
small talk


02-20-2014, 04:48 PM

Decisions had been made, change was in the air, and it was time Maverick let the proper authorities know of them. He hoped this would not end badly, but on the off chance it did he didn't bother calling the rest of his family into attendance. He was their patriarch, this was a matter he could settle himself. Not a smile wrinkled his mask, and yet he didn't look sullen either - simply.. himself. Cranium tilted back to a certain degree as he let loose a beckoning howl for his new Queen. It was interesting, and perhaps slightly disheartening, that he knew so little of her, but that didn't much matter now. Head returned to its normal state as he rocked onto his haunches and made himself comfortable. He was very near the center of the Range, close enough to see the shed in shambles, and the barn in the far distance. He remembered the storm that had nearly brought both buildings to the ground, and yet by some miracle they still stood. He remembered the days of his youth when he'd explored them in their entirety, when he'd nearly gotten killed inside the shed out of his own sheer stupidity. Oh how time had flown by. There he would wait for her arrival.
