-kiss me hard before you go
01-09-2014, 06:58 PM
His touch would calm her, it always did, quelled something deep within her and put her at peace. As he leaned against her she would sigh, her eyes slipping closed as she waited for his words. When they came, they were not what she expected - instead of words of explanation, instead of approval or disapproval of their home, he would say that he loved her. It caught her by surprise, and she would hum in approval. "I love you." She gently reply. It was immediate, there was no question about it, no hesitance, it was probably the one thing about the woman that was truly not changeable. "But that doesn't mean you aren't hurt." His words were so gentle, so smooth and sweet. Yet she would fear the moment, just slightly, because there was the lingering doubt that she had managed to hurt him. It was a crime in her eyes to do such. "You can tell me anything you know." Whether it was personal, or everyday musings that had no real answers about them, even his most nonsensical of thoughts could be shared - she would listen, even if it was only to hear the sound of his voice. "I love your voice too."