
Rough Justice




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-05-2022, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2022, 01:00 AM by Deimos. Edited 1 time in total.)

Not even a beat after he stepped out into the sunlight, Alastor rounded on him and before he could react the dire brute's paw connected with the side of his head, rattling his already scattered brain with a grunt. His ear began to ring from the impact and he stumbled to the side a bit, only just catching himself and managing to stay on his paws as he grimaced and winced from the sudden, sharp pain. "What the f-" he muttered before he was cut off, Alastor suddenly rushing at him and catching the hungover, unsteady brute off guard. He snarled and pulled against the hold that Alastor was trying to get on him, stumbling again and falling slightly before pushing back up onto his paws, but there was no getting away from the sharp bite of Alastor's claws gripping into his scruff.

He was just a moment from rounding on Alastor himself and attacking the Commander back—consequences of that be damned—when Alastor's furious, hissed out words caught his attention and made him freeze. Did to her? The blackout he experienced the night prior was coming back to bite him and regardless of what Alastor believed he could truly not remember what, if anything, he had done. The evidence was there in the lingering scents that had permitted the den, but he didn't know the specifics or what exactly had transpired. Alastor shed a bit of light on the situation as he was finally told where Ikigai was—down by the lake washing up and trying to cover up her injuries. His expression didn't change but there was a twist in his gut as he again questioned what he had done, a dread and a guilt biting at him. All the work he had done to slowly begin winning Ikigai's trust felt like it had been thrown away in an instant and he was more infuriated with himself than anything else.

Regardless of what had happened, Alastor happened to find Ikigai before he had so now he had to deal with the Commander's fury regardless. In his hungover, frustrated, indignant state he couldn't care less what the brute did to him and he couldn't allow himself to simply back down and accept that he deserved whatever lashing he was about to get. "Why don't you get the fuck out of my relationship and deal with your own?" he snarled, his lips pulling back from his teeth in a snarl as he threw himself forward, jamming the front point of his shoulder into the center of Alastor's chest to knock him away or wind him or both. He growled, looking up at Alastor with a defiant glare and a slight smirk on his lips he added, "From what I hear you've been too busy getting your dick sucked by that pink bitch to pay attention to your marriage so where'd you find the time to fuck with me?"

"Deimos Medacium"