
makes no difference who you are


06-22-2014, 03:48 PM

Jowls hung loosely agape, allowing air to filter over the roof of his mouth. Instinctively his lips would furl upward, wrinkling upon themselves to reveal pearly white fangs. His grin had not yet begun to yellow, as he was only in his second year of life. Soon enough he would bare the golden tinge of a more mature lion. The wind batted playfully at his mane as he scented the air, noting the presence of another feline. The striped one came into view quickly, ears pushed forward with interest. Enzo lifted his head to greet the other cat, with a slight rumble in his chest. The rumble pushed out of his nostrils and throat simultaneously, forming a welcoming chuff. It was most often used to greet his siblings, but it would not be lost just because this cat wasn't related to him. 'There's nary much but rodents here, regal one.' ?and apparently a tiger,? he noted with mild amusement. ?If the prey didn't lure you here, what did - striped one?? A brow raised, arcing high over his right amber eye. There had to be some allure to this land, and if it wasn't the prey Enzo had an idea that it might be the water. In wintertime, smaller bodies of water would freeze over - this one was far too large and deep to freeze completely. Had thirst brought the other cat here? His haunches folded, allowing his hips to grace the earth as he eyed the other cat from a comfortable distance. Perhaps this one would be of some assistance to him.
