
Ain't my fault it's all I got



10 Years
04-29-2018, 12:15 PM

His good eye remained focused on her, a look of pure curious gaze. What was it that made her life so miserable and made these nightmares exists. Had she done bad deeds in her lifetime? Had she done things she regretted? Maybe, just maybe they could make each other's lives peaceful for a few days so they could rest up until they felt ready to go through with their task. He shifted in his spot, his body tired of how he was currently positioned. She looked away towards the sky before looking back to the ground and speaking. He listened taking her words in as she explained her nightmares. So she had done some bad deeds in her life that were coming back to haunt her. She hadn't seemed like that bad of a person while he was interacting with her, and surely he didn't feel she deserved to suffer like this. The silence that broke seemed to cut like a knife, making him suddenly feel uncomfortable. He had never been all that good with this emotional stuff, but why should he back out now. He needed her as much as she needed him and if he was looking for relief she was his ticket.

She continued telling of the bad things she had done which to him really didn't seem that horrible. His family had also fallen apart and he had tried to do everything right. He ended up with nothing just like she did.

"You don't deserve it," he said.

He let silence fall between them again trying to think of the right type of response that would continue to upset her. Her past bad deeds didn't matter to him and his past good deeds didn't matter to her. It wasn't about the past because nothing could be changed there, it was how things ended up in the end.

"Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success," he said quietly as he looked up to the stars. "Just think about it, without what you have endured in your life and the knowledge you gain you do not have anything to pass on. Though you may not realize it, it always teaches your children something, even if it's the harsh lesson of I don't wanna be anything like my parents,"

This realization had been sudden, but he had always thought about how he would teach his kids. She had kids to warn about how she lived her life, warn how to do better deeds then she had done in her lifetime.

"Your past gives you knowledge no matter what things you have done, but at our age past doesn't matter much. What matters is how you end up and how you carry yourself until the vary end," he said before looking back over to her curious as to what she thought.

"Talk." & 'Think'

[Image: YhOwDpX.png]