The dark woman listened carefully to the words of the other, annoyed how this fool would not stop yelling. She'd bring down all the packs with her shouting!
Batari is Batari!
Not hard to figure that out, was it?
Batari has no need to be quiet!
Fool! Do you want to bring every last pack down here?!
This 'Batari' would not stop barking such nonsense, though one sentence caught the dark lady's attention.
She has nothing to fear of in these caves! Do you have fear in these caves?
If the proud woman is hoping for Aislinn to fear her than she is certainly on the wrong path. Aislinn feared nothing. She had no feelings. She was torn, shattered, soulless. No happiness, no joy, no envy. Just pain, agony and misery. No-one can make her bow down at someone's paws, she choses who she follows. And she follows no-one.
"One who serves the darkness..." The lady hissed through the trapping shadows, piercing claws scraping the stone floor. Fangs glistened in the darkness, blood-hungry azure eyes met the older woman. "Fears nothing..."
Ambers orbs stared back at her, and Aislinn could only give an amused snarl. What was this stumbling creature going to do? Yell back at her? Oh, she hoped this woman knew no fear, and perhaps was a use in fighting and hunting. She did quite admire this dame's large and staggering height, as well as her muscular and thick build. Batari seemed like a powerful warrior, and Aislinn had enough of coming across weaklings such as her brother. Perhaps this Batari is more than just yells and shouts.
The eerie hungry glow would flicker across the caves. Aislinn held her position in the lurking shadows, waiting for a response from the older woman. In a way she was most interested in what Batari would reply back. Though she hid that behind her heavy armor of teeth and claws.
"Speech" Thoughts and voices