Last night she was murdered
10-15-2013, 06:30 PM
Seeing that look on his face Abelinda knew he didn't believe her at lest not what Abel had said about kindness, flicking an ear the dame shook her head a bit. ?Don't remain in the past; you'll never move on if you do. What happened is done and nothing can be done about it; don't assume everyone is like your father much less is without kindness. Some have their own ways of showing it while others have difficulty showing it at all.? She was speaking too much again wasn't she? Though it would seem she had unwittingly gained a student of some kind that wasn't only learning from her but was also crushing on her.
Hearing him speak up however those eyes drifted to his face once more. ?All I can say is be careful about what you say, Oddity.? There was no telling how her brother would react to such news. Moving from her spot the dame was debating on heading back to her own den rather then remain the one they had shared for the night. It was awfully small and not very well kept, not in her eyes anyway. |