks The shifting of the sun brought with it a strange creature to the lands, or strange when compared to the normal creatures of the continent. Massive paws left a trail of candid-like prints in their wake. Yet the creature was neither canine nor feline. The creature was in fact a mustelid, and the largest of the geneses. His spotted form was relaxed, holding a dominance in his swagger that even when relaxed came naturally, a sureness in himself. Pace eased, and unbothered, even as the strip of land's inhabitant seals and gulls made sure to tell him he was unwelcome as he moved through them. A grin like he was up to no good graced his lips. And who knew, maybe he was up to no good. Upon his back was a smaller creature. It's beady eyes set to the front as the rat clung to his mane, the plush hair parting and making a nice nest for the rat. The duo was on a course north, leaving behind their home of birth and out to cause a good time. Or at least good for them. Too much seemed to be serious these days in his birth clan, where was the fun if you were serious all the fucking time? No where good that's where. His dual colored eyes took in the long land bridge as he moved, a huff of a laugh at nothing coming from his lips as a seal barked at him, trying to warn him away from their basking group. A glance at it and the massive man was snapping at it erratically and suddenly, scaring the thing to bark and try to scoot away. A laugh then coming from him as he threw his head back with it. Whimps. If ye can't deliver then don't threaten me, damn curs. He didn't stay there though, he kept moving. He was like the wind at the moment, unyielding and ever shifting. He'd probably find somewhere to settle soon, but for now he was gonna have a little fun. It wasn't uncommon for males of his species to leave their home clan and search for someplace new, but what he wanted wasn't to lead or to blend back in with the creatures of his species, no his ass wanted more. One thing was certain, he could use a good stiff drink, so where ever he was headed he definitely desired they either have whiskey or some grains he could turn into whiskey. He had that art memorized, probably because he was a drunk. Damn he wished he could be drunk right now. The fall sun had only just begun to rise, so only the day would know where he would take it, but he bet there was a damn bottle of whiskey at the end of it all. Walk, "Talk", Think |
Art and Code by Asena; lines by EchoJellyMutt
Jaxon is a rated M for mature character. He has a mouth that could make a sailor blush and a rough around the edges personality. Thread with him with caution.
Jaxon has a rat companion named Bilge, assume he is with him on his back at all times unless stated otherwise.
Jaxon has a rat companion named Bilge, assume he is with him on his back at all times unless stated otherwise.
12-03-2024, 12:27 PM
Calliope was not often fond of travel. She very much enjoyed her home and where she belonged. There had been a time when she didn't feel like that. Very much out casted and lost among the winds. But now that she'd returned back to the Raiders and risen in the ranks, she rather stay close to their borders. If it hadn't been for the mangy coyotes heckling some of the little ones, Calliope wouldn't have found herself along the Bifrost.
The last of the coyotes lay on the shore behind her as she quickly rinsed their blood from her paws. She hummed while she worked, diligent in ensuring each and every hair was cleaned through. When she returned, she already knew she'd ask Finch to brush her fur and massage her muscles. Delighting in the idea of her little bird working her paws over her body, she was surprised to hear the steps of someone else. Looking up, her pastel eyes land on an unusual shape. Not a wolf, but not a dog either.
She scrunched up her eyes, staring at him until he drew closer. A fucking hyena? And a big one at that! Impressed, a brow shoots up as she calls out to him with a sharp bark. Friendly was not in Calliope's repertoire. "You over there! Got a place to call home?" Straight and to the point, just how she liked it.
The last of the coyotes lay on the shore behind her as she quickly rinsed their blood from her paws. She hummed while she worked, diligent in ensuring each and every hair was cleaned through. When she returned, she already knew she'd ask Finch to brush her fur and massage her muscles. Delighting in the idea of her little bird working her paws over her body, she was surprised to hear the steps of someone else. Looking up, her pastel eyes land on an unusual shape. Not a wolf, but not a dog either.
She scrunched up her eyes, staring at him until he drew closer. A fucking hyena? And a big one at that! Impressed, a brow shoots up as she calls out to him with a sharp bark. Friendly was not in Calliope's repertoire. "You over there! Got a place to call home?" Straight and to the point, just how she liked it.

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
Finch is allowed in any of her threads. Touch her, you die. Calliope gives no fucks.
12-12-2024, 01:08 AM
Blood and salt, the ocean seeks A voice called his attention and massive head turned to take in the sight of the feminine voice's owner. Gold glinting in the sun a he moved mismatched pupils to meet the females from the distance. Pale fur danced with pastels, her markings mismatched but still somehow pretty. A pretty face to go with a pretty voice. Must be his lucky day. A grin settled on his lips as he adjusted his course, coming to close the gap somewhat between them. Must really be his lucky day since this one seemed to ask first and maybe bite later. Not too many wolves he'd seen do that. "Heh, wouldn't say I do anymore. There a reason you ask there sweetheart?" Seals all but forgotten, his eyes cast to the mess she had behind her. Seemed she had her own fun this morning. He moved his eyes back to her and lowered his haunches. His companion he could feel move up to be between his ears and watch the female from there. Bilge was for lack of better words curious for curiosities sake. Most likely would of killed the thing upon seeing it but with his strange color and pattern Jaxon had been intrigued and decided to keep the thing. "So do ya got a name gorgeous? Or would ya prefer I keep calling ya nicknames?" Flattery and flirtation in his tones each time he spoke. Didn't take a genius to see how pretty she was and he didn't mind possibly inflating her ego with his flirtations. Walk, "Talk", Think |
Art and Code by Asena; lines by EchoJellyMutt
Jaxon is a rated M for mature character. He has a mouth that could make a sailor blush and a rough around the edges personality. Thread with him with caution.
Jaxon has a rat companion named Bilge, assume he is with him on his back at all times unless stated otherwise.
Jaxon has a rat companion named Bilge, assume he is with him on his back at all times unless stated otherwise.