
This is pretty alright I guess

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The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-18-2024, 11:11 PM

The decision to keep a respectable distance between them was only to ensure she did not come with others. Her two companions not something he really cared much for. However, if any unknown wolves chose to present themselves in that moment, at least he had time to assess the situation before hand. His movements were quite calm. Calculated under the conditions presenting themselves. The young female simply looking over various plants in observation and acknowledgement. It made his tail flick with interest. Taking a mere second to sweep his gaze over the Gully. What it had to offer nearly sickened him as he preferred the shadows and darkness of corners and such. This place reeked more for those who’d picked to be healers. Yet, he said nothing when choosing to approach her in a last minute decision. Words still choosing not to escape sealed lips. Her blue and winter’s white coat so happened to be a sight to see the closer he got. The markings adoring her legs quite different from those of his family genes.

Looking at the raspberry bush she’d chosen to feed from he, too, took in partaking some of the sweetly tart fruit. It’s staining red pigment coating the interior of his mouth with ease. One. Two. Few. Cifarelli did not know he’d enjoy such a delicacy. A thought of such taste with a mix of canid flesh or even on a bloodied hog brought him to hum in satisfaction. Only then did he allow his attention to fall back t’wards the adolescent. Or, was she reaching the age of becoming a yearling? He did not know nor did he care. Using a paw to dig at the roots of the bush itself in thought, he continued further along the path. Pass the gathering willow trees and to what smelled of a stream to clean his pallet. Cifarelli wasn’t intentionally ignoring her. He just rather she spoke first.

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1. This is pretty alright I guess Fern Gulley 02:14 AM, 01-18-2024 05:30 AM, 05-01-2024