
Rough Justice



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-08-2022, 02:45 AM
Amidst his brutalizing of the guilty, Alastor felt Deimos thrash and struggle against him, trying to break free or fight back or do anything but be victimized. Ironic, given that he likely hadn't given Ikigai any quarter when he'd had his way with her last night. A sick, twisted part of his mind enjoyed rendering Deimos helpless and bent to his will, and a part of him considered doing to him what he had done to Ikigai, just to teach him a lesson. Ah, but that might be going too far. A little roughing up, some spilt blood and lingering threats, that should do the trick. Deimos lashed out at him with wild bear paws, those hooked claws managing to catch the ebony dire wolf in the shoulder and across his collar a few times, tearing into skin and muscle. None of the wounds were particularly deep, but they did run red with his blood and stung like a bitch. Alastor grit his teeth and growled against the pain, each stabbing sting just reinvigorating him, like taking a shot of adrenaline. If only Deimos knew he was fighting a masochist...

In the end, Alastor had gotten Deimos exactly where he wanted him. Pinned down beneath his bulk and within his power, Alastor demanded his brother-in-law's submission for his own sake. But Deimos stubbornly refused. Instead, the Mendacium brute doubled down on his attempts to goad Alastor into further violence. This time, he succeeded. Deimos' taunting words brought a brief pause to the psychopathic dire wolf, his expression freezing as he processed what the other man had said. Black lips quivered with untethered rage, something snapping behind empty obsidian eyes. Deimos had fucked Manea. Manea had been intimate with her brother gods knew how recently and she hadn't told him. She hadn't told him that the brothers she was bringing into the pack were lovers of hers as well. A deep sense of betrayal cut through the demon wolf's blackened heart. Had Manea fucked Merrick too and not told him about that? How many other secret lovers had she snuck into Elysium without his knowledge?

With Deimos still pinned beneath his paw, Alastor shifted his weight and brought his other paw crushing down on his opponent's throat, pressing forward with all his weight to choke Deimos without mercy. Alastor snarled, more like a feral animal than a sentient creature at this point. Spittle flew from bared fangs as he thought about the dozen different ways he could end this reprobate's life here and now. The consequences might be worth the reward and pleasure he took in watching Deimos expire. Alastor pressed harder on Deimos' throat. He wanted to see the other man squirm, kick, thrash for air he wouldn't receive. Siam claws extended to dig into the soft tissue of the other wolf's neck. All he had to do was grip a little tighter and his claws would tear through veins and arteries. Deimos would be dead before his heart stopped beating. Or he could just keep leaning forward. The slate male would either choke to death or have his neck crushed. Alastor quivered with sadistic pleasure as he imagined what that crunch would sound and feel like.

Ah, but the thin strip of consciousness that remained in Alastor's fragmented mind reminded him that he was not above Elysium's laws either. He would be responsible for murdering Deimos, and lord knew what an already pissed off Manea might sentence him too. So he would let the cocky fucker live... for now. But he wouldn't let him go easy. The paw on Deimos' face flexed, sending sharp siam claws sinking through his thin skin until he felt them hit hard bone. With his claws embedded in Deimos' brow, Alastor gave his brother-in-law a wicked grin and then pulled his paw across Deimos' face with all his might. Razor-like claws rent through flesh like shears through paper, ripping several cuts down Deimos' face from above his right brow and through his cheek down to the end of his snout. He had intended to take Deimos' eye in the process, but the other male's brow bone had deflected his claws just enough to spare him from a blinding.

With Deimos' face sufficiently torn up and bloody, Alastor squeezed his paw tighter around the wolf's neck, lifted his head up, then slammed it back down into the hard rock one last time before releasing him so he could breathe. Moment by moment Alastor began to recover, breathing hard while he gradually came down from his combat-driven high. When he'd taken enough breaths to step off of Deimos and admire his work, Alastor delivered another kick aimed for Deimos' exposed belly just to knock the wind out of him some more. "Come near me or my family again, I'll make you wish you'd been culled." As he stepped past the crumpled form of the bruised and bloodied Deimos, Alastor aimed one last parting kick aimed for Deimos' snout. Whether it broke the brute's nose or just stunned him didn't matter. Alastor reveled in any little bit of pain he could inflict. Deimos had more than deserved it. And if he thought he was making idle threats, he was welcome to test them. Alastor would take great pleasure in proving him wrong.

- exit Alastor unless stopped -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
