Dance In The Pale Moonlight
Recluse <3
10-24-2022, 08:26 PM
Mom talks about the stones being used as weapons and Enki quickly casts his gaze about in search of one. Darn, they all seem too smooth and big to be of any use to him! His next question is answered and he looks back up toward the top, thoughtfully contemplating his next question. Pale blue eyes move to catch his mother’s rosy gaze and he says, “If it is so dangerous, and the climb can be difficult, does that mean that there really is no reason to go up there except to… see what is up there?”
It seems a waste, the big glowing mouth calls to him but if it is as bad as she says, then why should he waste his time and energy getting up there when he could go explore the neighboring lands with much more ease? Now, Enki knows that, one day he will make the climb to lay eyes on the lava that bubbles within but, for now, the pup contents himself with the fact that it is too much work for him.