09-29-2013, 10:05 PM
and so she would acknowledge him, her pale colored eyes matching his mirrored gaze. how ironic it was that they shared the same features, yet they were both different, both inside, and out. he was a feline, and she was a mutt. he was a devilish player, and she a temptress willing to play his games. in ways they were similar, yet they both had come from the opposite ends of the world. again, how ironic. his lips would crease into a smile as the woman began speaking in his native language. so far she had been the only mutt who was capable of speaking spanish, and it only attracted him much more. "La serpiente es muy precisa. Ning?n hombre quiere empujar contra una mujer dos veces su peso." (That is very accurate serpent. No man wants to push against a woman twice his weight.) he would say in a teasing tone. at least this mutt cared about her appearance, and that was something the man treasured in women.
his eyes would roll along the creases of her body as she would bow, stretching out what seemed to be every muscle in her body- only she was hiding the one he desired most to see flaunted before him. his gaze lifted up to catch that she was waiting for his reaction, and he merely curled the corners of his lips into a smirk. he liked what he saw, that much was obvious. there was no need for him to regard it further. "Satisfactoria. Siempre hay margen para la mejora." (Satisfactory. There is always room for improvement.) he would say as he took a step toward her, attempting to close the distance between them. though they were feet away he was no satisfied with their distance. he wanted her closer. "Tal vez me puede ayudarle a ser m?s ?gil." (perhaps I can help you become more limber)