
crumbling down


02-11-2014, 07:30 PM

Rock to rock the silver figure seemed to glide from one to another. It's tiny frame light enough to make each leap effortless. Her tiny paws landed with the grace of a fallen angel, doomed forever to live on earth with only one wing. Her black tipped tail wavy slightly to keep her balance as she roamed from rock to rock. Icy blue pools searched out the land, sharp and intent on finding any small movement. Her stomach rumbled as a reminder to her current task. Each landing she took was made with the outmost care to keep her claws from clicking in the rocks. Stealth would be the key to hunt down mice, birds or even a rabbit. But as the sun was setting she paused to stare off into the distance. It would seem luck was not in her favor. Head lowered in defeat when she noticed movement in the corner of her left eyes. Head whipped around to fixate on a large bird some good feet away. A bird of prey had the same intentions as her, but had better luck and was picking at a mouse. Ears laid back as she lowered her body. Could she be swift enough to catch it? It was only a few feet away. Judging the jumps needed and the speed required she went for it. Body was low to the rock, skimming them as she made two quick leaps before she could even reach the hawk. But already it was taken air. She gasped and launched herself up into the air. Front claws and jaws stretched out to hold the hawk's belly in her grasp. But such a leap had her twisting in the air, not ideal for a rocking landing.

The hawk cried out right before they hit the large rocks and slide down between two. A whelp of pain was emitted from the young girl as she had landed on her shoulder and slithered down the face of the rock on her side. Landing on her back she thrashed about while also ending the bird's life. It hung limp in her jaws but now she was wedged between the two rocks on her back. She spat the hawk out and kicked out her legs. It was no use, she was stuck. She grunted, the throbbing in her shoulder slowly growing intense. Another whine left her muzzle as she laid there looking up at the darkening sky. Would she be stuck here forever?

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

I can talk!