
Rough Justice



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-05-2022, 11:50 PM

ooc: PP permission granted by Shelby

The surprise and shock that caught Deimos off guard had been a wonderful ripple of delight down the demon brute's spine. Hearing his brother-in-law grunt and growl in pain had been reward in of itself for the crimes he'd committed, but Alastor wasn't done with him yet. His grip on Deimos had been successful, and now holding the other brute by the scruff he snarled his words into one violet ear. Deimos struggled some, but seemed to give up the fight when he realized what he was being punished for. The grim realization that dawned in the other male's eyes told Alastor all he needed to know. Deimos knew what he had done. He knew and had drunk to forget it all. Cowardly fuck... Couldn't even face the reality of what he had done to that poor girl. Alastor's siam claws bit deeper into the wolf's scruff, angered by his lack of a reaction or acceptance of his guilt. Instead, what Alastor received was a venomous response from the true-blooded Mendacium, a snarl turned in his direction, and then Deimos was pushing into him, shoving Alastor back and forcing him to relinquish his hold on his foe's neck.

Deimos' smirk on his arrogant, smug face would have been enough to justify another smack from Alastor, but it was the words that followed that sealed the slate wolf's fate. Alastor's pupils shrank to furious pinpricks in amongst the sea of black obsidian, his jaw set hard and ebony lips peeled back from deadly white fangs. Something twinged inside his brain, an animalistic rage pulling at the back of his mind like a marionette string being tugged. The dumb asshole didn't know when to shut his fucking mouth, did he? Snarling, Alastor lunged for Deimos, closing the gap between them in one bound. He didn't stop his momentum, instead throwing his shoulder into Deimos' side to return the shove, but he kept going, pushing harder and harder until he had pushed the other wolf up into the rocky wall of the mountainside. Alastor withdrew, but only so he could slam his shoulder back into Deimos again, slamming the wolf into the rocky wall a second time.

Once he was sure Deimos was dazed, that same paw that had held his neck shot up to grasp Deimos by his skull, thrusting his muscular foreleg forward to bash Deimos' head against the wall, then turning with a twisting motion to drag Deimos down to the hard ground. He threw the wolf down, his paw still grasping his opponent's head in a vise-like grip with razor sharp claws biting into the flesh around his brow and chin for a better hold. Alastor showed no mercy, expression contorted into a violent snarl as he lifted Deimos' head and slammed it down into the rocky mountain ledge once, twice, three times until he saw smatterings of blood beneath the slate wolf's head. As enraged as he was, Alastor was still in control—for now. He didn't wish to kill or permanently damage Deimos, but he would not let his offenses come to pass without judgment. Noting the blood seeping from the fresh gash in his temple, Alastor snarled and shoved Deimos' head back to the ground, applying some weight to keep him pinned while he loomed over his injured foe.

"You'd do best to remember your place, Predator," he hissed with seething rage between clenched fangs, a lethal growl reverberating his husky tones with each syllable spoken. "Your name and your blood won't spare you from me. Take this as your one and only warning. If you dare lay a paw on Ikigai to harm her again, I will rip all four of them from your legs and then I'll feed you your own cock. I'll leave your rotting corpse on the beach for the gulls and the crabs to dispose of." The paw over Deimos' head flexed, applying more pressure to the downed wolf's skull and pressing his claws deeper into the thin flesh around his face in imminent threat. "If you say another word about my marriage or Relm, I'll tear your smarmy tongue from your mouth. Do you understand me?" He leaned closer, snarling, daring Deimos to say something stupid again. If he was smart, he would accept his punishment and yield. But would Deimos prove to be a smart wolf...?

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
