
This is pretty alright I guess

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The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-19-2024, 12:25 AM

Ah. So, she hadn’t noticed him as of yet. Not until the reveal his presence became alerted by that damn bird perched just over their heads. He made a mental note that if it were ever to get close enough, surely it would meet its ends with a quick snap of his jaws. Winged creatures were both useful and useless all in the same breath. Choosing best to ignore the thing all together. An ear flickered at the low growls of the jackal approaching its master. The sounds answered with a deep guttural one of his own. "Control your pet. Before he becomes my lunch." A brow rose in mock expression. Flashing the golden coated canid his teeth. Ones far sharper than that of its own. "I was merely passing by when your scent brought me here."

Cifarelli shook his head at the accusation. He was not one to just simply follow someone out of boredom. There had to be some sort interest to keep him lurking around. "How does one follow another… when they do not know of which direction they’ve come from?" Chuckling at his riddle like question, he turned his back to continue the path t’wards the flowing stream. The crystalline surface reflective of the moon above becoming more present than before. Ripples greeted him as he slid his tongue repeatedly to take in his fill. Ears listening on whatever response the young woman would have and preparing for whatever actions the jackal chose to take. He knew Sephiran would not be happy if he started a fight with one of another band or pack. But, where was the fun of not causing a bit of trouble while he continued his explorations of the new lands?

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1. This is pretty alright I guess Fern Gulley 02:14 AM, 01-18-2024 05:30 AM, 05-01-2024