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The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-18-2024, 02:14 AM

Her second birthday was so close she could taste it. Just a few more months and she'd be considered a full blown adult. She wasn't sure why that was something she was chasing so eagerly, but at the very least it meant that she was getting more and more freedom to go and do what she wanted. It was mostly the going places that she was interested. She had looped through the territories that Ashen owned more times than she could possibly count and all of the ones immediately bordering them had been seen by her at least a couple of times by now. Now that she was on the cusp of her second birthday she could finally start venturing out a little further as long as she had her companions with her which was completely fine by her. She hardly went anywhere without Umber or Goldie anyway so that was an easy condition to meet.

It was later in the day when she got to the Gulley, the sun just dipping bellow the horizon. Even though her family was mostly active at night she knew it was easier to travel and see things during the day so if she was going off on her own she tried to at least get going in the afternoon. Luckily the moon was big and full as it began to peek through the clouds and be revealed by the setting sun so even as the sun went away she still had a nice amount of cool, white light to see by. Umber flew around overhead, her loud "hoo"s reminding her occasionally that the owl was still there. Meanwhile Goldie had already wandered off a bit to a bunch of nearby bushes that were dotted with a bunch of berries. "Make sure you're not eating any poisonous ones!" she called after the golden jackal with a little chuckle before she turned her magenta gaze back toward the landscape. She stood in what felt like the middle of a valley, lush foliage, flowers, and plants spreading up and out on either side of her. Well... If she was going to land anywhere for the night at least this was a pretty place to do it.

"Rebel Klein"

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1. This is pretty alright I guess Fern Gulley 02:14 AM, 01-18-2024 05:30 AM, 05-01-2024