
Whisper in the woods




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
05-14-2022, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2022, 06:33 PM by Basilisk. Edited 1 time in total.)

He caught his breath and was standing back, examining and admiring his kill with a hint of smugness. This would feed quite a few stomachs, and no one could say he didn’t do a good job, bringing this buck down!

His falcon let out a soft warning cry, and his eyes darted up to the trees in a frown. He tensed, finally getting a feeling for the stillness in the forest. Something was out there, watching him. Something was… and then his mother burst out of the trees. He jumped in surprise, and then started to relax. It was just Hanako’s presence that had been prickling at his senses.

Then her words cut through and he understood what she was saying. There was a threat after all. He got back to his feet. Putting himself between the danger and Hanako. His mother was so small - gosh, like… really small. He frowned at that thought before the sound of snuffling dragged his attention to where his mother had pointed. He caught sight of a hint of orange first. The light of it flashing through gaps in the trees. He curled back his muzzle, snarling. On any day, he wouldn’t let a tiger steal his kill. But with his mother here, he wouldn’t let himself lose it in front of her - or let her be in danger.

He was ready when the tiger struck. Cobra fast as it launched itself from the trees and came at him. He braced himself for its impact. While it was a big, heavy set thing it was still a good ten inches shorter than the Armada youth.

It hit him hard, teeth extended, and Basilisk absorbed the impact of its strike, ducking under a blow from one meaty paw as he shoved his own weight forward in an attempt to unbalance it. He gave it a swipe of its own, and it rocked back. At the same instant, the falcon came careening from the trees, talons extended as it wracked them across the distracted tiger's face. She hit an eye and it bellowed in rage. While it was distracted Basilisk dove in again. Hitting it hard from the side as his teeth latched onto its throat. It swiped at him, and the blow him hard across the knee. He grimaced and held on. Cutting off its air flow as it slowly began to weaken, and then collapse at his feet. It took a little while to die fully, and by that point Basilisk was panting.

Winter bonus seasonal with a half count pass
wc: 1355/1250


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