Here we are, we've just begun
It wouldn't come as a surprise when her Auntie laughed at her predicament. People seemed to find the young girls struggles far too amusing for their own good, or so she believed. She would train everyone soon enough that she was something to admire, not to find amusement in. of course, she forgot all about that commitment a moment later when her excuse fell far too short, and the vixen before her cut right through to the truth. Ray sighed softly, already imaging being escorted back to the group and the hours of boredom that would follow.
Ray's expression widened in surprise when Selini continued to conversationally point out the holes in her tale, and to offer her better excuses. Despite herself, she began to listen intently, taking it all in with wide, curious eyes. “That's what I meant to say, I'm looking for Roar, she's out playing and I need to go find her” Ray explained, with the wide and innocent eyes of a pup.
Of course, that naive and spaced expression didn't sit naturally on her face and it was blinked away the moment something else caught her attention. She tilted her head, studying Selini curiously. Already this woman had given her some useful tips, would she go a step further? “Are you suppose to be an expert at 'proper stealth' then?” she wondered, posing at as a challenge.