
Perfect By Nature




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

5 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-02-2024, 08:32 PM

As the truth of what had kept Fiametta away began to steadily come to light, Avacyn began to realize that all of her fears of her sister's absence had been true all this time. She had convinced herself that Fia's departure was simply a natural part of a Mendacium wolf's life. They heard plenty of stories of their ancestors going on long journeys to find themselves, to find Soul Mates, to stake out a home of their own. Their own mother had done it before she settled Elysium for them here. She had let herself believe that Fia was fine and well and that nothing bad could happen to her sister. In reality, it seemed like all of the worries and fears she had silenced had come true after all.

As Fia broke down and wrapped her forelegs around her, Avacyn immediately returned the embrace and held her tight to let those tears fall for as long as Fia needed. "I'm so sorry, Fia..." she said softly, resting a paw gently on the back of her sister's head as her face pressed into her fur. She should have gone looking for her herself, she should have been more concerned about her absence. There was nothing that could be done about it now and she tried to remind herself that there's very little chance that she would have been able to find her sister regardless of her efforts if they had taken her off of the continent, but the regrets were there regardless. All she could do was thank the Ancients that she had the strength to get away and make it back to them one way or another.

Eventually she felt Fia's sobs begin to slow and settle and when her sister pulled back Ava let her hold on her loosen a bit, their matching dark eyes meeting once again. Just as she was searching for something to say, for some kind of reassurance or promise that she was safe now, her train of thought was wiped clean when Fia surprised her by leaning forward to press their lips together. Ava's eyes went wide with shock at first, but she didn't pull away. Once that initial disbelief and confusion began to fade, she softened and returned her sister's kiss with one of her forepaws shifting to rest on Fia's cheek. She was gentle as she slipped away from the kiss after a few lingering moments, her gaze connecting with Fia's once more with a little smile.

The logical side of her mind rationalized it away. Her sister was heavily drunk, emotionally unstable, and certainly didn't know what she was really doing in this moment. That's all it was. Still, Ava couldn't help herself from pulling Fia into her chest again and pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head. She was quiet for a moment before she said softly, "When... When I was grieving the loss of me and Saracyn's pups I just wanted to push everyone away and be by myself, but in the end that only made it worse. Will you come stay with us? I don't like the thought of you being up here by yourself like this. I love you... Let me help you." She wasn't sure what that help would look like or what Fia even needed to process this trauma she had been put though, but being alone couldn't be the right solution.

"Avacyn Mendacium"