He would nod to her as she realized how ready she was to be out of the pit. She had certainly occupied it for far too long, and he would be her gateway forth. She would feel him tense beside her as his words would cause the next chain of events to occur. "Alright on the count of three? one? twoo? three!" She would feel his shoulder push into her own and she would lean on him to support her weight instead of her hurt ankle. Using her other three limbs they would struggle out of the gaping pit, she would make it only with the Help of Shilah. She would heave an alleviated sigh as her paws once again touched the sweet grass. When Shilah didn't say anything immediately her attention would be drawn to the building storm clouds as well. It seemed she would not be napping under those perfect trees today.
Her ears would fall back in a disappointed manner before she realized they were in fact not going to come between her and that glorious nap. "Where would you like to go?" His body had turned to her once again, the question slightly starting her. All she needed was out of the pit, was he offering to take even somewhere further? Her face would become slightly curios, but she was not quite as needy anymore. Gingerly her wrapped foot would touch the ground as she replied, "Underneath that tree is fine," her tiara would motion towards the green grass under the cool shade. "That's where I was headed before the earth swallowed me up, thank you by the way... for saving me." The latter of her statement was rather muted, she was rather embarrassed by being so needy.