
Whisper in the woods



"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
05-14-2022, 05:53 PM
Word count: 306

Technically speaking, Hanako was another predator. She had sharp enough teeth but aside from eating and maybe the occasional affectionate nip they didn't get used for a whole lot. She was more than content to keep it that way as she wondered through the Woods, shivers wracking her form as she squinted her eyes thin. It was too cold for her liking, would probably always be and the snow! Sheesh don't get her started on the snow. Her gaze wandered down, catching sight of the wide and massive paw prints her son had left behind. The fact he'd grown even taller than his sire and Grandfather sent a rush of smugness through her in an I made that, sort of way. But what was he doing out here? Hunting, most likely as that was what these parts were for, but as his mother it was her right to come along and snoop. To force more bonding time on him, one on one where he couldn't escape her kisses.

Crunching through the snow, she paused at the scent of blood. Bas had made a kill, it seemed. Real fresh too. And then another scent in the air, one unfamiliar and unsafe, had nervousness prickling down her spine. A tiger, and a real big one too. Sucking in the breath between clenched teeth, Hanako even in knee-deep snow moved at an impressive dash, agile and swift as she skirted around. Taking the wide way around so she could approach her son from a safe angle, just so he wasn't caught unaware.

She emerged through the trees, panting but clearly relieved to see she'd gotten to him first.  Snow covered her coat, wracking shivers down her spine as the white attempted to smother out the fire of her orange.

"My baby. Tiger. That way. It's coming for your kill."

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