Their mother had indeed trained her in the art of battle, that was one thing she knew she would never forget. Novel had been quite adamant about her daughter knowing how to defend herself. That was not the only part of battle she had been taught. That lesson had been quite dark, but it certainly served her well once. Novella was certain that her sister was the one she wanted to see and as her voice continued the motive became more clear. Song shouldn't have been surprised, after the challenge it seemed most of Ludicael was gearing up for battle.
Her kind features would gain a tinge of concern as she thought of the questions, Novella needed to know how to keep herself safe in case the rest of the pack was unable to protect her. There were wicked creatures that lurked outside of their borders, and she knew she wanted her sister to be safe. "I should have realized that they wouldn't have trained you so persistently." She would begin, the words almost wholly for herself, "Of course i will help you. We're living in dangerous times, everyone should know how to keep themselves safe." The smile would return to her maw as she thought of the time she'd be able to spend with the girl. "Do you know anything about battle?" Song would start the lesson with trying to understand exactly where Novella was coming from.