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The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-15-2020, 10:16 PM

Tamsyn was always careful to remember other's names when they introduced themselves to her, but she would be especially sure to remember Deathbelle's name. She was a little surprised to have met the Empress so soon after joining, but perhaps she shouldn't have been. After all, Sirius had sought her out in the very first few days that she had been here so maybe it was just a general rule for the leaders of these packs to know their subjects. Of course their meeting was surely just by chance, but she still appreciated Deathbelle taking the time either way. It was still an odd sight for her to see women in positions of power in the way that Deathbelle and Zee were or even just with the ability to fight and protect themselves. It was all a new concept to the sheltered woman, but one that thrilled and amazed her. She still highly appreciated and and respected Sirius of course, but something about seeing Deathbelle hold herself in such a manner dazzled Tamsyn a bit.

When Deathbelle confirmed that she could explore the woods feely she gave the Empress a grateful smile, her tail wagging with excitement. "Oh, wonderful! Thank you!" she replied with another polite dip of her head. It made her wonder what other areas of Boreas Ashen controlled, but for now her attention was still firmly locked on the unusual woods next to them. As soon as she heard mention of a shrine hidden behind the trees, her mint gaze lit up with curiosity and she gave Deathbelle a wide, excited smile. "A shrine? I would definitely love to see it!"

With her newly granted permission, the smaller, more simply colored woman was eager to start her exploring. "If you're not busy, I'd certainly enjoy the company," she offered to the Empress with a smile, leaving an open invitation for Deathbelle to join her as she turned to move deeper into the pale woods. She wasn't sure if Deathbelle was in the middle of a patrol or some other important matter so she didn't want to assume that she was free to wander through Ashen's territory with her, but she still wanted to make it clear she was more than welcome to if she wished.

Tamsyn turned her gaze upward toward the trees as she walked, scanning the ivy covered trees, marveling at how every inch of the vegetation was solidly devoid of color. She had seen birch trees before so she had assumed these trees were the same as those, but she was beginning to wonder if her assumption had been wrong. She had never seen ivy be anything other than green or dried, never this whiteish coloring. It all gave the area an odd, mystical sort of feeling. That feeling was only deepened when the shrine that Deathbelle had mentioned came into view. Tamsyn looked at the gently glowing pool of water with awe, absolutely enraptured with it as she moved closer. She lifted a paw to trace over the interesting markings that were etched into the rocks around its edge before looking toward the glowing water again. She peered curiously into the depths of it, smiling a little as she watched the little fish dart around in the water that was riddled with the luminescent algae. "Wow..." she breathed with a giggle, her tail wagging gently behind her.