Firstborn Thoughts
03-11-2014, 06:09 PM
It was obvious her son was experiencing a bit of turmoil within. She would feel her own pearly ears fall back as the boy would refrain from returning her nuzzle. She would patiently sit and await his next words, hoping she'd be able to console him somehow. It might just have needed to be tough love. Life was hard to deal with, it wasn't easy and you didn't always get your way. He would withdraw himself further from her, and as he did she would feel her heart break. "Dhiren, life is always changing. Rarely does anything stay the same. It's not always a bad thing either," her sweet voice would try an convince him, but in the end he would need to pull through this himself. "let me tell you something I learned a long time ago," she would begin, talking to his back, but still hoping he would listen. "Worrying about things will never get you anywhere, no matter how much of it you do, it will never change the situation. The best you can do is live in the moment and enjoy the present as much as you can." she would grow silent and place her head sadly upon her paws, hoping her boy would make it through this big life lesson unscathed.?