Hey There, Honey
07-01-2022, 01:19 AM
Another woman had wandered into the clearing. The pawsteps had brought Corbie from her drowsing, and she had opened her eyes to see the woman nearly upon her. Before she could warn her, though, the woman noticed her and apologized. Corbie smiled reassuringly to her. "Think nothing of it. So you're listening to the bees? Trying to avoid them, or find them?" she asked curiously. "I considered capturing them, myself, but I'm afraid it's not very practical to carry a swarm of bees across half the continent." She chuckled at the picture in her head of trying to do so, the normally-gentle swarm getting more and more irritated and by the end chasing her around rather than sitting quietly in the box.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times