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The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-30-2020, 01:35 AM

Her bright gaze turned to the woman that approached her, just as curious about the dark, white-speckled wolf as she was the unusual forest she wished she could explore. The stranger came from the Ashen side of the invisible divide between the two packs so it was obvious she as a part of the other pack. The way she carried herself told Tamsyn that she was either very confident, a confidence that Tamsyn tended to envy, or she was the leader of Ashen... or maybe both. There was no real greeting when the taller woman spoke, only a declaration that Tamsyn was new to the Armada. It wasn't a question, but she wasn't sure how else to respond than to confirm the fact that she was labeled with.

"I am," she replied politely as she dipped her head to the easily more commanding woman. She wasn't sure if this was actually the alpha of Ashen or not, but she would rather be safe than sorry. Even though she knew she was still firmly on the Armada's side of the border and she had done nothing wrong, it didn't keep her from feeling a bit nervous under the woman's violet stare. Tamsyn was always a bit uneasy in most situations so there was no reason for this to be any different. She hadn't been asked for an explanation for her presence here, but filling the silence helped ease her nerves. "I'm Tamsyn. Zee invited me to come here a couple of weeks ago. I was just out getting to know the lay of the land a little better."

Her gaze strayed back to the ivory woods just over the woman's shoulder. "I was really curious about the forest of birch trees you have... I've been doing a lot of exploring since I got to Boreas, but I haven't seen anything quite like this. If you don't mind... Could I possibly take a closer look?" Her request sounded incredibly innocent and hopeful even in her own ears, like a pup asking for someone to play with her, but it was just her hopeful nature coming to the surface. It had shown itself more and more as she got settled in here and let herself relax in the knowledge that she was finally somewhere that she would be safe.